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AIdata.ini file - what does all those parameters mean?

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#1 Creator


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Posted 14 November 2006 - 01:01 PM

What does all those parameters mean?

  StructureSeconds					= 0.0;  Ai tries to build a new structure every N seconds.
  TeamSeconds						 = 10	 ;Ai tries to build a new team every N seconds.
  Wealthy							 = 7000  ;   Number of resources for the AI to consider itself wealthy
  Poor								= 2000  ;   Number of resources for the AI to consider itself poor
  StructuresWealthyRate			   = 2.0;  (2=twice as fast) Rate modifier for structure building when wealthy.
  StructuresPoorRate				  = 0.6;  (0.5=half as fast) Rate modifier for structures when poor.
  TeamsWealthyRate					= 2.0;   (2=twice as fast) Rate modifier for teams building when wealthy.
  TeamsPoorRate					   = 0.6;  (0.5=half as fast) Rate modifier for teams when poor.
  TeamResourcesToStart				= 0.1  ; (1.0=100%) Amount of resources required to start building a team. 
  GuardInnerModifierAI				= 1.1;The radius modifier to vision which a guarding (AI Controlled) unit will agressively attack
  GuardOuterModifierAI				= 1.333 ;The radius modifier to vision which a guarding (AI Controlled) unit will chase after
  GuardInnerModifierHuman			 = 1.8;1.1;The radius modifier to vision which a guarding (Human Controlled) unit will agressively attack
  GuardOuterModifierHuman			 = 2.2;1.333 ;The radius modifier to vision which a guarding (Human Controlled) unit will chase after
  GuardChaseUnitsDuration			 = 10000 ;The number of msec for which a guarding unit will chase attackers before giving up
  GuardEnemyScanRate				  = 500; when actively guarding, how often to scan for enemies (msec)
  GuardEnemyReturnScanRate			= 1000  ; when returning to "active" guarding (from pursuing someone), how often to scan for enemies (msec)
  AlertRangeModifier				  = 1.1;The adjustment applied when a unit is alert and doing various scans for enemies (AI units only)
  AggressiveRangeModifier			 = 1.5;The adjustment applied when a unit is aggressive and doing various scans for enemies (AI units only)
  AttackPriorityDistanceModifier	  = 100.0 ;The distance required to reduce attack priority by 1.
  MaxRecruitRadius					= 500.0 ;The maximum distance a unit will be from a unit that recruits it.
  SkirmishBaseDefenseExtraDistance	= 150.0 ; Instead of placing base defenses on the template edge, bump it this much farther out
  ForceIdleMSEC					   = 67	;The number of milisec a unit must be idle before looking for an enemy, 2 frames.
  ForceSkirmishAI					 = No	; Use skirmish instead of solo ai.  For development till the skirmish ui is finished.  jba.
  RotateSkirmishBases				 = No;  If yes, rotate base layout so same side of base faces center of map.  
  AttackUsesLineOfSight			   = Yes;  If yes, attack for ALL UNITS (player and ai) uses line of sight.  

  EnableRepulsors					 = Yes; If yes, KINDOF_CAN_BE_REPULSED will run from enemies & repulsors.
  RepulsedDistance					= 50.0  ; How far beyond vision range a repulsed civilian will run before stopping.
  WallHeight						  = 43	; Height of the "Wall", made of KIND WALK_ON_TOP pieces. 
  AttackIgnoreInsignificantBuildings  = Yes; If yes, units will ignore enemy-owned buildings that are not faction buildings

; SkirmishGroupFudgeDistance is the distance that is multiplied by the number of units in a group to 
; determine if they are close enough to the waypoint to consider themselves AT the waypoint. This is 
; only used for "Follow Waypoint Path as a Team."
  SkirmishGroupFudgeDistance		  = 5.0

; Group pathfinding parameters.
  MinInfantryForGroup				 = 3	  ; Have to have 3 infantry to do group movement.
  MinVehiclesForGroup				 = 3	  ; Have to have 3 vehicles to do group movement.
  MinDistanceForGroup				 = 100.0  ; Have to be moving at least this far for group movement.
  DistanceRequiresGroup			   = 500.0  ; Force group movement if moving at least this far.

; Note that these group pathfind parameters are inter-related, and modifying them may produce really
; ugly results & require code changes.  jba.
  InfantryPathfindDiameter			= 6	  ; Number of pathfind cells wide group path is for infantry.
  VehiclePathfindDiameter			 = 6	  ; Number of pathfind cells wide group path is for vehicles.

  SupplyCenterSafeRadius			  = 300.0  ; Radius to scan for enemies to determine if a supply center is safe.
  RebuildDelayTimeSeconds			 = 30	 ; Delay this many seconds when a base building is destroyed or captured before attempting rebuild.

  AIDozerBoredRadiusModifier		  = 2.0	; Multiplier to dozer scan radius for repair & mine clearing.  2.0 means ai uses twice the radius as human dozers.
  AICrushesInfantry				   = Yes	; If yes, ai will attempt to crush infantry with vehicles.

