Updated: 02.01.2007
Okay, seem like the replacement mod manager doesn't seem to work on your system.FAQ1: The ingame mod manager doesn't seem to work, although the mod installed correctly to the Dark Crusade folder. The Skirmish AI shortcut doesn't seem to work either and there's no AI version info shown at the main menu. What should I do?
Possible solution 1:
If you get an entry in DarkCrusadeDirectory\warnings.log : "Failed to load mod dll 'WXPMod_DCMod.dll' then it is possible that you are missing a file called msvcr71.dll. Download it here and copy into DarkCrusadeDirectory.
Possible solution 2:
Could be a write protected problem of the DC folder or maybe you don't have admin rights. But you can try to avoid the replacement mod manager and manipulate the two module files dowai.module and DXP2.module yourself.
a) DXP2.module
Add the following line to the bottom of the file:
RequiredMod.2 = dowai
b) dowai.module
Replace the line...
DllName = WXPMod_DCModwith...
DllName = WXPModand delete the lines
RequiredMod.1 = DXP2 RequiredMod.2 = W40kat the bottom of the file.
The mod should now always be active, even if you only use the DC shortcut to start the game. If you want to switch back to the default AI, you have to remove the 'RequiredMod.2 = dowai' line in the DXP2.module file.
Note: Although there's still no AI mod info shown at the main menu or the game manager, the mod SHOULD BE active!
The AI donations are by default deactivated (We didn't have a choice here...), and you have to activate it for the first time in the game modes section when you start a new game. (Just like Take and Hold, Assassination, etc.)FAQ2: The AI donations doesn't seem to work. What should I do?
In the Start -> Programs -> THQ -> Dawn of War Dark Crusade -> Dawn of Skirmish AI Project section of the windows start menu, you'll find links to the readme file and the AI config.FAQ3: I can't find the AI control panel or the readme file. Where do I have to look?
Yes! Just look at the readme file in the AI config panel section.FAQ4: I don't understand the options in the AI config panel. Is there a description anywhere?
When it comes to multiplayer synchronisation, DOW seems to react very sensitive to the increased performance hits of the AI mod. DOS AI 2.1 has some performance improvements, but if this is not enough then try to:FAQ5: I get strange synchronisation errors when playing with my friends in a LAN party or online. A short duration after the start of the game, one or more of the players loose the connection and are dropped from the game.
a) Activate AI Highspeed option in the game mode panel at the setup of a game
b) Deactivate AI Donations option in the game mode panel at the setup of a game
If you've still problems, it doesn't look too good. From experience there are two other things that could help to avoid or at least reduce the problem:
c) Switch the server host to another computer
d) Exclude low performance computers from the session
Here's probably a Relic pathing problem involved. Most of those situations are caused, because the AI tries to capture a strategic/critical point and since the check routine for threats on path is bugged, the AI thinks the way is save and runs into the open arms of an enemy army.FAQ6: On some maps the AI seems to have a very strange behaviour. It attacks with single squads which don't seem to attack back and are hopeless sacrificed. (In other words: The AI really sucks in those situations)
It can also happen if the AI tries to retreat from an attack or tries to support a distant enemy. The AI doesn't offer a 'choose save path' command and in some situations this can get the AI in serious trouble.
Those problems can't be solved so easily. We try to find work arounds to compensate and/or avoid such situations, but our options are very limited here.
In general you should try to avoid maps and layouts which can cause this problems. It's not always easy, since it also depends on the personal play style.
Yes, switch off the harassing option in the AI config panel and set an attack delay of maybe 5 - 8 minutes. This should give the AI enough time to obtain enough forces to deal with a turret farm.FAQ7: The AI seem to be very sensitive to a turret rush. Is it possible to at least avoid his early attacks, so that he attacks at least with a bigger army?
According to player feedback, it seems to work without any problems. Anyway, try this on your own risk, since it isn't the priority of this mod. Further you should keep in mind that the campaign balancing could be severly hurt by using the AI mod.FAQ8: Does the mod also work in the campaign mode?
Insane: 140%FAQ9: What are the resource boni and mali of the various difficulty levels?
Harder: 120%
Hard: 100%
Standard: 80%
Easy: 30%
In summary: In order to play online, at this point at least, you must deactivate the AI mod. Using the DOW game manager by itself is inefective. In actualiy, you must restart the game twice. Follow these steps exactly: Switch to normal DOW using the game manager, agree to the forced restart, exit the game, restart the game using the normal DOW DC exe. DO NOT use the AI skirmish exe.FAQ10: Since I have the AI mod installed I get strange connection problems when I try to play the basic DC game online with other players.
We'll update the FAQ if there are any changes or new additions...
Edited by ArkhanTheBlack, 02 January 2007 - 02:32 PM.