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Crazy Ideas

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#1 Guest_Ace22_*

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Posted 15 March 2005 - 02:21 AM

Note that these ideas probably won't go into the mod, but It's worth a try.

My weird ideas

1. combat engineers that can operate in set teams, laying mines, planting automated defences, repairing buildings(if dozers are busy) repairing vehicles,ect.

2. realistic damage ratios when it comes to aircraft. It takes only one missile to down an aircraft, but there are chaff and flares for aircraft. this makes it more exiting.

3. planes are faster. The aurora should be so fast, you can barely see it, but normal after attack.

4. planes should be able to turn faster.

5. the craziest:
There should be an Air to Air mode, where if an enemy plane(s) shows up in the plane's radar range, and there is not a big furball somewhere else, time should slow down, targeting reacticles show up, and you can control the plane, and fire missiles, and stuff like that.

5. pretty crazy, fire control radars allow planes to target several things at once.

Edited by Ace22, 15 March 2005 - 02:22 AM.

#2 Vanguard


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Posted 15 March 2005 - 03:02 PM

I am working on the combat engineer.
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- Vanguard

#3 Guest_Ace22_*

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Posted 15 March 2005 - 09:14 PM

thanks. Does Generals have skirmish modes, like RA2 did? I can't remember, and I'm grounded

#4 Vanguard


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Posted 15 March 2005 - 09:58 PM

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- Vanguard

#5 Guest_Ace22_*

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Posted 16 March 2005 - 02:13 AM

Do you have any abnormal ideas for the mod, Vanguard?

If so, you can post them.... that's what this thread is for.

#6 Guest_Ace22_*

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Posted 16 March 2005 - 02:14 AM

would it also be possible to even make different game modes?

#7 Bob


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Posted 16 March 2005 - 07:01 AM

Here's a crazy idea. How about a bridge laying unit. Many maps that I have found across the Internet so far, have had bridges as choke points. Which is fine. I like them and use them to my advantage as well. But, I think a bridge laying unit IN COMBINATION WITH Ace22's idea of a combat engineer would give players a chance (granted a relatively small chance) to circumvent a heavily defended bridge.

What do I mean when I say a bridge layer unit in combination with a combat engineer? Well here's what I'm thinking. The actual bridge laying unit would be built lets say at the war factory. This unit would have 4 empty seats built in to it, in order to either haul troops, or combat engineers around the map. The actual ability to start laying/building a bridge would require at least one combat engineer to be garrisoned inside the bridge laying unit. The more combat engineers garrisoned inside the bridge laying unit, the faster the bridge would be built.

An alternate idea, just in case you like the bridge laying concept, but don't like the idea of adding an actual bridge laying unit to the board, would involve taking the construction dozers that are already in the game, and either add seats for combat engineer garrisoning and build the bridge that way (just like the idea above), or just simply have a dozer upgrade option/button, to allow the dozer to build bridges.

Either way, this idea would force both sides to monitor, or even patrol, the waterfront to defend against bridge laying operations. Adding a small new element to the game in my opinion.

Edited by Bob, 16 March 2005 - 07:14 AM.

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- Bob

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#8 Guest_Ace22_*

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Posted 16 March 2005 - 12:24 PM

that's a great idea, bob. Vanguard?

#9 Vanguard


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Posted 16 March 2005 - 02:27 PM

The bridge laying unit was originally in Generals, but they removed it due to complications, and it takes a lot of micro management.
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- Vanguard

#10 Guest_Ace22_*

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Posted 16 March 2005 - 08:51 PM

I have an idea (it's crazy). if you wait long enough, maybe members will post their ideas here. Then, when Project Raptor is done, maybe you could create a side mod that you could switch with PR via a built- in swapper

#11 Vanguard


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Posted 17 March 2005 - 12:45 AM

Have you heard of the mod Red Dawn, well the creator and I were going to make the mods (PR and RD) be side stories of each other, like there would be missions with PR units in there fighting against the player and sometimes with the player. Then in PR there would be RD units fighing against the player and sometimes with the player. Saddly Cammy stopped modding Generals because she couldn't get help enough with the mod. I also need ideas for things the new units will say, I need to record them, BTW can any of you guys map?
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- Vanguard

#12 Bob


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Posted 19 March 2005 - 05:49 PM

Here's an idea.

A stealth destroyer.

"Sea Shadow: Think stealth destroyer. The U.S. Navy approved development of the Sea Shadow in the mid-1980s, nixed it in 1994 and resuscitated it in 1999. The program hopes to test new technologies, such as "artificial intelligence" ship control and combat systems, automatic piloting and new hull designs nearly invisible to radar."

"It's being developed by ARPA, the Navy and Lockheed Martin. In 1996, Britain's Vosper Thornycroft showed off a similar design called the Sea Wraith, a frigate that masks its presence with a radar-absorbing composite superstructure, a deflecting angled design and -- think dry ice -- an artificial cloud of mist."

