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Kings of the West mod information

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#1 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 01:09 AM

This is not a complete list of what will be in the mod, but most things I will list here. For the time being I am only going to post (reveal) things that have been completed or are very close to finished or that have been guessed and I am willing to reveal.

EDIT: More up to date information available deeper in the thread (page 3 or 4)... I will be updating this page soon.

New or altered: (KEY: :ninja: = Secret, :dry: = Unsure about this)


-Grishnakh ($50) weak orc spy
-Shagrat ($800)
-Khamul ($1200) same as existing FINISHED
.....Leadership (Experience +150%, Armor +50%, Damage +150%)
- Nazgul($3000)
.....Mount Horse
- Nazgul($3000) (2nd copy)
.....Mount Horse
-Mouth of Sauron ($3000) FINISHED
My Notes: Leadership and anti-leadership with few spells, a good leader but not a good fighter
...2..Leadership [+200% Exp, +50% Vision, +125% Damage]
...2.."Lt of Barad-dur" (Give Experience to units)
...3..Anti-Leadership power (removes enemy leadership within radius of MoS much like Freezing Rain) (MoS best power)
...4.."Trickery of Words" (Wormtongue power)
...6.."Messenger of Mordor" (Enemy troops tremble in fear of Mordor's Messenger = this power makes use of the AtributeModifer that tells units to go-to a specific ModelConditionState, in this case "Terror"... so, when activated, it will make troops that are standing around freeze. The troops can still fight and move but inbetween attacks or when they don't have orders they won't do anything...much like when the eye of sauron is upon them. This is a useful power, but won't win a battle outright unless it is an even battle. This power can also be nullified by the 'Resist Fear' AtributeModifiers found in Gandalf, Aragorn, Gothmog, and Theoden's leadership bonuses)

Other Relevant Notes: MoS Speed is same as orcs, slow but won't run off on his own infront of the army.

The cost and the special power levels may be changed during testing if they turn out to be unbalanced.

Model created by Lauri, much of the code was given by King of the Universe, but the special powers are mainly mine (except leadership and Lt of B-D)

- Nazgul on Fellbeast ($3500)

- Gorbag ($800) (requires Spell)
.....Leadership to Morgul Black Uruks

- Gothmog ($4000) (requires a Spell)
...1..Mount Warg
............Active in background: Stealth Power

- WitchKing, Morgul Lord ($4000) (requires a Spell and an Upgrade) (roughly same as before)
.....Leadership (Experience +300%, Armor +75%, Damage +200%, larger radius) Best Mordor Leadership
.....Toggle Sword/Mace
.....Morgul Blade (Single powerful attack)
.....Black Breath (Wormtongue)
.....This is my Hour (WoP type weapon kills all enemy heroes near by)
.....Mount Fellbeast (vapula method)
.....Mount Horse???
.....Black Captian (mounted power similar to Elendil)???

- Morgul Orcs (new unit) (requires a Spell)
- Morgul Archer (new unit) (requires a Spell)
- Morgul Black Uruks (requires a Spell)
- Morgul Riders (new unit) (requires a Spell)

- Morgul Citadel (requires a Spell)
- Morgul Barracks (requires a Spell)
- Morgul Statue (requires a Spell)
- Morgul Armory
- Morgul Walls/Gate (requires a Spell)

- "Minas Morgul" (Replaces "Devestation")


- Sharku
- Ugluk

None currently

None currently

None currently


-Aragorn II (Ranger) ($3000) Starts at Level 5 with all powers available
.....Leadership (Experience +300%, Armor +75%, Damage +250%, Resist Fear +100%) Best Gondor/Good side Leadership
.....Toggle Bow/Sword
.....Toggle Mount
.....Summon Full Army of the Dead (the original Spell Summons)

-Legolas ($3000) Almost the Same
.....Knife Toggle (Toggle between Bow and Sword...Sword now does same damage as bow)
.....Knife Fighter (blademaster type power for Sword... +50% Damage and Armor)

NOTE: These have not been play tested... I did these for one of my personal mods today and decided to add them in. They may be reduced/removed if unbalanced.

-Gimli ($2500) Almost the Same
...1..Throw Axe
...2..Leap Attack
...5..Slayer (+100% Damage, +100% Armor)
...5..Breathe (Temperary +50% Speed Boost)
...8..Mithril Armor (Health +1000, +100% knockback resistantce; Passive Ability)
...8..Dwarven Grudge (Special Power timers recharge 25% faster, +200 Health; Passive Ability)

NOTE: These have not been play tested... I did these for one of my personal mods today and decided to add them in. They may be reduced/removed if unbalanced.

