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Bugs and Improvements

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Posted 27 November 2004 - 10:34 AM


-None found so far apart from things which are buggy in all sides in all genrals of USA (The in gerneral bit)

USA Super Weapon General
-Power particle cannon isn't pink like normal one becomes (more powerful) unless it was meant to be like this.

USA in general
-Ageis voice commands are quiter than all other units.
-when bird of pray missles are done it says "Black namplam upgrade is complete"
-Drones on drone carrier dont fire at target

-None found so far apart from things which are buggy in all genrals of China (The in gerneral bit)

China in General
-Reators get no damage when on over charge.
-No count down timer for space nukes.
-Tool tip missing for building change and for the emp upgrade for the new plane
-tooltip for going to other vechicle menu missing
-Grenander does not get the black naplm upgrade.
-Says "sud storm is ready" when space nuke is.

-None found so far apart from things which are buggy in all genrals of GLA (The in gerneral bit)

GLA in general
-tooltip for going to other vechicle menu missing
-Crop dustor voice commands are quiter than all other units.
-Chemical factory has black market image when you click on it.

-cant select waypoint in water for shipyard.
-when select point to move the ships in the water they move off target
-Ships go on land

-The new planes ( apart from the crop duster) on about to take off should have fire from the jets, like the old ones.
-Smoke should come from the nuclear missile/napalplam torado missle.
-There should be some kind of animation for the GLA special, like a particle unleaser comes out of a bunker in the building.
-Lazer general should get lazer strike as a generals promotion firing lazers from satiles randomly at the target.

Menu bugs and improvements
-The team and defence challange are the wrong way round
-There should be music for the shell map

Edited by THEEVERGOD, 27 November 2004 - 10:37 AM.


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#2 juanmanuelsanchez


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Posted 27 November 2004 - 01:21 PM

thanks a lot for this ! we will take them in count for next version

keep them coming! :p



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Posted 27 November 2004 - 04:50 PM

Here are some more:

GLA Toxin general
When the acid rain storm is ready the silo opens, but when launched firstly the lid of the silo suddenly appears closed, and missile fires through it, sideways it the goes forward and then suddenly changes to the direction of the target site.
In the introduction I saw lightning coming from the clouds. When I launch it and it hits to form the cloud, no lightning come from it just the explosion of it.

I think the acid rain, the anthrax should be able to be upgraded to the gamma, or if it is meant to be like that because green is more of an acid rain sort of colour keep it the same.

Map bugs
On Ocean Warz Day, the AI can build in the water.

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Posted 28 November 2004 - 06:00 PM

Here are some more:

USA Laser General
-On loading screen it says he gets advanced cold fusion reactors but when you play as him either it does not say that they are advanced or they aren’t. I don’t think they are because they don’t seem

GLA in general
-Shipyards take up power and so once built it keeps on saying power is low when you don’t have any structures, which create power.
-When crop doctor damaged badly it turns into a small raptor sort of plane and when dies crashes in that image.

-Laser General should get laser energy cannon instead of power particle cannon as he is the laser general, and I think it should be a little bit stronger and should last longer because it does not loss as much energy as the particle cannon does, because in the particle beam some of the energy is lost through heat particles.
-GLA should get power structures such as the windmill to power things such as the scud storm.
-There should be some new tech building, maybe an ionic interference one which blocks radar and grounds all planes for a certain amount of time and if they try to take off once in the air they are instantly destroyed and crash (If possible).

Menu bugs and improvements
-The team and defence challenge are the wrong way round, is on the descriptions.
-When you go into them it just says Hard, Hard and Hard.

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#5 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 12 December 2004 - 10:34 AM

China Nuke General
-None found apart from the China in general.

GLA Black Market General
-Missiles on scud barge start as purple tipped instead of white
-Quad turrets are discoloured
-When you change the appearance of the nuke truck it does not change back to show you it original look like the other demo trucks. It is only shown when uncloaked by defences
-The tooltip for the dirty bomb is missing.

-Nuke general should get upgrade to his nuke to make it a neutron nuke, as well as everything it does at the moment it also kill all crews of vehicles, so are able to be captured. Or add the nuke truck to his side which is able to do this (could use the one used in the missions).
-Black Market general should not get a nuke truck, as it does not fit GLA. Instead the truck should explode the same but unleash different toxin, it should be noticeable with different colours in the radiation left instead of just the nuke radiation. And so be called chemical truck or something on theses lines. It description should be a dump truck containing highly reactive chemicals.

General Bugs with energy
-World Builder does not work with the mod.

#6 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 12 December 2004 - 03:07 PM

I've discovered a major bug!
If you try to play as one of the new generals (napalm, navy or black market) you can destroy evrithing on the map from the enemy but the game still dousnt recognise that youve defeatet him and so you cant play against the rest of the generals!

The Power Particle Cannon misses its tool tip on the right of the screen.

The rest are some minor cosmetic bugs wich youll probably figure out yourself.

And heres a tip for the Laser General: cause of the Gattling Laser Crusader, the normal Laser Crusader gets useless. The solution would be an upgrade wich turns the normal Laser Crusader's Gun into the Gattling Gun and gives him a indipendent energy system.



