I want to join this:
Shelob.ini: Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_ModuleTag_ShelobWebbingStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityShelobWebbingone UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes StartsPaused = No End Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_ShelobWebbingUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityShelobWebbingone SkipContinue = Yes UnpackTime = 800 PreparationTime = 1 PersistentPrepTime = 1000 PackTime = 200 AwardXPForTriggering = 0 StartAbilityRange = 150 ApproachRequiresLOS = Yes SpecialWeapon = ShelobWebbing ChainedButton = Command_SpecialAbilityShelobwebbingtwo MustFinishAbility = Yes WhichSpecialWeapon = 3 BusyForDuration = 2000 End SpecialPower.ini: SpecialPower SpecialAbilityShelobWebbingone Enum = SPECIAL_SPELL_BOOK_RAIN_OF_FIRE ReloadTime = 10000 RadiusCursorRadius = 75.0 InitiateSound = SpellSummonSpiderlingsMS ;this plays when he fires, not when he targets Flags = RESPECT_RECHARGE_TIME_DISCOUNT MaxCastRange = 50 End
with this:
Shelob.ini: Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_ModuleTag_ShelobWebbingReplaceStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityShelobWebbingtwo UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes StartsPaused = No End Behavior = ReplaceObjectUpdate ModuleTag_ShelobWebbingReplaceUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityShelobWebbingtwo //SkipContinue = Yes UnpackingVariation = 1 UnpackTime = 800 PreparationTime = 1 //PersistentPrepTime = 1000 PackTime = 200 AwardXPForTriggering = 0 StartAbilityRange = CREATE_A_HERO_WORD_OF_POULTRY_RANGE_L2 MustFinishAbility = Yes ReplaceObject TargetObjectFilter = CREATE_A_HERO_WORD_OF_POULTRY_OBJECT_FILTER ReplacementObjectName = WebbedHumanoid End ReplaceRadius = CREATE_A_HERO_WORD_OF_POULTRY_RADIUS_L2 ReplaceFX = FX_CreateAHeroReplaceObject Scatter = Yes End SpecialPower.ini: SpecialPower SpecialAbilityShelobWebbingtwo Enum = SPECIAL_SPELL_BOOK_RAIN_OF_FIRE ReloadTime = 10000 RadiusCursorRadius = 75.0 InitiateSound = SpellSummonSpiderlingsMS ;this plays when he fires, not when he targets Flags = RESPECT_RECHARGE_TIME_DISCOUNT MaxCastRange = 50 End
So that when the first one fires the second one also fires at the same target area, is it possible?
Thanks people