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Air Units

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#1 link.the.first


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Posted 10 July 2005 - 05:36 PM

Post all of your air unit ideas here.

Upgraded F-22(thanks to Bob and Ace22's ideas)

The F-22 is a new figter. It is not the most common USA fighter currently in use, so why have it be the only basic figher?

Weapons Loadout:

Six anti ground and anti-air missiles, good for tanks

2 Sidewinders, AA only, one can take out any fighter, 2 can take any bomber(Aurora, Stealth Fighter, Iron Dragon, etc) or a Helix.

2 Bunker Buster Bombs: Bunker Busers can momentarily paralyze units pretty far from the impact site, but their best ability is to kill buildings quickly and eject all garrisoned in nearby buildings.

Machine Gun: a machine gun in the right wing. It is highly inaccurate against ground forces.

Stealth: The F-22 is stealth when not shooting.

Price: about 6,000

External Weapons: Adds weapon pods under the wings, removing stealth.(if switching between stealth and not stealth is impossible, make it so you choose which one when you build it)

Four more multi-role missiles: Adds two under each wing

Wingtips: Adds a pair of Sidewinders.

External Fuel Tank: Increases speed. Downed Raptors blow up real big with these.

Rocket Pods: 2 pods with four rockets. Ground only. Very effective vs units.

F/A 18: The Hornet has been with the USA for a while now. It is still a common fighter.

Four Multi-role Missiles: Less powerful than Raptor missiles but still effective.

2 Sidewinders: Less powerful than Raptors

Upgrade or Air Force Gen only?: Super Hornet

The Super Hornet is slightly larger, faster, and more maneuverable.

Six Multi-role Missiles: Same as before, but now there are six.

Rocket Pods: see above

F-35 JSF: 2 variants, hover and non hover.

Hover: 4 multi-role missiles, heavy machine gun

Non Hover: 6 multi-role missiles, 2 sidewinders, 4 ground only missiles

F-23: 12 Bombs and 12 Missiles? Make it a little less maneuverable and a bit more expensive for that load. Also, (to avoid getting strangled by Bob and Ace22) add 2 sidewinders.

Ravager: 2 sidewinders.

Razorback: A few more missiles, and 2 sidewinders.

There could be an upgrade to give all USA fighters a pair of Sidewinders(F-22 Stealth has them before the upgrade, but F-22 Assault only has the original 2 until you upgrade)

Upgrade: ALL planes are faster and tougher. The best way to shoot down a plane? A plane.

2 Napalm Bombs: As powerful as a Helix bomb. Ground only.

Four multi-role missiles: Same as Hornet.

2 Aerial Torpedoes: Dropped like a normal bomb, can be used against ground targets, but it is better vs ships because it flies like a rocket underwater and can't be stopped.

Machine Gun: Cannot be used vs ground.

GLA: I REALLY think the GLA need something that flies. Terrorists have stolen planes, and anyone with enough money can have their own little 2-man plane.

Kamikaze: Either an Ultralight or an R/C plane.

Old WWII plane: I don't know the name of any old planes, but an old German plane with 2 machine guns and a bomb.

MiG: An old design stolen from Russia.

Crop Duster: Sprays a stream of toxin behind them.

Zepplin: REALLY BIG BOMBS. Very slow.
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#2 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 10 July 2005 - 10:02 PM

Very nice...but where would the GLA get the stuff for a zep?

#3 Bob


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Posted 11 July 2005 - 01:41 AM

Crop Duster:  Sprays a stream of toxin behind them.

Zepplin:  REALLY BIG BOMBS.  Very slow.


Just an FYI here about the GLA aircraft. There are some in Project Raptor already. For right now, it's kinda hidden in the game. Currently, the only way to build GLA aircraft is to use a Tech Airfeild. A tech airfield cant be built by any side. It must be manually put on a map using WorldBuilder, a map making program.

One of the three aircraft for the GLA side located at the airport, is a toxin spraying plane. it sprays toxin over a huge chunk of real estate. Real nice.

As for the Zepplin idea and the question of where would the GLA get the stuff?

Have you ever heard of Omar the tent maker? :)

Picture a yellow ryder truck tied to a zepplin. ;)
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- Bob

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#4 Ace22


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Posted 11 July 2005 - 06:30 PM


The new air to air weapon for the U.S. Airforce is the AIM-120 AMRAAM, or slammer.

