Bugs, Mismatches, and Errors. POST HERE
#161 Guest_Guest_Vanguard_*_*
Posted 02 May 2005 - 04:12 PM
I don't mean to take sides on this even though I am in the US, but Ace is right, Russian Militiary is obsolete, and having a stealth tank isn't real smart, because while it wont show on radar, we can spot them with the good old Eye ball, and then we also have satalites, their aircraft are far more obsolete then any of the newest of ours (as far as I know), and they are in a debt, we bring in trillions of dollars, a year, of course we still have issues with our spending, and I do admit our people think we are undefeatable. We do also have problems with stomping around like we own the world, which we really shouldn't do that, because it can cause wars, but that's because we have assholes for Presidents.
On a side note, the Razorback isn't invincible, in version 3.0, it is only invicible until after it attacks, and then for a 1 second duration after that.
#162 Guest_Ali P_*
Posted 06 May 2005 - 12:42 PM
Posted 12 May 2005 - 02:56 AM
First let me thank you for the mod. Very nice! A lot of fun. Unfortunately I'm having the same problem as had been reported back on the 20th of April. A multiplayer LAN game that includes the Super Weapon General 'Mismatches' after 30-40 minutes of play. I have tried a selection of official and unofficial maps. Mismatches every time
Did anyone ever find a solution to this problem?
Posted 12 May 2005 - 04:21 PM
#166 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 14 May 2005 - 09:56 PM
I played it again, it seems to be a random occurance. I dont know what to say to it, other than I sometimes finish games with the general and sometimes not.
However, the old version of the game used to do that with the SW general too - not always, and not usually, but enough so that when I would LAN play I would never use more than one (and even then, rarely) SW general for one of the comps. I used to be them ALL of the time, however.
I dont know if there is much anyone here can do about the problem. I think EA Games needs to take that one up (lol, yeah right).
#167 Guest_=Guest=_*
Posted 15 May 2005 - 06:52 PM
When trying to download PR 3.0 from the website I get the following error message:
"Cannot copy Project Raptor 3.0: Access is denied.
Make sure that the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use."
I've had this problem with both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, on two different computers. Does anyone have an idea what the problem is, or a working download link?
#168 Guest_deathbysword_*
Posted 30 May 2005 - 04:07 PM
I tried going to filefront to directly download it, but they have project_raptor
Project_raptor patch, project_raptor24, and project raptor v3.
Anyone know which ones of these I need? Or is v3 the only one related to this website?
#169 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 04 June 2005 - 01:45 AM
#170 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 05 June 2005 - 09:14 PM
Could you possibly just remove this weapon? Give SW general like a patriot with more missiles or something. The EMP's kill the game.
#171 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 07 June 2005 - 12:46 AM
well i dont want the emp patriots removed i like them. perhaps he can find a way to fix it without removeing them.I believe thats it. The EMP's are a bitch to the game's memory and graphics.
Could you possibly just remove this weapon? Give SW general like a patriot with more missiles or something. The EMP's kill the game.
#172 Guest_repulse_*
Posted 09 June 2005 - 06:06 PM
Posted 14 June 2005 - 12:30 PM
[B]major bug in the game u cant uninstal it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tryed repairing and uninstaling and repairing the game again and again i looked everywere in the start menue and found nothing to uninstal it with ive asked foe help but i dont understand what they are saying to me on how to uninstal it. i tryed to download a patch to help me but it only f**ked up my game and now i cant play it. i tryed uninstaling and repairing and every thing else and to no eval. are u ever going to make a new patch to help me and every one else that suffers from this problem???? plss help my aim is "blableebla boy" contackt me as soon as posible i need your help ok.
is this where u uninstalled it and rebooted ur pc and it tryies to reinstall cos if so i had this problem, if not i have this.
not only does it not install it right, if you uninstall it when u reboot ur pc it leaves behind 2 registry enteries:
ISUPMstartup and ISUSScheduler.
and yes i did a clean install b4 i installed it, and then i uninstalled and reistalled after i removed the mod and then i deleted the left over files also.
Posted 15 June 2005 - 02:34 AM
As for the cruiser, I was playing with it in sandbox mode on a map I'm working on, and I had it force fire at a spot on the beach (nothing in particular) and only two of the three guns responded to the forced fire. I'll try it again with an actual enemy and see how it does.
By the way, I also noticed that the cruiser doesn't have guard or attack move buttons. Was this an oversite, or is there a reason for that?
#180 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 17 June 2005 - 02:43 AM
Thanks if you can do it!
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