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Sides & Units

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#1 mevitar



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Posted 14 June 2005 - 02:19 PM

United Nations
Country specialisatons:

United States of America - lasers and weather control
Eastern Asia Alliance (South Korea & Japan) - electronics
European Union - missiles and aircrafts
United Soviet Socialistic Republics - sneak attacks and firepower
China - mass-infantry, chemicals
United Arabian Nations - guerilla tactics

Alliance: USA, EAA, EU
Coalition: USSR, UAN, China

Private (USA, EAA, EU)
Flamer Conscript (USSR, UAN, China)
Dog (all)
Engineer (all)
Missile Trooper (all)

Delta (USA)
Hacker (UAN, China)
Commando (China)
Terrorist (UAN)

??? (USA)
Spy (EU)
Ninja (EAA)
Saboteur (USSR)
??? (China)
Terrorist (UAN)

Ground Units:
Drone Miner (all)
Radar Van (all)
Hummve (Missile) (USA, EAA)
Hummve (Machine Gun) (EU)
BMP-1 (Coalition)
Abrams (USA, EAA)
Challenger (EU)
T-80 (USSR)
Type-85 (China) - those tanks
T-72 (UAN, China)

Patriot Launcher (Alliance)
Shilka (Coalition)

Blizzard (USA)
Rinjin (EAA)
SCUD Launcher (USSR)
Yanluo-Wang (China)
Allah's Fist (UAN) - yeah, looks same as T-72

??? (all)
??? (all)
??? (all)
??? (all)
(those 4 are surprise units, i won't reveal them yet, though some people know what are they :umad:)

Transport units:
Hovercraft (Alliance)
Halo (Coalition)

Air Units:
Ah 64D Longbow (USA, EAA)
A 129 Mongoose (EU)
Ka50 Hokum (USSR)
WZ-10 (China)
Mi8/14 Hip (UAN)

F22 Raptor (USA)
A-10 Warthog (USA) - on the right
Typhoon (EU) - on the left
F15 Eagle (EAA)
Su 27 Flanker (USSR, China)
Mig 21 Fishbed (UAN)



They look just like we do, but their skin is more pale. They've been watching our world since they left it about 6000 years ago, after the Sun started to emmit strange radiation. After that, they couldn't come back. Many of them was left on Earth, with a hope for being saved. Because of the strange radiation, the ones left on Earth started to forget about their past, the ancient civilisation started to collapse... Today, they don't remember a thing, but still inhabit this planet. We are their descendants.

If so, why the Vintarids are trying to destroy us? You'll see... :umad:

Vintarids use anti-gravity for their air units. As for ground forces, they mostly use mechs.

All vessels and mechs are immune to radiation.


Ground Units:
Vintarid Expansion Mech (VEM) - MCV

Air Units:
Meerth Battle Ship
Adharan Cruiser
Novum Carrier
Novum - interceptor, spawned by Novum Carrier



Paladins weapons are based on energy and psionic powers. All their vessels use anti-gravity, so they can get almost everywhere.

Their buildings aren't spyable, neither capturable. They don't have engineers or spy units, so they can't capture or infiltrate buildings. They can still capture tech buildings, but they do it in a different way - Command Center and Sensor Array can "mind control" them.

All units and buildings are immune to mind-control.
All vehicles are immune to radiation, infantry is resistant to it, but not immune.


Ground Units:
Guardian (on the gound)
Command Vessel (CV) - MCV

Air Units:
Valkyrie - spawned by Bishops



Edited by mevitar, 02 November 2006 - 04:41 PM.

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#2 Ash


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Posted 16 June 2005 - 01:28 PM

What will differentiate the UN sides? I don't see as there's much you can do with regular MBT's and fighter planes, no matter what nationality they are.

