Haldir stronger than Theoden? I thought you were basing this on the books, and even if you were basing it on the films Theoden would still be stronger.
That's a generalization on my part, Theoden will be able to hold his own well enough, but it seems to me that Haldir would be a stronger hand-to-hand fighter due to youthfullnes. Perhaps Theoden will have a higher damage while Haldir has more health. Also, I'm basing the comparison of these two on the films as the book version of Haldir wouldn't even make it into a mod as a hero.
How come the leaderships won't stack? I can understand that it may overpower units, but units would tend to be more motivated if they had two of their great captains around them, as opposed to one.
The answer to that is two-fold: yes the leaderships will stack; however, most of the leaderships will only give bonuses to a certain type of unit. For example, this is how it looks to me right now:
-Theoden=all troops
-Theodred=all troops
-Eomer=all troops
-Eowyn=peasants,royal guards?
-Hama=Royal Guards only
-Erkenbrand=all troops
-Elfhelm=riders only
-Grimbold=riders only (very weak leadership)
-Gamling=peasants/yeoman archers only
-Alatar=all troops
-Pallando=all troops
-Haldir=elven warriors only
In addition, for any of the lesser captains, the leaderships will only be in one catagory or will be very small. This way if you have say Gamling and Grimbold, both parts of the army (inf + cav) will have leadership bonuses, but those bonuses might be as small as +50% Damage, +50%Armor, +50%Exp. Decent bonuses to be sure, but probably won't win the big battles.
As opposed to having say Eomer and Theoden, where your entire army could have a bonus of +250 damage, +300 armor, +350 exp or something...
Anyway, that's a glimpse of what I'm thinking... though nothing is final yet.
Edited by GothmogtheOrc, 12 July 2006 - 04:48 PM.