-Boromir ($1400)
...2..Horn of Gondor
...2..BladeMaster (blue)
...7..Captain of Gondor
...3..Last Stand (allows Boromir to continue fighting for about 30 sec after he 'dies')
-Faramir ($1200) SAME
-Beregond ???
-Pippin ($100) SAME

-Infantry and archers are slightly stronger and have better attack
-Knights now limited to (2) battalions
-Tower Guard unit renamed "Citadel Guard" and changed
-New Unit "Tower Guard" Elite Gondor Infantry

-Stable now can buy horse shields after producing 2 batalions of Knights

-Anduril (replaces Gandalf the White)
-Summon Gandalf the White (replaces Summon AotD)
.....Once summoned Gandalf has no timer and you buy him back from the citadel when he dies.


TENTATIVE I have not worked on Rohan yet

Rohan will be updated soon...

- :ninja: changes way Summon Elves works
- :) replaces Anduril (probably a summons...perhaps a summon gondor army type thing)
- :) replaces AotD (possibly 'Summon the Blue Wizards' much like Summon Gandalf the White)


Edited by GothmogtheOrc, 23 July 2006 - 09:49 PM.

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#2 |MeMw|Murazor

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 06:22 AM

meh, u should use the Aragorn in he's other armour the one that u made long time ago, instead of ranger armour tbh

btw, those 3000 hero for mordor i guess it's Nazgul on horse

and those two rohan heroes could be Gamling and Hama

Edited by |MeMw|Murazor, 29 June 2006 - 06:25 AM.

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#3 Lauri


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 08:41 AM

- :dry: ($3000)
- :) (2nd copy of this hero) ($3000)

xD that's gotta be....uhm...Gothmog, right :) or shargrat :ninja: no no no, it's Sauron, right? In spirit and real-size :ninja: :grin: :grin:

PS: you stupid enough? ^_^


The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link

#4 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 03:01 PM

meh, u should use the Aragorn in he's other armour the one that u made long time ago, instead of ranger armour tbh

btw, those 3000 hero for mordor i guess it's Nazgul on horse

and those two rohan heroes could be Gamling and Hama

I've already finished with aragorn and I don't feel like redoing him again, so he'll stay the way he is.

Yes, correct, the nazgul on horse are those 2 $3000 heroes

The rohan heroes may be Gamling and hama... I haven't entirely decided. I'll tell you guys as soon as I'm sure.

xD that's gotta be....uhm...Gothmog, right or shargrat no no no, it's Sauron, right? In spirit and real-size

PS: you stupid enough?

To do what? Add sauron real-size? nope! While I have concidered adding Sauron, at this point he is not in the mod.


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#5 |MeMw|Murazor

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 05:23 PM

omg, how could i know that? :lol:

and the early game hero for mordor i guess Gothmog(u wouldn't forget him would you :dry: ) and the other for 4000, i guess it's The Mouth of Sauron.

The Isengard heroes i think will be Ugluk and Sharku.

Edited by |MeMw|Murazor, 29 June 2006 - 05:28 PM.

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#6 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 06:55 PM

You're right about all four heroes, they are in the mod. But can you guess one special power (other than leadership) from each hero? If you can, then I'll add their info... if you can guess all four I'll completely add the Mouth of Sauron information.

This is fun!


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#7 zimoo


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 07:05 PM

Gothmog - summon catapults
MOS - corrupts enemies
Ugluk - Healing to uruks
Sharku - experience to wargs

Any of those right? :lol:
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Playing games? Ah, you'll never be a good modder if you get involved in actually playing them!

#8 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 30 June 2006 - 01:42 AM

Gothmog - summon catapults
MOS - corrupts enemies
Ugluk - Healing to uruks
Sharku - experience to wargs

Any of those right? :lol:

Gothmog- nope
MOS- what do you mean by corrupts? could you clarify that, you're close...
Ugluk- nope... opposite in fact :p
Sharku- yes, that was an easy one though :lol:

Three to go!


Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
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#9 Cobra


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Posted 30 June 2006 - 04:26 AM

is gothmog's a mount? or has that already been mentioned :lol:

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#10 zimoo


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Posted 30 June 2006 - 12:00 PM

Gothmog - melee attack?
MOS - turning enemies over to your side
Ugluk - Lol, why opposite? Anyway, I'll guess some type of Bloodthirsty power?
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Playing games? Ah, you'll never be a good modder if you get involved in actually playing them!

#11 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 30 June 2006 - 10:06 PM

Gothmog - melee attack?
MOS - turning enemies over to your side
Ugluk - Lol, why opposite? Anyway, I'll guess some type of Bloodthirsty power?

is gothmog's a mount? or has that already been mentioned

Gothmog: mount -yes; melee attack- no
MoS- yes
Ugluk- Bloodthirsty- yes

Nice job all, took a bit of guessing. I've uploaded all the info for the Mouth of Sauron in the main post.