But the F-22 is an air to air fighter and should only attack aircraft. the trade off tho this is that with the AMRAAMs, it can take out the big bombers, too. It fires the correct amount of missiles needed to take down the aircraft.

as a trade off, when the F-22 gets the JDAM upgrade, we could make the bombs Bunker Busting.

a problem with those upgrades for the Raptor is that it is impossible to have two weapon upgrades, but the switching between stealth is possible, I think.

The Super Hornet is the version that will be in action in 2030 or whenever this takes place.

Vanguard said he would remove the JSF.


How powerful is the Raptor against aircraft in the next version?

#5 link.the.first


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Posted 11 July 2005 - 07:08 PM

I agree that the Raptor should be very powerful vs aircraft, but what kind of company would send a plane out with no ability to defend itself against land-based targets? It is more practical for a stealth plane to get in, destroy something big, and get out, rather than get in, destroy the MiGs, and get out, which will accomplish very little unless the enemy is using MiGs almost exclusively, in which case destroying the airfield is more practical. It should have some ablility to attack ground even if it has some slammers. Is it possible for one upgrade to add to more than one of the missile types? If so, add more slammers and multi-purpose rockets with the Assault upgrade. The Hornet can get 2 slammers, 2 AA/AG rockes, and four bombs. Super Hornets get better bombs and 4 AA/AG rockets.

By 2 weapon upgrades, you mean it is impossible to add more than one weapon type with upgrades per unit?

Also, does a bunker count as a weapon?

You guys are right, no GLA zepplin. How about a stolen weather balloon that sits higher in the sky than planes and is harder to shoot down? It can carry a single bomb (anthrax or VERY high explosive) and drop it. The problem is that a GLA Technical has to be nearby with a line going to the balloon if that's possible to code.

One more sugggestion: Dismantle: Take apart an unneeded plane and get a partial refund to free up space on the airfield.

Edited by link.the.first, 11 July 2005 - 07:09 PM.

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#6 Ace22


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Posted 12 July 2005 - 12:18 AM

The ability for the Raptor to attack ground is with the JDAM upgrade, but the assault upgrade is also a good Idea.

here is a solution that I hope would please everyone. The Raptor can switch between three positions: Normal, which is stealthed, JDAM, which drops two High power bombs, is stealthed, and Assault, which gives up stealth for twice as much Slammers, two JDAMs, and two rocket packs.

the Rocket packs would be hard to code, unless you made the aircraft strafe like in an attack run, so you would have distruction in a long line.

Link, I don't think it is impossible to have more than one weapon upgrade if you can switch between them. And I mean type of unit.

I agree with the Super Hornet.

Bunkers don't count as weapons.

The Bomb Balloon would have to be an upgrade for the Technical.

#7 link.the.first


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Posted 12 July 2005 - 02:55 AM

For the balloon, can you have a technical that starts with it instead of buying it after building the technical?
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#8 Ace22


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Posted 12 July 2005 - 04:27 AM

I don't think so.

An alternative method would be to have a buggy of some sort pull the Balloon.

#9 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 05:24 AM

Alright, this all sounds great and all...but you're leaving out the Militia

#10 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 06:11 AM

i think this

the USA has TOO MANY aircraft unless that was changed cuz i havnt played pr in a while

X-O2 from Ace Combat 4/5 would be a nice plane tho

#11 Guest_7th_Panzer_*

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 09:12 AM

I like the F-18E Super Hornet idea. The only problem is that the Hornet is a Navy and Marine Corps aircraft, and the Air Force historically does not like planes designed primarily for the Navy (they only grudgingly accepted the F-4 and A-7). The good thing about the F-18 is that it can carry any piece of ordinance dreamed up by engineers.

There are a couple of alternatives for some realism, if that is a concern. Instead of the F-18, Vanguard could add the F-15E Strike Eagle. This fantastic aircraft can carry more than its own weight in munitions, and I hear, still outperform an empty F-4. The Eagle would be able to hammer ground targets with ease and offer a challenge to most enemy aircraft.

The other plane, and probably often ignored, is the ubiquitous F-16 Viper. This lightweight fighter would be cheap to produce, and would be a very good air defense fighter.

That would be the first tier of aircraft for the Americans: the F-18 (or F-15) and the F-16. A-10s would also be fun.

After a generals promotion, the F-22 could be produced, assuming it would be the upgraded version people have talked about.

As for the 'stealth-type' fighterbomber, the F-117 clearly has its limitations: first generation stealth aircraft and very limited performance and armament. Good for base defense still.

