Now to my questions:
1- I set the pivots to 'align to world' but the direction of my greens and reads are different than Killaz's model.
My model is in the same perspective view as Killaz's model (in the boning tutorial).
My model: Blues are up, Greens toward the back of my tank, Reds facing to ward the left tread.
Killaz model: Blues are up, Greens toward the left tread, Reds facing toward the front of the tank.
My tank moves and fires sideways. How can I fix this?
2- I attached some section of my model to one another. How can I detach them?
3- I chose a texture [.tga] from 'Asset Browser'. I chose the UVW Map and skin looks fine. But now I want to undo these two steps and move back to the unskinned mesh. How can I do that?
4- Can I do skinning after building and boning of the tank? Which of the following is better?
1- Building -> Boning -> Skinning
2- Building -> Skinning -> Boning
5- How can I select the team colors? In the boning tutorial Killaz mentioned to link the team colors to turret but that is it. I created a mini-barrel around my tank's barrel and I want it to be the team color? What option should I select?
6- I created a .big file for my model and placed it in Generals install folder. Later, I made some changes to model and exported it as .w3d file. Do I have to recreate the .big file? or will the .big file change automatically?
7- Where can I download a W3D viewer?
Edited by ayman22, 07 August 2006 - 12:34 PM.