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Units ideas

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#1 juanmanuelsanchez


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Posted 20 April 2004 - 11:12 AM

HI all ! well we will continue our method of asking for ideas so here you have your first chance. we need ideas for all sides it can be anything you want. Planes, tanks, infantry , etc.

If you have something to say or you want to see your idea in the mod this is your chance!


#2 Comrade-Max

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 06:39 PM

particle mines for usa

as soon as somet gos on them they fires a mini particle beam for 7.5 secs then explode

#3 suppy

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Posted 07 June 2004 - 09:22 PM


suicide plane for the gla would be sweet ^_^

naval version of battle bus

king scorpion (like 5 rockets instead of 1 or 2 if scavenged)

portable demo traps

thats all i can think of for now
ill get more soon

#4 The Power

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 01:23 PM

Hay, my 1. post
I have the idea that the building's of the GBA by a Speziele ability (e.g. rank 5/Research) and sommit themselves the whole basis becomes mobile.
But I believe that that become very heavy.

My English is soo bad :(
:!: (translates with Google TM) :!:

#5 suppy

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 04:58 PM


Laser general

laser raptor would be lethal. it has four lasers (as strong as lasser turret and come in 3 bursts) and must recharge them after use in the airfield. They will have laser point defenses but no other aircraft will have laser point defenses.

laser humvee which has a laser instead of a machine gun that puts enemy infantry on fire.

#6 Guest_thd_*

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 04:59 PM

tp i help woth your trans send the transed words to thehighdudeathotmail.com i check it for you :)

#7 Guest_NICK_*

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 05:45 PM

How about the x50 dragonfly which is a canard wing rotorcraft being built by Boeing. It's supposed to be really fast (close to sonic speeds, ie 550mph). It might be built in either manned or unmanned versions. Could be used as a troop transport or attack chopper to replace the cancelled Comanche.

Also another aircraft from Boeing: the Pelican. Make it a buildable unit carrying an enormous amount of troops and vehicles, make it hard to detect as it's supposed to fly low over the sea.

Lockeed is building the MACK transport. I guess the C&C designers were thinking of this when they designed the Spectre. This one should be buildable, have vertical takeoff/landing capability, be equipped with lasers to shoot down missiles and be extremely stealthy.

Finally how about an airship (a blimp, basically). The Pentagon under Rumsfeld's direction is now looking at lasers not just as directed energy weapons, but redirected energy weapons. In other words, bouncing the lasers off mirrors built on airships to hit over the horizon targets. Picture being able to control the laser defense turret to fire at the airship which can then retarget and attack something on the other side of a mountain.

All of these can be looked up in google for an idea on how they should look like. Just google the weapon together with the weapon manufacturer, and you'll see some weapons that we're designing in real life are even better than in C&C.

#8 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 07:27 PM

A scout who can paint a laser gun on a specific enemy target (like in the movie : in the army now) and hit it with a cruise missle.

a staff only seen mod has that

#9 Guest_thd_*

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 07:27 PM

me above i got temp banned

#10 Maverick9611

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 08:42 PM

Lockeed is building the MACK transport. I guess the C&C designers were thinking of this when they designed the Spectre. This one should be buildable, have vertical takeoff/landing capability, be equipped with lasers to shoot down missiles and be extremely stealthy.

The Spectre is an actual plane used by the US Airforce right now. It flies over a target circling it and raining down fire from its computer controlled gattling guns and cannons. Click here for more information.

I think something like that large converted 747 that they are working on with the laser that shoots missles out of the sky would be pretty cool. You could have it circle an area for a set ammount of time and it would destroy all airborne missles that come within its range. Not quite sure what it is called but I saw a show on it on the Discover Channel. :)

#11 suppy

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 09:29 PM


Infantry General

Minigunners should get a napalm bomb upgrade at the barracks (it will be like burtons bomb but with fire too) and it will be remote detonated.

Naval version of an attack troop transport.

emp trooper. shoots an emp missile that can disable enemy vehicles but not buildings.

All China

mig bomber. drops a very strong napalm bomb

gd luck with the mod :thumb:

#12 suppy

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Posted 09 June 2004 - 05:02 PM

oh and gla naval units should be able to scavenge

#13 Guest_phyco1942_*

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Posted 10 June 2004 - 08:44 AM

nlln how about a subterrean apc for usa nlln

#14 Guest_Hornet_*

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Posted 10 June 2004 - 09:17 AM

HI have been watching this mod for quite some time now and looks great cant wait to see it :drool:

I got unit ideas here they are:

Comando style ifantry- Is aimed with and rifle and anti amour granades but can use a laser painter as a special weapon to call in either a single gunship to detroy the target or a cruise missile.

Ion cannon like the old cnc - Pretty much just as in the old version a single blast dealing some much damage.

Patrol Boat- Having a large caliber raid fire machine gun and either a small deck gun or rocket pod.


Missile Gattling cannon: an upgrade to include a missile pod on top of the gun adding better tank defence.

Bomber - An aircraft that can be upgraded to carry bigger bombs or cluster bombs.


Techincal demo traps: the basic techincal truck but can deploy demo traps instead of sending out the dozer.

Bm-21:@ mutilple rocket launch system :w00t0:

hope you can mybe use some ideas looking forward to mod good luck :tocol:

#15 phyco1942

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Posted 10 June 2004 - 10:35 AM

nlln flamethrower defence turret for the usa nlln

#16 phyco1942

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Posted 10 June 2004 - 10:39 AM

nlln mobile war factroy for the usa like the hand of nod from c&c tibrium sun

#17 generic_human

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 05:17 AM


MI-24V/HIND E: HIND info

Suicide Plane

Heavy Machine Gunner-would have to go prone to fire

Concrete Sub: I read about these in a Popular Mechanics a while back. Basically, its a really small attack sub made out of concrete. Itd be fairly fast, but wouldnt have much armor. Itd be able to fire 2 small torpedos, and a small missile that could hit land targets. The missile could carry a small amount of toxin.

I think they could use another tank or ground vehicle as well, but my minds kinda blank there....Ill edit this or post something if I think up one

#18 suppy

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Posted 12 June 2004 - 04:44 PM

an airship that has 2 cannons and can drop bombs. this should be for the gla and it wont be hi tech! just a rusty piece of crap which is really tough.

#19 wolfshadow


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Posted 12 June 2004 - 04:57 PM

I woulf really like to see a combat hovercraft.... 76mm gun and a missile rack. Read James H. Cobbs Amanda Garrett Series, Sea Fighter in particular. Although the Sea Fighter Hovercraft had, IIRC, 30mm Chain Guns and Hellfire Missiles.


#20 phyco1942

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Posted 14 June 2004 - 09:58 AM

nlln what about modafying jarmin kell like the demo genrals one but with a antrax bomb whitch he can plant on units and buldings (timed) and when it goes off it dose little damage to buldings but kills men and tanks in the area. you cold also replace the booby trap on the reables to a booby trap that uses toxins insted of explosivs nlln

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