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Chapter One: The Story Begins

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#241 Blodo


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Posted 09 November 2006 - 09:17 PM

Yuri was still crawling away as the car hit the barrier. Looking back he saw it all turn over yet again. At least all those pricks weren't a problem anymore. He turned back to see a swarm of rot getting closer and closer to him. He quickly got up and checked his ammo. Half a clip left - ok.
- "Hey you.. Gary! I think we oughta deal with this too." - he yelled pointing his MP5 at the incoming crowd and slowly backing out to the barricade.

(1) If evolution is false, then creationism is true, and therefore God exists.
(2) Evolution can't be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable.
(3) Therefore, God exists.

#242 Ryoga

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Posted 10 November 2006 - 01:05 AM

Kyle's thoughts were all of the place, he felt like an egg thrown against the ground on a 100+ degree day. He thought he went unconcious, though he wasn't sure as everything was basically a blur, it took him 10-15 seconds to regain his site and any coherent thoughts. He could hear the yelling of a couple people, and light, shambling footsteps. Kyle looked around and tried to grab hold of the situation. Blood coated his lip and he could taste the bitter iron taste of blood, he legs were numb from being on the ground so long and his head and body ached from the impact.

What the hell happened....did we hit something? Kyle tried to lean up, to almost no avail. All he could hear were the....Zombies and some other humans. The thought of the things of his nightmares and attention for the past five or six years, being alive frightened him. He knew he had to act quick.

"HEY! Anyone out there!?" He was yelling desperately, Despite the fact it would attract...Them he didn't care, the crash and fire fight were probably already enough to draw their attention.

"Help me out here!"

All Kyle could do was wait, and hope they heeded his call.

#243 Pastinator


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Posted 10 November 2006 - 05:49 PM

"SHIT!" Shouted Harvey. Cursing he threw his gun at the ground, then , noticing the apraoching horde, picked it back up. Calling Gary, Yuri, Gina and Regina over he began to talk.
" Ok, this better be quick, what the fuck are we gonna do. They're all shamblers, we killed all the runners, but there's enough of them to rip us and the rest of the station to shreds. What do you think? Also, there's those guys at the hospital to think about."
Cocking his head he heards a faint moaning comeing from the crumpled truck.
"Wait you guy's, i'll go check if there's anyone left alive in there."
Leaving Harvey wen't over to the truck and Regina began to talk.
"I think we should try and go off throught that tunnel to the sewage system. The question is, do we seal it off and survive, or wait for the other's to get back, and perhaps take some casulties?"
Turning around Regina saw Harvey walking back with a teenage to adult male leaning on his shoulder, holding what seemed to be a bat bag.
"Hello everyone, this is Kyle, he was kidnapped by those bikers." Said Harvey.

((OOC:Everybody get's three post's to discuss what to do. After that the enemy get's here. You are only allowed to do something other than talk unless you ask permission and get it. For anyone who wasn't thinking, one post for own idea, one for discussion of others, one for saying which one you want. the group will do the one the majority chooses, as there is three of you, i'll choose the casting vote for whichever seems better.))
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#244 Fire Ze Missiles!

Fire Ze Missiles!

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Posted 11 November 2006 - 06:49 PM

"Well, we can't just leave those guys out there! They went to get meds and shit for Niall, who in case you've forgotten is still in there, what'll they do if they get back and find we've all fucked off? Besides, theres not all that many of those bastards out there, we can take this lot. Especially with all those guns that are probably in that truck."
Of course I don't look busy; I did it right the first time.
Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.
FZM and Vort don't do tag wrestling...but if they did, they'd probably be the worst tag-wrestlers in the world.
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Oh for fuck's sake!

#245 Blodo


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Posted 11 November 2006 - 11:19 PM

Climbing through a hole in the wall Yuri stopped to look back. The pile of rot was closer by the second. He turned again in the groups direction counting the chances of "us versus them". The cop, the "killer", another cop and the wannabe - wait a second - who is the fifth guy?
- "What the hell is this? Who is this kid?"
Scanning the teenager for a second he added:
- "Never mind. You all can stay here, but I'm leaving this joint. Anybody want my SMG, here." - he said while dropping his MP5 and clips down on the floor. Turning around and making his way into the back rooms of the station before anyone could say anything, Yuri just finished it up with a quick:
- "See ya. Around."
Then he vanished as usual.

