Hey, I like it so far! Only tried a couple of generals. I loved the customizable defense platforms for the infantry general! Laser & superweapon generals seemed to have ony a couple of new units, can't wait to try them all.
I miss the infantry squads, though.
I also miss the squads... but as they were they were too bugy and slowed the system down alot when several squads were built. BUT I will be bringing them back(sorta) with the next release... All infantry will have the option of building in squad sizes, but they will be indevidual infantry so they won't have all the extra bugs.
theres a couple generals who got more love than others. GLA was severley neglected in this version, only assauly GLA got anything new, and it was just a few items.
most of the attention was on AirF, Cybr, Flam, Infa.
a few new units and buildings were added for SupW, Lazr, Nuke, Aslt
Remix 2.75 wasn't realy built to be a full release, I just wanted to share what I had done while waiting for Contra.04 to come out. As soon as Creator makes a final release I will put all the effort to add AND rebalance the game. With 3.0 there should be some huge changes for all generals.