This is the main Paladin tank unit. Its weapon is a powerful electric bolt, firing at medium range. It can also attack air units, howerver due to its extended range it is much weaker. Armored with diamond crystal (anly Paladins know how to create it), has medium speed.
Paladins mining unit. It hovers above the ground. Unarmed, light armored. After collecting some resources it teleports back to Paladins refinery - Converter.
Unit designed to lift vehicles and drop them anywhere. It can also rip up buildings.
Works the same as Magnetron in YR.
Paladins main aircraft. Armored with diamond crystal, formed into some kind of prism. This prism diffracts solar light so it can be used to create high-temperature beams. If it is clouded, this unit uses its own source of energy to create them.
This prism also protects against lasers, making Solar almost immune to laser weapons.
Edited by mevitar, 04 July 2006 - 12:07 PM.