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The multitude of worlds of the Imperium...

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#1 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 17 June 2006 - 03:17 PM

Me and Boomer (and probably others) are contributing to and working on a planet list. Basically, if you could suggest a planet to include WITH A DESCRIPTION OF WHAT KIND OF PLANET IT IS AND IT'S BENEFITS we might just do that.

For example, we'll be using the Forgeworld of Ryza in the game as it specialises in advanced plasma technology and will unlock the Leman Russ Executioner (Plasma Cannon replacing the Battle Cannon)

Also, I've began work on my first map and getting used to the EAW map editor, if you have any cool ideas for maps you'd like to see, suggest them! (Diagrams would be cool)
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#2 Marcjs


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Posted 17 June 2006 - 04:00 PM

Personaly i would love to a corrupted craftworld on the edge of the eye of terror as it would looks so cool.

umm i always thought of craftworlds not as planets but as rocks much like discworld all the buildings that chaos taint has touched yet would be white those that chaos had reached would be warped beyond belief.

Technogly upgrade prehaps due to lost relics that are uncovered when you have captured the planet

or just a higher credit income

Edited by Marcjs, 17 June 2006 - 04:01 PM.

Men who do nothing but dream should just stay in their dreams forever !!!!
Be Afraid Rodger Smith this dream isnt going to end till i bring your life to a end !!


#3 Boomerang Python

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Posted 17 June 2006 - 04:23 PM

planets dont have to have benefits btw.
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#4 Strybjorn

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Posted 18 June 2006 - 01:42 AM

Fenris, Age of Apostasy. Need I say more.

#5 silent_lord

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Posted 18 June 2006 - 08:39 AM

An Eldar Craft-world is not a planet or an asteriod, they are giant moon-sized space-stations with engines to slowly move them.

Unfortunately GW has never bothered to be more precise when its comes to the Fluff of 40k, however I do know a few fmaous forgeworlds.

Ryza - plasma technology and containment field technology
Phaeton - birthplace of the common leman russ
Mezoa - specialised forgeworld for building ships of any type and class
Stygies - home of the vanquisher pattern leman russ and the best munition weapon artists

#6 Ali

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Posted 18 June 2006 - 09:27 AM

you should cheak wiki
link http://en.wikipedia....000#Agri-Worlds

#7 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 18 June 2006 - 12:16 PM


a craftworld would be interesting, but an eldar craftworld would have an e n o r m o u s escort fleet, and the eldar are no easy foe in bfg, they frikkin' pwn:P

long story short, we'd need eldar, and to take it you'd need a pretty badass fleet:P
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#8 Boomerang Python

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Posted 18 June 2006 - 12:16 PM

we have looked thru Wiki, and we have several other good resources we're not telling you, but we want you to tell us what you want.
My DeviantArt - Check it out.
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#9 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 18 June 2006 - 12:43 PM

precisely, so get suggesting pefore I remove your legs!
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#10 silent_lord

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 04:15 PM

Eldar craftworlds are themselves quite capable of rotecting themselves, also in the ten thousand years plus since the Imperium was born, they have never been able to breech the defences of a craftworld.

There are however two exceptions, both of switch cost the Imperium dearly.

There are many types of Imperial worlds;
Argi-worlds - farming planets with low populations and low technology
Hive-worlds - planets with masive populations reaching way over the 100 billion
Forge-worlds - The industrial heart of the Imperium, these huge factory planets make everything to maintain a war.
Shrine world - quiet worlds upon which the Emperor and his many saints are remembered and worshipped.
Grave-worlds - planets entirely handed over to the dead and the handful of caretakers to watch and maintain
Death-worlds - hardly places which life is very and brutal, produce some of the hardest soldiers in the imperium

There are then a host of other classes;
Knight worlds
Medieval world
primative worlds
etc... each basicly describing the level of technology that world has.

To start there three worlds which must be included, those are Holy Terra, Mars and Cadia, Homeworld, Home of Imperiums technology and the Fortress world.

Other than these three i think you should stay away from official 40k planets and make your own, otherwise you would end up having to have all those worlds, which would no doubt take up all the map.

#11 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 05:00 PM

Well, we will, obviously, be having Mars, Holy Terra, Port Maw, Ryza, Armageddon etc. the obvious planets. And yes, we are fluff fanatics and know that Terra (known to antiquity as Earth) is our home world (except me, I'm from Zorg). A craftworld is, as you said very capable of defending itself, never mind massive escort fleets and the Eldar propensity for hiding.