I'll try to come up with another thing for you all to guess...


Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
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#12 adummy


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Posted 01 July 2006 - 05:10 AM

umm.......... nazgul on horse power screech? :p

Edit:O and gothmog where do you live so i know when you will be updating everything

Edit 2: also if i install all your mods will they all work together

Edited by adummy, 01 July 2006 - 05:28 AM.

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#13 zimoo


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Posted 01 July 2006 - 09:54 AM

He lives in Chicago, USA. It says so just underneath his avatar

I wouldn't imagine they would work together, but if you're a modder you could always try combining them yourself
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Playing games? Ah, you'll never be a good modder if you get involved in actually playing them!

#14 adummy


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Posted 01 July 2006 - 11:26 AM

i didnt notice that it said where he lives. :rolleyes:

eh. i'll see if he says you can
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#15 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 01 July 2006 - 03:27 PM

umm.......... nazgul on horse power screech?

-Nope, screech only works on the Fellbeast. I believe it's hard coded that way...

Edit:O and gothmog where do you live so i know when you will be updating everything

I live in the Chicago area but I don't update stuff on any regular basis or time. Though usually 2-3pm and 7-9pm Central time are the best bets.

Edit 2: also if i install all your mods will they all work together

As Zimoo said, if you know how to mod them you can get them all to work together... otherwise just wait for KotW which will do that. They won't all work together on their own though.

EDIT: What summon power should Gothmog have? I was thinking perhaps a Summon Grond power. Though it will be a much weaker version of grond. Or is there a better summons that you all can think of? ... what are your opinions on this?


Edited by GothmogtheOrc, 01 July 2006 - 05:09 PM.

Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
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#16 |MeMw|Murazor

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 09:13 PM

My opinion is no, no Grond summon need something else, dunno why tho. Will think about this more :rolleyes:
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#17 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 01 July 2006 - 10:21 PM

ok, that was my general feeling too, but I thought I would ask you all before I decided...

I was tired of working on the Evil side today, so I switched over and did a little bit of 'Good' editing. :p

I made these new powers for one of my personal mods but they turned out rather neat so I threw them into KotW...

-Legolas ($3000) Almost the Same
.....Knife Toggle (Toggle between Bow and Sword...Sword now does same damage as bow)
.....Knife Fighter (blademaster type power for Sword... +50% Damage and Armor)

NOTE: These have not been play tested... They may be reduced/removed if unbalanced.

-Gimli ($2500) Almost the Same
...1..Throw Axe
...2..Leap Attack
...5..Slayer (+100% Damage, +100% Armor)
...5..Breathe (Temperary +50% Speed Boost)
...8..Mithril Armor (Health +1000, +100% knockback resistantce; Passive Ability)
...8..Dwarven Grudge (Special Power timers recharge 25% faster, +200 Health; Passive Ability)

NOTE: These have not been play tested... They may be reduced/removed if unbalanced.

The Legolas Knife Toggle was created by King of the Universe, but I changed it up so that there is now both a toggle and a Fighter power.

For Gimli's slayer I removed the speed bonus and gave an armor bonus instead... then I created a seperate power for the speed bonus. Mithril Armor and Dwarven Grudge I came up with because I wanted gimli to have a couple more powers and I saw the button images in the textures folder and you can figure out the rest. :p

I haven't tested these powers yet, so they may be unbalanced...if so I will adjust accordingly ;)

And since you are no doubt curious as to what personal mod I am refering to and why I would edit two heroes not on my list, I'll tell you. A long time ago I downloaded a map called 'The Movie Singleplayer' which basically gives you the fellowship and you fight off thousands of enemies as you progress through the level... it's a cool map for when you can't play online. So, to make it more fun for me, I occationally take my recent mods, add in any new heroes, open up World builder and add my heroes to the map. This is what I did with Legolas, Gimli, AragornII and some of my other heroes.

So, there you have it: two new heroes and the history behind them.


Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
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#18 adummy


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Posted 01 July 2006 - 11:13 PM

hey you didnt add gothmog to the list of mordor heros up there. and i guess one of his powers is mount
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#19 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 12:24 AM

my bad, Gothmog has been added to the list... and yes one of his powers is mount warg.


Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
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#20 adummy


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 03:22 AM

for gothmog i think he should be able to summon a group of wargs just for a while. kind of like the elf summon and other summons.

and is one of his powers train

Edited by adummy, 02 July 2006 - 03:23 AM.

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