The FB-22. http://www.globalsec...craft/fb-22.htm

That would be the "Stealth" Generals promotion.

I still think a heavy bomber force would rock, consisting of B-52s, B-1s or B-2s. Vanguard could even add ECM planes, such as a modified F-16 or F-18. :dry:

#12 link.the.first


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Posted 12 July 2005 - 07:38 PM

I've never heard of the F-16. Do you have a site that has info on it?

The F-15 is a little old, but it could still be in service. Possibly a small, agile, cheap fightr that can carry 8 rockets for ground or air. I would rather see the F/A-18 because of the Super Hornet upgrade, and the Eagle would not be necessary with the Raptor.

I heard a little about the FB-22(at the time it was called the YF-22). You could give the JDAMs to the FB-22, which has either 2 Slammers and 4 JDAMs or 2 Slammers and a MOAB. Or, you could have it be the heavy ordnance fighter to replace the F-23 as a real-life unit. Granger could get one instead of the F-117. It would need a name, though, like Raptor, Hornet, Eagle, etc.

For the Raptor, there are 7 places for weapons: (note:when I say rockets, I mean missiles that can hit ground or air, which are very good vs tanks and 2-3 can take out a fighter; Slammers are AA only but can nail a fighter in one shot and 2 can take out a Helix)

Central bay: 6 rockets, 2 rockets and 2 450lb JDAMs, or 2 1000 lb JDAMS

Side Bays x2: One Sidewinder/Slammer each(whether you have JDAMS or not)

Underwing mountsx4: Negate stealth if used, each one can hold either 2 rockets or a fuel tank

It also has an integral machine gun.

Here's my idea on the total plane list:
Hornet/Super Hornet/Eagle
F-23(replaced with FB-22? If not, should be called FB-23)
Ravager missiles could be on the FB-22 options

Also, the Slammer is pretty new, so you could have all fighters start with a pair of Sidewinders and upgrade them to Slammers at the airfield for increased range, accuracy, and power.

Granger should get an airfield for big planes. Nothing's on scale anyway, so it doesn't have to be huge(see Contra mod). You could build whatever the modern huge bomber is with 2 cruise missiles or carpet bombs. Also, carpet bombers should do a bit more than in a straight line, unless you can have a Particle beam style methond to control it.

Upgrade: Magnetic Aircraft Launch System(MALS)
Allows you to build smaller airfields that can hold more planes because you don't need a runway. I doubt it is possible to shrink an airfield after it has been built, so this upgrade will simply allow you to build the old ones or a new one that can only build aircraft(not choppers). It also allows aircraft to be launched faster.

Also, aircraft should be harder to kill by anything except other aircraft.
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#13 Bob


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Posted 13 July 2005 - 12:35 AM

I've never heard of the F-16.  Do you have a site that has info on it?


Son, you're really breaking my heart. :(

I now know I'm older that dirt, when some one doesn't know what an F-16 Falcon is anymore. If you ever get the chance, rent the movie Iron Eagle. :dry:

Here a whole slew of information and pictures:
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- Bob

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#14 Ace22


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Posted 13 July 2005 - 01:21 AM

Where have you been all of these years? How can someone not hear of the F-16?

What is with the Freaking Rockets?

the real deal with the Raptors munitions.

Central Bay:6 Slammers, or 2 Slammers and 2 450lb JDAMs, or 2 1000lb JDAMs, all with stealth.
Side Bay: 2 Slammers.

The assault upgrade kills stealth, but adds 8 more Slammers

what would the fuel tank do?

this is the situation I envision:

8 MIGS are on patrol when an F-22 appears and blows one out of the sky. they are still wondering what happened when it reappears and kills another two pilots. the MIGs are then galvanized and break formation, meanwhile losing another two of their number. The remaining three probe the airspace with their cannons, but are powerless to stop the Raptor from killing a wingman, then another. The survivor tries to flee but is cut down. The Raptor leaves, knowing that it has just cost China 3 million dollars. (not game money)

#15 Guest_7th_Panzer_*

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 02:38 AM

The F-15 is old, yeah. But the F-15 has the absolute best combat record of any plane ever fielded in the history of air combat. Several dozen kills against comparible aircraft with no losses. I've read a story where the F-15, in a mid-air collision, lost all but 18 inches of its starboard wing, and flew back to base.

The FB-22 would be fully loaded with JDAMs or cruise missiles. As for a name, that is a tough one. American planes are typically named after birds of prey, so the Condor may be a good name. The actual nickname is not really important.

