- What version are you using
- What kind of error do you get
- What operating system are are you using?
- Your error log file
- If you cannot connect to other players do this?
1: What version are you using: - I'm using a version called "First Decade"
2: What kind of error do you get: - Every time I am in lobby and start the game it disconnects me and says "Could not connect to other players"
3: What operating system are are you using: - Windows 10
4: Your error log file: Posted them, though CNCOnline_Log.txt is empty
5: If you cannot connect to other players do this: I've done couple of things which still couldn't much.
Ps. Steps I've taken as alternative:
1: I tried playing with myself in online multiplayer mode and it works.
2: I tried playing LAN with a friend of mine that has the original version and it works
3: I tried port forwarding (although not sure if I did it correctly) I found some guides on youtube where i basically made a static ip by applying with command promit using ipconfig thingy then like putting in the something personal ip4 internet within share center in control panel (wifi connection) and then getting onto my router and finding simple option port forward and imputing applied ip and ports which was set in game (in the firewall selection in game option)
4: I tried turning off my hamachi (by disabling it)
5: I tried disabling my firewall (in windows not via my router)
6: I tried turning off avast while gaming
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Edited by arkhestarmatis, 05 August 2021 - 10:28 PM.