The story goes as follows...
After Yuri's defeat the timelines of the past, present and future merged briefly, but some things were left behind. The end result was Yuri about to activate his only Psychic Dominator in Antarctica, an Allied and Soviet Alliance, and a strange vortex in the grasslands of America. The Alliance quickly defeated Yuri's forces and put him in a psychic prison (again). But while the armies were away fighting Yuri in Antarctica, a strange army came through the vortex and started to command and conquer everything in their path (bad shot at a pun). The Third War was about to begin... again...
I will be making a campaign after I make the actual mod, so I can develop the storyline
A full description of what's in the mod can be found at my website
The mod is also at ModDB, go check it out
Also, another note here, feel free to make a topic about anything to do with the mod. If you have a suggestion, or question, or want to know something, just make a topic about it, I won't delete it (unless it's purposely inflammatory or inappropriate)
Decided to update here as the links pointed to the old website
Edited by Nighthawk200, 19 March 2006 - 12:24 AM.