He made his way out the back window and onto the streets. The way he figured - at least the cop station provided him with some ammo for his Beretta. He won't need more. Thanks to all the ruckus in the street every dead man in the city probably went over to try and have a go at some human meat.
- "I better find me a vehicle.."

((OOC: Don't worry, just part of the plot. I'm far from leaving the RPG.))

(1) If evolution is false, then creationism is true, and therefore God exists.
(2) Evolution can't be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable.
(3) Therefore, God exists.

#246 Pastinator


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Posted 12 November 2006 - 01:24 PM

"I don't know said Gina, "How about we send up a flare here or something, try and get our guy's attention or something? Then we leg it off down to the sewers and close the manhole cover. Unless those creeps can smell us out or something we'll be fine, wont we?"
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#247 Fire Ze Missiles!

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Posted 14 November 2006 - 06:45 PM

"But surely that would just make them come back again? Fuck it. I'm staying here, whatever you guys wanna do." And with that Gary ran back to the gaping barricade and began once again to pour fire into the horde.
Of course I don't look busy; I did it right the first time.
Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.
FZM and Vort don't do tag wrestling...but if they did, they'd probably be the worst tag-wrestlers in the world.
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Oh for fuck's sake!

#248 Ryoga

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Posted 17 November 2006 - 06:30 PM

Kyle pulled a wooden baseball bat out of his bag while everyone discussed. He realized he had just gotten here and didn't have too much authority to suggest anything, so he would just comment here and there on what he thinks would be a good idea, though there was one thing nagging him.

"I....I don't think we should split up, were a small group, and we can't be making ourselves any smaller...uhmm....Ah...I think we should keep on the move. After all the commotion, those...things are bound to swarm here. We should take the dead guys and toss them as bait one way while we go the other. Kyle looked towards the..things, again and realized his legs shaking. He crouched down slightly and planted his hands above his kneecaps, trying to calm down.

This is just like those Zombie movies! were all going to die except for one or two people! Thoughts like these screamed throughout Kyle's head as he kept in a crouch position. His bat now resting on the ground. Once he had somewhat regained his composure he picked up his bat and weighed it in his hands. The thought of crushing another humanoid skull with it was something he thought he'd never do outside his T.V and video games.

#249 Pastinator


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 07:14 PM

"Thas a good idea, if a little sickening" said Harvey. 2How about we get one of those graffiti can's from the confiscation locker, and spray paint our postition wherever we go? I still suggest the sewer system, it should be low seeing as the toilets don't flush anymore, if we were some rubber boots i scavanged from the mall we should be fine for infection. Then we fire a flare for our freinds right?"
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#250 Ryoga

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Posted 17 November 2006 - 10:13 PM

"Uhmm...Well, Sure, but if we go into the sewers...won't we be trapped? It has at most two, maybe three exits, and they're rare..if were cornered without an exit....Uh...nevermind...I uh...Yeah, sounds good. i'm r-right behind you."

Kyle lost all conviction to suggest any revisements, he was still scared witless and was fine with following others. He checked to make sure his bag had all of it's contents and decided to pay attention again to the situation at hand. he tightly gripped his bat and looked around, the things drew closer....

#251 Pastinator


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 11:08 PM

The thing's aproached slowly, but ever more determined. They had about five mintues at most to do whatever they could.
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#252 Pastinator


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Posted 01 December 2006 - 05:49 PM

Gina decided to speak.

"Hey, those guy's already were way from here, as long as they saw the horde, they'd be clever enough to leave. I suggest we go from the sewer's to the dock's, perhaps find a boat there or something? We could then find another way to find the other's!"

Edited by Pastinator, 01 December 2006 - 05:51 PM.

