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War of the Ring Mod

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#1 LordMaulir

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Posted 06 March 2006 - 02:44 AM

Im trying to mod the War of the Ring mode to:

have 4 or 5 "general" heros per side (# depends on testing and other issues)
Increase the CP limit
and to increse the amount of units produced or lower time to produce them (which ever works better in game)

and in the future to make it more "total war" like:

remove builders from real time mode
remove any buildable units/heros

If anyone has any sugestions or comments, feel free to post

Im starting with the heros, playing around with ini/campains/common area, no luck yet

will post when i have something if anyone's interested


Edited by LordMaulir, 06 March 2006 - 02:52 AM.

#2 LordMaulir

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Posted 06 March 2006 - 04:23 AM

i know this is breacking the double post rule but...

I have figured out how to add another "general" hero to WotR mode, however, only heros that are already in the game

note: all ini files can be found at ini/campains/common

for example adding the following code to livingworlddefaultarmies.ini

	ScriptingName = HeroArmy4
	SpawnForTemplates = PlayerDwarves
	HeroTemplateName = DwarvenGloin
	PlayerArmy = GloinPlayerArmy
	Icon = HeroGloinIcon
	Banner = BannerDwarves

will add a second Gloin to the game as long as you add another "HeroArmySpot" to each territory in the livingworldregions.ini

however, when I add this to livingworlddefaultarmies.ini

	ScriptingName = HeroArmy4
	SpawnForTemplates = PlayerMen
	HeroTemplateName = GondorFaramir
	PlayerArmy = FaramirPlayerArmy
	Icon = HeroFaramirIcon
	Banner = BannerMen

and this, just like all the other heros, to livingworldstartingunits.ini

	Name = FaramirPlayerArmy
	DisplayNameTag = LWA:MenHeroArmy
		ThingTemplate = GondorFaramir
		Quantity = 1

the hero will be placed invisibly and unmoveable on the territory, however he will be able to fight on the defensive

any sugestions or ideas?

i know it's early in the release so if you don't have any don't flame me

#3 Bart


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Posted 07 March 2006 - 06:58 PM

check DwarvenGloin's ART parameters

and when you find out how to remove the builders from RTS mode, do tell.
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#4 LordMaulir

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Posted 08 March 2006 - 02:47 AM

forgive my ignorance, but what, and where, do you mean by art parameters?

i never did much with the art/3d side of modding, just the coding side of things

(im curently adding support for 5 heros to all the regions in WotR mode)

Edited by LordMaulir, 08 March 2006 - 02:50 AM.

#5 Artifice


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Posted 08 March 2006 - 02:59 AM

Art Parameters is a section in Gloin's ini :dry:
It is almost always clearly marked with..
; *** ART Parameters ***
and it contains all the animations.

Edited by Prince Imrahil, 08 March 2006 - 03:01 AM.

#6 LordMaulir

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Posted 08 March 2006 - 11:32 PM

As far as I can tell the War of the Ring banners are unique and they only exist for the three 'general' heros EA has put in the game. And they are not in the *** ART Parameters *** section of the hero's ini code.

However, it is possible to add a new hero, he just (currently) has to use another hero's pre-made banner. Untill the hero banners are found, i have yet to find them in the game files, this will have to do.

I am, however, between homework and other activities, still looking for the location of the code/art work.

Edited by LordMaulir, 08 March 2006 - 11:34 PM.

#7 Artifice


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Posted 08 March 2006 - 11:49 PM

I don't know if its what your looking for, but heroui names a couple icons from wotr.

#8 LordMaulir

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 01:46 AM

i must be going blind...

the files i was looking for was the ini with the information for the "Icon" in this code:

	ScriptingName = HeroArmy2
	SpawnForTemplates = PlayerDwarves
	HeroTemplateName = DwarvenGloin
	PlayerArmy = GloinPlayerArmy
	Icon = HeroGloinIcon
	Banner = BannerDwarves

anyway it is located in the files at ini/livingworldicons/*

so i will need to create a new texture for each new hero added to WotR

Speaking of heros the dwarves and isengard need a 5th hero, any ideas?
i've added Gandolf to the dwarves already to give them four
maybe a create-a-hero would work for their 5th heros,
what do you think?

Edited by LordMaulir, 09 March 2006 - 01:47 AM.

#9 Bart


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Posted 10 March 2006 - 01:33 PM

yeah, just get some stuff from create a hero and use it to make your own.


use some Captain of the West stuff and make King Brand (Dale) for the dwarves

Ugluk (uruk) for isengard
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#10 LordMaulir

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Posted 13 March 2006 - 01:37 PM

I believe i have figured out a way to make all units and buildings un-buildable in RTS mode in the War of the Ring. (i need to do some more testing)

However, since this will remove buildable units from all modes, skirmish, multiplayer, etc, how does one create a .big file to mod the game from the My Battle for Middle Earth 2 folder without having to uninstall and reinstall the mod?

I was looking at the Rise of Rome mod .big file and was wondering, do all you need is the changed files and an icon pointing to the .big file?

Or, in other words, can I just create a file like that with the changed ini and will it work everywhere, or does the .big file have to have more?

Also, if you mod this way, can you still play the game without the mod, or is that impossible?


PS if there's a tutorial for this and i missed it, go ahead and yell

#11 Bart


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Posted 13 March 2006 - 02:06 PM

I was looking at the Rise of Rome mod .big file and was wondering, do all you need is the changed files and an icon pointing to the .big file?

Or, in other words, can I just create a file like that with the changed ini and will it work everywhere, or does the .big file have to have more?

Also, if you mod this way, can you still play the game without the mod, or is that impossible?



yes you can


Edited by 2playgames, 13 March 2006 - 02:06 PM.

bartvh | Join me, make your signature small!
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#12 LordMaulir

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Posted 15 March 2006 - 12:21 AM


Or, in other words, can I just create a file like that with the changed ini and will it work everywhere, or does the .big file have to have more?


I meant to say on every game with any sort of mod or changes --or something like that

Edited by LordMaulir, 15 March 2006 - 12:22 AM.

#13 Gumby22don

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Posted 16 March 2006 - 06:04 AM

For Rise of Rome (Mod for bfme1) I created an installer program. Basically, when someone launches the game, my installer renames all the bfme *.big files to *.bfme, then renames all the Rise of Rome .big files from *.ror to *.big, and then launches bfme with the "-mod rome.big" option. Our mod is based on the -mod path, but any others that work that way will work with this method. I am planning on making an updated launcher which will take a text file config for any mod working in this fashion, so that modders can just give an unpack of *.[your extension here] and a text file for the Launcher to read, and it will do everything automatically.

The advantage of having an executable Mod Launcher is that it automatically copies the original bfme .big files back into place after detecting you quitting the program.

have a great day
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