I'd advise cutting back on the number of human sides..perhaps limiting to two or three (one air, one land, one sea, perhaps?). This'll make differentiating easier. That way:

Human Air
Human Land
Human Sea
Vintarid Powerhouse (ie, weapons)
Paladin Amphib/Superweapons

Ok the above labels are fairly loose, and I've probably got the wrong end of the stick, but otherwise it sounds like the sides might be imbalanced and/or too samey. I suppose I'd need to know more about the units to be sure of that and I doubt you're gonna tell me yet! :)

But I really am eager for more updates.


#3 mevitar



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Posted 17 June 2005 - 07:08 PM

i wanted to make more UN sides, but the ai couldn't control all units... ai script limit... so i've cutted it already
if i won't be able to make this the way it is, i will consider you propositon :ninja:

all UN sides have now specialisations writed right there, if anyone can't see it i will show you here :D

Eastern Asia Alliance (South Korea & Japan) - high tech, naval fleet
European Union - dunno what will it specialise in... any ideas?
United States of America - high tech (aww... it sounds almost like EAA... )
China - some forbidden weapons, such as halucination gas (yes, like Chaos Drone's gas)
United Arabian Nations - terrorist stuff
United Soviet Socialistic Republics - armor and firepower

as for balancing... i will have to balance everything carefully (2 supertech armies against UN, you know ;) ), but don't worry, the UN will have some very powerfull units too (and i have some plans for some special advantages and disadvantages for each side... but that's later :p)

Edited by mevitar, 17 June 2005 - 07:25 PM.

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#4 Ash


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Posted 20 June 2005 - 08:32 AM

Maybe the EU could do the very specialised units. They could have the smallest unit list of all, but each of their units is very specialised to scrapping one type of enemy unit, with massive deficiencies in all other areas, eg:

One SEAL(or sniper)-type infantry, one GGI-type infantry, one tank-killing tank, etc.
That sorta thing...this forces them to mix units a lot (which kinda fits, since there are lots of countries in the EU, and in real life they don't always get along, but here they're forced to to survive! :))

Also, I reckon China should be good in terms of infantry (or at least cheap, since there are so many chinese ;) )

#5 mevitar



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Posted 20 June 2005 - 11:29 AM

ok, China will have cheaper infantry :)

the EU will have the best units (or the most characteristic ones) from each country (or as much as possible countries), but it will be only 1 of each kind (NOT 2, but 1 main battle tank, 1 howitzer and so on)

and if anyone has an idea for units, just post it (i will need those ;) )
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#6 mevitar



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 11:55 AM

as Speeder gave me a few ideas here comes a small update:

1)all vintarid units have now normal names

2)seraph went to paladins and now will be called Zero Trooper

3)added Novum (which i forgot to add earlier :p ) and Tirhan for Vintarids

4)Vintarid engineer is now a small robot Laer, immune to radiation and can detect cloacked

5)resized Archon and Avoral (they were too big)

6)Ion Cannon -> Orbital Laser, will be a tech building (yes, a tech superweapon)

don't expect more updates soon :cool:

EDIT: i've changed Archons screen shot

Edited by mevitar, 03 July 2005 - 12:15 PM.

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#7 Our Last Hope

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Posted 30 July 2005 - 07:07 AM

well what about usa and there high tech description what makes them more high tech besides the weather device they have unit that is "high tech" that it only owns like some special tank or helecopter or mabe some sort of super trooper mabe cyborg what ever and also for most other contries they all need like some special unit referring to its description or mabe a couple of them, well theres my two cence anyways....
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#8 mevitar



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Posted 30 July 2005 - 08:26 AM

"Hight tech" because i don't have an idea what units should i give them yet... commanche for sure, but what else? Some sort of a laser tank? Or a sonic tank?

All UN countries will have specail units, available only for them (at least a few for each one).