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#253 Cheshire Fox

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Posted 02 December 2006 - 11:14 PM

"Titus! Have you fucking listened to a goddamn fucking thing we've said in the past ten minutes! WE ARE FUCKING GOING TO THE TANKER YOU IDIOT! GET YOUR ASS BACK IN THIS VAN!" Darkman turned to Yuri and jones. "Actually, we could just sorta leave him to have a party with his friends and get on to the tanker...I mean, my one interest right now is suriving and killing zomibes, which in no way connects to saving people I don't know. I do sorta know Titus, I woulnd't quite be happy if he died, so TITUS! GET IN THE FUCKING VAN!"
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This is the place where all the junkies go, where time gets fast but everything gets slow.
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#254 Bernie


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Posted 03 December 2006 - 11:51 AM

Bern shook his head, ashamed by what Darkman had just said.

"You want to get out alive? Then I suggest we get more people. The more people we have in the group, the more likely it is for some of us to survive, you read me loud and clear?"

Bern reloaded his rifle and stepped out of van, firing into the distance towards a few of the flesh eaters.

"Hey, you damn rotten flesh for brains, come get the whoopin' of a life time, right here, RIGHT NOW!"
"Ahh, the great outdoors. Black crows in the trees...cars driving like mad *Blinks* people eating corpses..gah, the creatures of the night have come!"

#255 Pastinator


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Posted 03 December 2006 - 04:07 PM

Harvey looked at the aproaching people and said one thing about his previous idea.

"Fuck that!"

Grabbing Gina, Gary, and shouting to Regina he pulled them in the direction of the car Titus had been working on. Flicking the key's he turned the car over and set the engine purring.

"Get in, we gotta get over to those people!"
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#256 Paladin58


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Posted 03 December 2006 - 07:19 PM

"Well, looks like jumping out of the van was the stupidest decision I have made in my life... Eh, better make the most of it," thought Titus loud as he started to pull pins out of grenades, to chuck into the small pond of undead flesh. Three grenades were thrown, and a fourth went off when they did. Hmmm, must've gotten a military surplus bastard with that one, thought Titus, as three and a half swaths the size of extra large trampolines were blasted into the crowd. Whether all of the undead were re-killed in those swaths, he didn't know for sure, as they were very slow to get back up.

"C'mon, Johnny, while we're here, here's your chance to re-kill some of 'em! It'll make it a little easier for us in the long run!" he yelled out, when he heard a roar of a familiar machine. "Hey! Someone's taking my truck!"

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

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#257 Pastinator


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Posted 03 December 2006 - 07:53 PM

With everybody in the back Harvey revved the car up, driving through the massed hordes, knocking them down, their head's popping like pineapples, brain's forced out of eye socket's. He was well on his way to the other's when a runner caught up with the car, and jumped into the front window at him.

"Regina! Gary! Do something!" He screamed whilst trying to wrestle it off his head and trying to control the car at the same time.
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#258 Paladin58


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 01:13 AM

Titus saw the carnage unfolding around the truck, and he pulled out his Beretta pistol and took some shots at the undead trying to infect Harvey, around ten meters away.

"Don't worry Harvey, just punch it in the forehead!" he said while trying to distract the runner. As soon as he ran out of ammo, he slung his Benelli shotgun around, under his shoulder, and began to fire shots into the horde near him. Soon, as he depleted the full ammunition in the Benelli, he then slung it back onto his back and grabbed the rifle next to it, taking precise shots to try and behead the undead.

Edited by Nology5890, 04 December 2006 - 01:14 AM.

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

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#259 Bernie


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 09:42 AM

"You mess with me, you're messin' with..."

Bern continued to fire rapidly at the shamblers approaching him.

"You mess with, ugh..."

Bern began walking backwards towards the van, as the shamblers continued their advance. Seeing Titus was managing to handle himself, he reloaded and begun getting back into the van.

"You mess with me, you're probably messing with somebody that's really hungry..."
"Ahh, the great outdoors. Black crows in the trees...cars driving like mad *Blinks* people eating corpses..gah, the creatures of the night have come!"

#260 Pastinator


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 07:17 PM

Grabbing hold of Harvey's nightstick Gina swung it round on the infected's skull, splintering bone and flesh with abadon. Then, she grabbed hold of it and threw it out of the window, but as she did so it turned and bit her on the arm, blood spraying from her wrist.
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