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- Bob

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#13 Bob


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Posted 19 March 2005 - 06:56 PM

"Well I still don't know if I will add a Carrier or not, I may have something with a Helipad on the back, or several Helipads, then a main gun, but that would be very weak, the helipads, well the helis would be weapons, on the same system as the Scorpions missle, they are hidden when they are fired, and shown when they arn't, but this may be more trouble than I think, because now that I think about it, since they would be a weapon, it would have a lot of them at one time, and so I'm not sure." - Quote from Vanguard

This is maybe a crazy idea, but here's an alternate idea. instead of an aircraft carrier, how about an Ampibious assult ship that acts lke a carrier?

The Wasp Class amphibious ship:
'These ships conduct prompt, sustained combat operations at sea as the centerpiece of the Navy's amphibious strategy of "Forward ... From the Sea." They provide the means to deliver, command and support all elements of a Marine Landing Force in an assault by air and amphibious craft.'

Source -

In the game she could have all, or some of the following ideas:

JSF aircraft.
Blackhawk and/or other type of helocopers with Marines prebuilt in to them.
SAR Helos for pilot rescue.
Ability to spawn landing hovercraft filled with Marines.
Ability to spawn hovercraft with filled with 1 or 2 Bradley APC's (or equivalent).
Ability to spawn amphibious assault vehicles
On board radar, to act as a secondary command center.
Act as a mobile hospital for infantry units that are transported to the ship.
And finally she could have '... electronic systems and defensive weaponry.'

Edited by Bob, 19 March 2005 - 07:57 PM.

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- Bob

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#14 Bob


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Posted 19 March 2005 - 07:51 PM

Additional thoughts on the Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ship.

In order to prevent this ship from becoming too powerful in the game, I suggest adding the following limitations to it:

1.) Building JSF aircraft on the Wasp would be limited to a maximum number of 2 at a time on the game map. Similar to the idea that land based airfields in the game can only build a maximum of four aircraft at any given time.

2.) Attack helos such as the Comanche, and the Apache, would be limited to a maximum number of 4 to 6 at a time on the game map.

3.) Blackhawks with prebuilt Marines, and Prebuilt hovercraft with Marines, APC's, Tanks, etc... aboard would be limited to a maximum number of 6 at a time on the game board each.

And finally the WASP (and all other advanced warships and submarines) could only be built if a new structure called the Naval Strategy Center is in existence. The Naval Strategy center would also be home to advanced naval upgrades that may be thought of in the future.

The prerequisites to build a Naval Strategy center would be a regular strategy center, and the naval ship yard.
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- Bob

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#15 Bob


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Posted 19 March 2005 - 10:12 PM

Here's a neat multi role ship.

'Operational Maneuver from the Sea (OMFTS) is the Marine Corps' new warfare doctrine expected to be in place by 2010. The idea is that all logistics support will come from the sea, rather than from a large, land-based supply point (as in traditional combat service support). This means that the several support ships comprising the sea base will have to operate as "floating warehouses," a task for which they are not configured.'

Source -


Not sure about its use in game compared to an amphibious assault ship, but I thought that this may be an interesting ship to include in World Builder as some sort of Tech_SeaBase. For what, I'm not exactly sure, but I'm sure somebody here will think of something.
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- Bob

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#16 Guest_Ace22_*

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Posted 20 March 2005 - 12:50 AM

cool ideas.

Edited by Ace22, 20 March 2005 - 03:48 PM.

#17 Bob


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Posted 20 March 2005 - 03:08 AM

Here's an idea. How about a new button on the Marines control panel that would allow the Marine to switch weapon, to an M203 Rifle-Attached Grenade Launcher.

In the game you could have this weapon interrupt it's normal fire rate, fire a grenade, pause X number of seconds, then return to normal fire. Then start the process all over again.

M203 Rifle-Attached Grenade Launcher
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- Bob

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#18 Guest_Ace22_*

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Posted 20 March 2005 - 04:01 AM

Bob, how do you think the Rangers launch their grenades? I personally hear a distinct bang when they launch (and, of course the screams of dying rebels)

I have another idea. Maybe you could Make game modes?

an idea would be, like Aircraft Wars, and super-micromanagement (it's not what you think)

Aircraft wars would be like going all the way with aircraft, with huge dogfights between squadrons of fighters, and fleets of bombers, with only low-tech ground units to spoil the fun, and all planes have countermeasures.The planes would have realistic speeds, with the Auroras beingso fast on attack that you can barely see them. HUGE maps, and it would also make a great excuse to use that ultra-airfeild in the screenshots section. there would also be better anti-air defences, with new missile and bomb warheads upgrades, that would grant the side an almost definate victory.

Super-micromanagement would give the player unprecidented control of any unit he picks, like taking control of a crusader in a battle by pressing a button . it could determine the fate of the battle.

you could also just make another mod in-between PR.

#19 Vanguard


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Posted 20 March 2005 - 03:12 PM

Game modes arn't possible to my knowledge.
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- Vanguard

#20 Guest_Ace22_*

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Posted 20 March 2005 - 03:53 PM

well, you could make another mod after PR.

I'd be willing to help in making voxels, if I knew how

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