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Posted 13 December 2004 - 06:38 PM

China Nuke General
-None found apart from the China in general.

GLA Black Market General
-Missiles on scud barge start as purple tipped instead of white
-Quad turrets are discoloured
-When you change the appearance of the nuke truck it does not change back to show you it original look like the other demo trucks. It is only shown when uncloaked by defences
-The tooltip for the dirty bomb is missing.

-Nuke general should get upgrade to his nuke to make it a neutron nuke, as well as everything it does at the moment it also kill all crews of vehicles, so are able to be captured. Or add the nuke truck to his side which is able to do this (could use the one used in the missions).
-Black Market general should not get a nuke truck, as it does not fit GLA. Instead the truck should explode the same but unleash different toxin, it should be noticeable with different colours in the radiation left instead of just the nuke radiation.  And so be called chemical truck or something on theses lines. It description should be a dump truck containing highly reactive chemicals. 

General Bugs with energy
-World Builder does not work with the mod.


Sorry this was me forgot to log in here are some more bugs:

Black Market General bugs and some improvements
-Can’t build GLA special as even when place is built it still says, place is required
-On loading screen it says he has no bio or toxin weapon although the scud storm launchers and barge all have anthrax, and his super unit is the nuke truck. So either the description should be changed or all scud missile should be packed with explosive. And the nuke truck instead of what I said before should have an atomic warhead and so has the same explosion just not leaving radiation. If the description of the black market general is changed then the nuke truck should be changed to the chemical truck. Instead the truck should explode the same but unleash different toxin, it should be noticeable with different colours in the radiation left instead of just the nuke radiation. It description should be a dump truck having a warhead containing high reactive chemicals as it payload.
-And so the nuke truck should go to the Nuke general as it makes sense, and you either could use the one already in the game (the one in the missions) or make a new one and it could either do what the nuke truck on the GLA goes or do what I suggested above.

GLA bugs in General
-GLA Migs go invisible when on red life.
-The Sneaky attack tunnel when building up has the image when clicked on of a normal attack tunnel.
-The fishing ship build demo traps in water and on your site it said that it was meant to place mines so either change the description to water demo traps or change it to water mines, (which I think you were planning to do for the next version but I am not sure of).The mortar truck has the image of the battle bus in the building list. And when in the queue and built and clicked on has the image of the crusader tank.

All sides
Most of new units have old voice such as the sub having the voice of the crusader tank. I think you should get new voices. Like the hovercraft has no voice at the moment. But you could use the voice from red alert 2 like you have done with the aegis.

-For the nuke truck you could use the voice from the original nuke truck used in the missions as it does sound like GLA if you are going to keep it on the black market general as it has all the commands even the arm the nuke.

Edited by THEEVERGOD, 13 December 2004 - 06:44 PM.


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#8 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 13 December 2004 - 07:30 PM

Here's an addition for the GLA
The Fist of Allah Superweapon doesnt work! You can't even select it.

The Fusion Bomber should get a better outfit (perhaps like this futuristic fighter you had posted in you news)
I dont know if you intended to create the Fusion Bomber as a one use weapon but every time the bomber drops its payload (exept from the laser general) the bomber dies in the explosion.

#9 Lt.Zack


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Posted 02 January 2005 - 09:40 PM

yay all the things most of which I know about already now and are fixed from the public version, I sadly to say may not have another version due to school and time restrictions :( so sorry for the bugs left over...

ON THE WORLD BUILDER THING IT DOES WORK JUST HIT IGNORE ON ALL THE LITTLE ERRORS THAT POP UP, I do it all the time as I get those errors too, have no idea how to fix them as they seem to be like ghosts, the code is fine but the error still there kinda thing....

for some odd reason around releace time the drone carrier planes stopped shooting....still have no idea why this happens...

The GLA Allah superweapon should work fine? anyone else have a no select problem??? as I dont and others I know with the mod dont

Isnt the no damage on overcharge with China soo great :dry: I dont ever use over charge much and I guess the testers did not either so I never noticed till a few weeks after releace kinda unfair advantage for China :umad:

the no win in Generals Challenge mode cant be fixed I would have to redesign EVERY SINGLE challenge mission so that it would incorperate the new sides I HAVE NO IDEA why EA didnt make the win trigger more generalized.....(lol on the pun in that)

the fusion bombs bomb does kill the plane most the time sorry, the explosion is just soo big lol I thought it was high enough in the air to escape but it must of been just the map I was playing or something when it survived in testing...

the acid rain lightning should be there just fine, you know the lightning amount and where it hits is totaly random :umad: so you may get that lucky and have no lightning at all rofl :ohmy:

didnt want to bother making another particle cannon for the SupW Gen so it would be pritty pink, just my lazy fault
Same for Lazer Gen....

The Space Nukes weapon has no timer on purpose, that way your enemy (if playing a real person) cannot tell if and when it is ready to fire :dry:;)

And again sorry for no fixes but life is what happens and the mod was fun and hope it still is.

#10 Guest_Thor_*

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Posted 25 February 2005 - 09:54 AM

I also have the problem not beeing able to build the new gla supperweapon. Got the palace, and it still sez need palace.
btw everyone we need another mod of yours they´re excellent!!!

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