I feel like changing the Chinese Nuke Bomb SW as its logic is quite buggy. I changed the bombs so they had to be detonated by the player (deployed) to avoid the no-detonation bugs and fixed the chronoing, but then when I added the deploying code they became invisible and wouldn't detonate on deploying, so I'm putting it up to the people, should I change the Nuke Bomb SW to one of the choices, or some idea of your's. Or should I just restore the Nuke Bombs to their original coding (paradrop, sit there, no controlled detonation, might not detonate etc...). If you are going to suggest your own superweapon, it must sound like something the Chinese faction in Zero Hour would use (either Nuclear, Napalm or MiG tech) and, as it will be a replacement for the nuke for China, it needs to pack quite a bit of power.
EDIT: Narrowed options after original poll ended in a draw and reset votes 06-03-06
EDIT: Reopened poll and added votes of people that weren't able to vote 14-03-06
Edited by Nighthawk200, 17 March 2006 - 06:36 PM.