As for not hearing of the F-16, I agree with Bob. Read up on it, its quite the aircraft.

I think for heavy aircraft, the B-52 should be nixed, and the B-1B Lancer and B-2A Spirit be adopted. The B-1B would be a cruise missile carrier, the B-2A would be the stereotypical heavy bomber.

#16 Vanguard


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Posted 13 July 2005 - 04:06 AM

Alright, I'm dead I know I didn't just read that you didn't know what the F-16 was.
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- Vanguard

#17 link.the.first


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Posted 13 July 2005 - 05:20 AM

The name sounded vaguely familiar, but I didn't really remember anything about it. Now I remember it better, and that would be a good plane to use. I just haven't heard that name in a LONG time. Sorry about any heart attacks.

Anyway, the fuel tanks in reality are obvious, but in the game they could increase the speed to near Aurora speed. They could also make Raptors blow up REAL big when they crash.

I REALLY think the F-22 should have some ground attack ability besides the JDAMs. Maybe an upgrade to allow Slammers hit ground with less accuracy? Useless vs infantry, not powerful enough to do real damage vs buildings, but can catch stationary tanks off guard (won't evade until it's too late). Send in something big, like some JDAMs, to take out the tank cluster before they are even ready to attack, then mop up the survivors with normal Raptors with air-air-ground Slammers.

Nice story Ace :dry:

Condor is good. With that, the Raptor wouldn't really need JDAMs because you can build FB-22s instead(as long as they do have air-ground abilities).

If the 15 and 16 are used, the F-15 is purely air-air, and the 16 is for ground and air.(thanks to the link from Bob)
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#18 Guest_7th_Panzer_*

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 08:53 AM

I would have to disagree with the air to ground capabilities of the F-22. Unfortunately, the aerodynamic requirements for fighters and fighter/bombers are different, and the American's policy of making planes usable in both formats has not met with much success (the F-18 is a rare exception).

It seems to me, that during and after the Korean War, the US has had a policy of making every plane capable of air to air and air to ground fighting. The first plane designed this way, the F-84 Thunderstreak, was not successful. The F-105 Thunderchief, as far as I have read, had abyssmal air to air capabilities, even a MiG-15 or -17 being able to shoot one down over Vietnam.

The F-4 Phantom II, the premier USAF and USN (thereby, NATO) plane during the late 60's, 70's and early 80's, was reknown for its AA and AG design. However, the USSR rolled out the MiG-25 FOXBAT, and the game changed entirely. This plane was designed solely for air to air performance, and completely dominated the F-4 on paper (however, after the Cold War, facts about the MiG-25 would make its usefulness in a large conflict somewhat in doubt).

The West was terrified of the MiG-25. Incredible speed, time-to-climb, radar, weapons and maneuverability all in one plane was something the fighter-bombers of NATO couldn't touch.

So the Americans designed the F-15, one general remarking "not a pound for air-to-ground."

The F-22 is the successor to the F-15, and the F-22A is intended for air to air operations and would probably be used only for such (look at its price tag of $150 million a pop).

#19 Ace22


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Posted 13 July 2005 - 04:22 PM

That is what I have been trying to tell these guys for who knows how long.

What I propose:

FB-22 Strike Raptor (Like Strike Eagle): this is the JDAM Carrier, with 8 JDAMs. near Aurora Speed, still not untouchable.

F-22 Raptor: this is the Aircraft Killer, with 8 Slammers. At Aurora speed, not untouchable.

Both have stealth, and can switch between that and having double weapons.

The F-15 and F-16 should not be implemented. They are old, and why use the F-15 when the successor is also available?

Or you could give them to the Militia...

thanks for the compliment, Link.

Edited by Ace22, 13 July 2005 - 04:34 PM.

#20 link.the.first


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Posted 13 July 2005 - 11:48 PM

You could have the option to swap a few JDAMs in the FB-22(condor?) for some regular missiles. Also, both planes would ALWAYS have a pair of slammers in the two side compartments. For the Condor, another option could be to swap the JDAMs for a pair of MOABs or even a single tactical nuke. (If the USA has nukes in this game, which they should, being the only country to deploy one and having a lot of them, give them a little more initial damage than Chinese nukes and no radiation. Also, EMP.) If the Raptor has only air-air capability, and the Condor only has JDAMs, there should be one more plane to take out individual tanks. JSF? Harrier? Hornet? An upgrade can add a pair of slammers to all of them.

Also, if the F-22 is aurora speed, the FB-22 should be too.
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