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Play multiple factions?

factions builders world building dual multiple factions play as multiple factions

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#1 Sntn499

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Posted 30 November 2023 - 12:37 AM



Huge fan of the Age of the ring work. Its fantastic. One aspect of why I love this game so much is the aspect of building a world. Sometimes I enjoy just playing by myself and building out "kingdoms" and towns with all of the available assets. Age of the rings has some incredible assets, buildings, and units. I'm just wondering if there is a way to control multiple builders from multiple factions? I've played a couple mods that allow for that sort of thing and I'm wondering if there is a way to do that with Age of the ring? I love to world build, but in-game, not trying to create maps from scratch with the world builder program. Not looking to play this competitively, just solo fun, creatively. Thanks!


Here is one mod that does it: https://www.gamerepl...action-gameplay

It's just the basic version of the game though, but a cool idea. 

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