As for cyborgs: they are Vintarids stuff.
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#9 Rawlo


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Posted 30 July 2005 - 11:03 PM

how about a mobile microwave imitter you already have the ini for that I sent it with that hover tank
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#10 Our Last Hope

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Posted 31 July 2005 - 12:02 AM

well lets think um (btw the microwave tank may work) well if you apply it now the us is getting a new machine gun to certain infitry why dont you make that for us the gun has a very acucate powerful machine gun for infantry and a grenade launcher for tanks and stuff jus one sugestion as for russia you already know they have big tank with lots of fire power then again the russians also have the world record for the bigest sub britsh and un in general should have some kind of infantry that are stealthy but use c4 based on real things in ww2 arabs mostly poisen and suicide bombs mabe advance chemical warfare but if you base all there stuff in that make sure there is something for tanks to for even if you can take out 100 infantry with 3 poinson things they in other mods send one tank and own all 3 of them jus saying and for china they have extreme number they should have cheep infantry and have things based in that and also hacker stuff and as for forbiden research im sure you fine something that fits that and for japan well that makes me think well america in real life is probilly the only country putting an extreme amount of money and effort tords laser technology so america should get laster tanks and anti laser missle things or mabe a tank that fires shells and a laser more missles and air units whatever so for japan since they really dont have a military now u should make up some of there own stuff based on what you personilly think japan would go into if they ever went into building a giant military mabe borrow the usa's stealth bomber tactics mabe have hacker definatly a goood air force and navy well im just trying to help good luck.
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#11 mevitar



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Posted 31 July 2005 - 08:59 AM

Ok, i was thinking about adding a laser tank after all :cool: . So: the US will have a laser tank able to attack air targets and ground (probably a good AA and anti-infantry unit). I will still think about the microwave tank.
As for EAA: i was planning to give them an EMP AA missile launcher, great against all air units, exept infantry of course. Or maybe i should also give them the microwave tank?
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#12 F-G


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Posted 31 July 2005 - 03:12 PM

I want asiatic microwaves ovens on tracks!

(Traduction: The microwave tank should be for the Eastern Asian Alliance)

#13 Our Last Hope

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Posted 01 August 2005 - 08:49 AM

yah i agree and do you think a laser would be good against tanks I mean I know it would wipe the floor with jets and infatry but It depends on the laser itsself mabe for taks it should just have a range boost with the strength of a grizzly i mean im sure a laser tank according in real life would cost a extreme bundle so it should be at least ok all the way around
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#14 mevitar



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Posted 03 August 2005 - 05:53 PM

Present lasers arent too powerfull, they can "only" shoot down projectiles and that is the reason why i didnt make laser tank good at vehicles. Against aircrafts and infantry yes, but not against vehicles.

Microwave tank (but newermind the name now :p ) will be for EAA.

Updated the list above. Also decided to give HAARP for all Allies (USA, EAA, EU) and Nuke Silo for Coalition (USSR, UAN, China). Still much to code for UN, but almost done for Paladins and Vintarids :p .

Edited by mevitar, 03 August 2005 - 06:10 PM.

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#15 mevitar



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Posted 09 October 2005 - 10:48 AM

The country list has been updated, sorry it took so long. I have now less time for modding so updating this forum will take me more time, i think, but i will do it for sure :p
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#16 ZeroSamuraiX



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 12:55 AM

nice props on da mod
its kewl keep it up
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#17 Guest_XXX_*

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Posted 04 August 2006 - 11:18 AM


#18 Paladin58


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 11:23 AM

It is appreciated if you don't exhibit the three things you have just shown:
1. Necroposting.
2. Leaving Caps Lock on, for no reason at all.
3. Using incomplete sentences, which makes your post look like a barf of words for no reason.

Now, if you wouldn't mind to register before your next post, and keep those things in mind, we'd alll be a little happier. :p

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

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#19 lefthand


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Posted 07 August 2006 - 05:21 AM

I see African, South and Central American countries don't exist in this game. Am I wrong?

Edited by lefthand, 07 August 2006 - 05:23 AM.

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#20 mevitar



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Posted 07 August 2006 - 12:22 PM

no, you're not
i was planning to add a few, but then i don't have ideas for any special units for them...

as for the nuke for france: no, france won't be using nukes, plus, france isn't a side here
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