; Retaliation parameters.
  MaxRetaliationDistance			  = 200.0  ; If the attacker is more than this far away, won't chase.  Keeps from chasing artillery.
  RetaliationFriendsRadius			= 120.0  ; Retaliator gathers allies within this distance & attacks.

I see there are comments here, but there are many unclear things anyway.

For example, StructureSeconds parameter which says that AI will try to build a new building each N seconds. But building process is controlled by scripts. What is StructureSeconds needed for?

The same is for Wealthy and Poor parameters. It is clear that AI will consider itself as wealthy or poor, but what for? How does it effect the game? And so on. StructuresWealthyRate, StructuresPoorRate, TeamsWealthyRate and TeamsPoorRate are seem to be totaly useless.

AttackUsesLineOfSight - what for? Units can have the setting "ATTACK_NEEDS_LINE_OF_SIGHT" in KindOf string.

ForceSkirmishAI - What for? What is solo ai?

InfantryPathfindDiameter - What's the meaning of this? What is those "pathfind cells"?

MaxRecruitRadius - Wherer is it used? What is recruiting? Are teams building and recruiting the same?

MinInfantryForGroup, MinVehiclesForGroup - what for? Groups are determined in ScirmishScripts.scb. There can be even 1 solder or 1 vehicle in group.

SupplyCenterSafeRadius - What does it effect? Why AI should consider its Supply Center as safe?

MaxRetaliationDistance, RetaliationFriendsRadius - Where is it used? What does it effect?

ForceIdleMSEC, GuardEnemyScanRate and GuardEnemyReturnScanRate - what is the difference between these parameters? In which cases will units use 1000 msec delay in which - 500 msec delay and in which - 67 msec delay?

AttackIgnoreInsignificantBuildings - how AI determines if a building is significant or insignificant?

Edited by Creator, 14 November 2006 - 01:02 PM.

#2 stack111


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Posted 15 December 2006 - 10:52 PM

For example, StructureSeconds parameter which says that AI will try to build a new building each N seconds. But building process is controlled by scripts. What is StructureSeconds needed for?

It intializes it i believe, it loads 0 secs then it will go to scripts

The same is for Wealthy and Poor parameters. It is clear that AI will consider itself as wealthy or poor, but what for? How does it effect the game? And so on. StructuresWealthyRate, StructuresPoorRate, TeamsWealthyRate and TeamsPoorRate are seem to be totaly useless.

another initialization but i think the greater the poor number is the sooner the ai will call scripts to hunt for more money. THe less weathly will consider the ai to build units rather than money makers

ForceSkirmishAI - What for? What is solo ai?

Solo ai is for offline play which tends to be easier while skirmishai is for online play with computers yet again it defines the value

InfantryPathfindDiameter - What's the meaning of this? What is those "pathfind cells"?

Pathfindcells as in the space for moving in an AI path on a map or the space it searches for a path

MaxRecruitRadius - Wherer is it used? What is recruiting? Are teams building and recruiting the same?

in skirmishscripts.scb once units are built they are recruited for the team they are in

MinInfantryForGroup, MinVehiclesForGroup - what for? Groups are determined in ScirmishScripts.scb. There can be even 1 solder or 1 vehicle in group.

Correct, but this defines the variable to be changed in the .scb

SupplyCenterSafeRadius - What does it effect? Why AI should consider its Supply Center as safe?

it tests if there are any enemies within the radii of supply depots and determines whether to build something there or not, because it is more realistic to see if the supplies have enemies by them before you build there

MaxRetaliationDistance, RetaliationFriendsRadius - Where is it used? What does it effect?

In the game options there is a check box for Retaliation, if an unit comes under attack and checkbox is checked then it will pursue the unit which attacked it, the friendradius is the unit near the unit which is attacked

ForceIdleMSEC, GuardEnemyScanRate and GuardEnemyReturnScanRate - what is the difference between these parameters? In which cases will units use 1000 msec delay in which - 500 msec delay and in which - 67 msec delay?

ForceIdleMSEC= after a unit kills something it returns back to guarding an area on the map, GuardEnemyReturnScanRate= is done once to check units after killing something or a unit goes stealth, in a way the > the numer the stupider the unit, GuardEnemyScanRate=Simple how often to check for enemies in the "combat zone"

AttackIgnoreInsignificantBuildings - how AI determines if a building is significant or insignificant?

Greater the cost of a unit, the more significant it is
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#3 Creator


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Posted 20 December 2006 - 08:17 PM

another initialization but i think the greater the poor number is the sooner the ai will call scripts to hunt for more money. THe less weathly will consider the ai to build units rather than money makers

Incorrect. AI calls "money scripts" each N number of seconds. These scripts are located in "Base expansion" group. These parameters in AIData.ini seem to be useless.

AttackIgnoreInsignificantBuildings - how AI determines if a building is significant or insignificant?

Greater the cost of a unit, the more significant it is

No. I had found out what it is. If this parameter is equal to "no" then PLAYER CONTROLLED units attack all enemy buildings automatically. If "yes", then they don't not attack power plants, command centers, factories and other base buildings unless they are ordered to do it.

Edited by Creator, 20 December 2006 - 08:21 PM.

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