Hmm... show time!
First of all, I don't care about IE. FF is much better and safer. It isn't mixed with the operational system, which is a great thing.
Or you should start respecting MS for the jobs they have done in the computer industry. Do you really think you'd be using a computer right now if it wasnt for Bill and his compagny. Apple sucked at promoting shit, IBM made a crappy thing called DOs. MS single handedly brought the computer into our homes. I think its time some people start to respect that. Windows isnt perfect, true, but neither is LINUX, or Mac or any other OS.
Seriously Immo, its time you get over your extreme MS hate, since Bill has made a lot of thing possible you cant even think of not having. I really hate it when people bash MS. Offcource some stuff is buggy, have you ever tried to look at how COMPLEX an OS is. And about the money they are asking: do you really think they're doing everything for F*ckin free. De development process of such as system requires years, no wonder it costs them money. Has it ever crossed your mind how much it costs to develop such a program. And dont use the LINUX argument, because frankly, the the guys who made all those Linux versions even got lesser lifes than us modders. yes OS works, yes it can be made free. But you cant make your living as a LINUX programmer, can you? MS created thousands of jobs world wide, single handedly brought the PC revolution and still everybody is flaming them for "wanting to dominate the world". They are just a compagny that wants to do what all good compagnies whan to do: making profit. Google might make enough money out of commercials, but do you really want adds all over your OS, cause I dont. So if you dont want it you'll have to pay for the development cost.
And about the generals mission thingy: "GENERALS IS BLOODY FICTION!"
just my 2 cents
No offense, Daeda, but this is utter shit. If it wasn't Microsoft, there would be other software developpers who would develop a similar technology (or even better) of what we have so far. There is Mac OS, Linux (with a bunch of great variations), many cool non-Microsoft games, there are alternative to Microsoft Office, there is Firefox and other great browsers, etc... There would be more games compatible with Linux, which would be much better. I recommend you to try using Linux, because if you think that it looks like an improved DOS, you are living behind the rock. And DirectX can be replaced by OpenGL, OpenAL and few other things. However, because of this Directx crap, the vast majority of the games are developped for windows only. I know WINE might run some of them, but they need to emulate stuff, which obligates them to make the game run slower.
In short, I don't like Microsoft. They charge too much for everything and their products lack stability (except for the mouses that rocks) and they treat their users like dumb assholes, which sucks.