We also know they TYPES of imperial worlds... what we want is some interesting and possibly little known planets, perhaps taken directly from novels. Or are there planets people would REALLY like to see ingame?
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#12 essi2

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:20 PM

Planet you have to add: (well obviously you don't have to, but here is some of the planets i'd like to see in OW2
Terra (should be obvious)
Angelis (ork planet)
Pavonis (tomb world)
Pech (kroot homeworld)
Mars (Adeptus Mechanicus homeworld)
Belis Corona
:blink: :blink: :p :blink:

#13 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 07:00 PM

that's more the sorta thing I wanna see:P

could you give some description of the kind of terrain that's on these worlds... any information, because I can't map a world if I don't know wether its desert or tundra :p
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#14 silent_lord

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 07:55 PM

Fenris - ice, snow and barren. as described in the space-wolf novels
Terra - Is more like star-wars republic capital of coursant
Macragge - brief discriptions of in fluff points towards a fertile world much like Earth today
Angelis - barren, sand dunes with a few patches green
Pavonis - green fertile world wth many mountain ranges, its classed as a civilised world, small population.
Tau'n - hot, barren, rocks, deserts just like the Tau like it
Pech - not found any descriptions, but i say green with sprawling forests and jungles, as the kroot are avain and so wouldn't be on a barren rocky world.
Mordia - not a clue, would say temperate world
Tallarn - not known as the desert world for nothing
Valhalla - ice, ice and more ice, think Hoth.
Catachan - think Endor but more jungle than forest
Krieg - its a death world, but i don't what thats like
Cadia - open green plains, heavy wind most of the time, small hills and mountain ranges
Mars - barren, rocky with endless lines of factories and titan hangars, its surface is still as we know it, redl, red and more red.
Ryza - if you can see past the pollution, its barren, well it is now after the amount of pollution. this can be said for most forgeworlds.
Belis corona - little fuzzy on this one

If you really do want these, then you must consider having the four important worlds after terra and mars;
Segmentae majoris capitals
Solar segmentum - Mars
Tempestus segmentum - bakka - temperate
Ultima segmentum - Kar duniash - barrenish with small spots of green
Pacificus segmentum - hydraphur - sprawling cities on a temperate world, classed as Hive-world
Obscuras segmentum - cypra mundi - temperate

#15 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 09:47 PM

nice list there

I'm thinking of doing some different things with the galactic map too, rather than having every space cell have a planet too, like the asteroids we might do some stations and other things, like the eye of terror for example. Though, Cadia is the garrison guarding from chaos incursions, and the two might be combined with the eye just being on the skydome on the cadia space map. who knows.

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 19 June 2006 - 09:47 PM.

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#16 silent_lord

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Posted 20 June 2006 - 02:06 AM

That sounds very interesting, as the 40k galactic map has only two noticeable features; the Eye of terror to the northwest, and the maelstorm to the south east.

You could have a single craftworld in a cell, its certainly big enough as its rough either the size of the deathstar or larger.

#17 essi2

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Posted 20 June 2006 - 08:18 AM

according to the 40k wiki lexicanum:

Macragge-bleak and mountainous planet, the fortress hera should be featured if this planet is added
Terra-heavily polluted, oceans have dissappeared and citys across most of the surface, one planet sized temple
Fenris-fire and ice, perpetual winter on parts, others constantly covered in lava flows, pure and untainted
Mars-massive industrial and technological bases
Pech-three main continents-1.warm and temperate-2.desert, uninhabited-3.cold and temperate
Mordia- half perpetual darkness, half burnt to a sinder by the glaring sun, lack of rotation prevents any strong winds, sosialistic stat, discontent among the people
Tallarn-desert, "sleeping" chaos gate, The Eldar left machinery to keep the gate shut
Valhalla-icy wasteland, hive citys under the ice
Catachan-almost completely covered in dense jungle, ecosystem is hostile to human life-the plants eat peeps
Krieg-conditions are very poor, and the population are forced to wear air filtration systems, atomicly cleansed making it a Death World
Cadia-fortress world, 70% water, rest is thick pine forests, vast glaciers and urban areas
Belis corona-Dead World, vast conglomeration of orbital dockyards, Munitions stockpiles are stored in armoured bunkers kilometers below the planet's surface
Ryza-formidable Forge World, known for its plasma weapons and systems like the feared Leman Russ Executioner
Bakka-Imperial Naval Base for Segmentum Tempestus-temperate
Kar duniash-Naval Base for the Ultima Segmentum, barren with some green spots
Hydraphur-Naval Base for the Segmentum Pacificus
Cypra mundi-Forge World, Segmentum Obscurus Naval Base


#18 caprera

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 04:02 PM

Hi all guys first time here!! :p

I got this map for BFG:
What do you think about it ?

#19 Boomerang Python

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 04:04 PM

already have that. its der uber, we might add it to our site.
My DeviantArt - Check it out.
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#20 Ali

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 03:14 PM

whats the marlstrom?

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