i'm currently trying to alter the ring hero system a bit. I want to allow certain heroes to pickup the ring on their own, e.g. granting them new special powers when they pickup the TheDroppedRing entity.
So far i managed to successfully grant upgrades whenever a hero picks up the one ring (via lua).
<ObjectStatusEvent Name="OnPickupRing"> <Conditions>+HOLDING_THE_RING</Conditions> </ObjectStatusEvent> ... <EventList Name="MyFancyFunctions" Inherit="BaseScriptFunctions"> <EventHandler EventName="OnPickupRing" ScriptFunctionName="OnRingPickup" DebugSingleStep="false"/> </EventList>
function OnRingPickup(self) ObjectGrantUpgrade(self, "Upgrade_MyFancyUpgrade") end
The only issue with this approach is that the one ring FX, as seen in the screenshot below, is not removed.
The question is: is it possible to somehow destory (or maybe just hide) the attached TheDroppedRing entity?
Edited by darkatra, 02 October 2023 - 07:33 PM.