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How to have an ALL AI battle + Super Fast Game Speed, etc.

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#41 thudo


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Posted 05 April 2009 - 06:37 PM

@Chupito = check your autoexec.lua that it doesn't run the Cpu_ControlLocalPlayer() somewhere else. It has to give up the CPU control to the player
@Sceptre = I use the camera mode by using a custom "camera_high.lua" file and put it in \Engine\Data then I have custom zoom ins and out. For maps.. thats different: some maps allow you to see unlimited range but its mostly map-dependant and the map has to be coded to allow for it.
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#42 Sceptre

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 07:26 PM

Yeah, I was referring to skirmish mode, specifically. I've made the camera_high.lua file (with the code, of course), placed it in Engine/data, but I don't see any notable differences.

#43 thudo


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Posted 07 April 2009 - 07:28 PM

It works trust me. The camera_high code I posted might not be the most accurate one I use. Have to be home to confirm but tell ya it 110% works if you put it in that folder. You ran the game with -dev, right?
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#44 gamblor

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Posted 13 September 2009 - 10:36 AM

I have done everything on the front thread but its just not working. just have Soul Storm. Was wondering if its because of the crack I use to run the exe. Let me know if your still around so I can chat more about this problem. How do you know your running in developer mode? Will it show in the game?

Edited by gamblor, 13 September 2009 - 10:40 AM.

#45 thudo


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Posted 13 September 2009 - 03:14 PM

The Camera_high.lua I use is:

--	General camera parameters
FieldOfView = 60.000000
ClipNear = 0.1
ClipFar = 9600

TerrainClip = 1.0

--	Interpolation in camera motion and camera snapping
--	Rate = rate to interpolate
--	Base = base to perform interpolation in (2.71828 for linear, must be >1)
--	Threshold = threshold to start performing interpolation

--	  Controls pan speed
SlideTargetRate = 4
SlideTargetBase = 2
--SlideTargetThreshold = 1

--	  Controls zoom speed
SlideDistRate = 2
SlideDistBase = 5
--SlideDistThreshold = 1

--	  Controls orbit speed
SlideOrbitRate = 10
SlideOrbitBase = 1.01
--SlideOrbitThreshold = 1

--	  Controls declination speed
SlideDeclRate = 4
SlideDeclBase = 1.01
--SlideDeclThreshold = 1

--	Controls the speed of the zoom with the double button press
DistRateMouse = 0.50

--	Controls the speed of the zoom on the wheel
DistRateWheelZoomIn = 0.7
DistRateWheelZoomOut = 1.45

--	Distance range in metres
DistMin = 1.0
DistMax = 78.0

--	Declination speed
DeclRateMouse = -5

--	Declination range : angle range you can look at a target
DeclMin = 0.0
DeclMax = 80.0

--	Mouse orbit speed
OrbitRateMouse = -4

--	Default camera parameters
DefaultDistance = 58
DefaultDeclination = 45
DefaultOrbit = 55

--	Minimum eye height
DistGroundHeight = 2.0

--	Pan velocity scaling
--	Panning speed at the default/min height
PanScaleMouseDefZ = 500

PanScaleKeyboardDefZ = 175
PanScaleKeyboardMinZ = 35

PanScaleScreenDefZ = 150
PanScaleScreenMinZ = 30

-- Panning acceleration
-- To turn acceleration off, use the following values:
--	 PanAccelerate = 0.0
--	 PanStartSpeedScalar = 1.0
PanAccelerate = 0.0
PanStartSpeedScalar = 0.5
PanMaxSpeedScalar = 1.0

--	Enable/disable declination
DeclinationEnabled = 1.0

--	Enable/disable rotation
OrbitEnabled = 1.0
1) Should be placed into <location where SS is installed>\Engine\Data
2) Run Soulstorm with the -dev command under the target line for the SS main shortcut as such: "<path to Soulstorm>\Soulstorm.exe -dev -nomovies"
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#46 gamblor

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Posted 13 September 2009 - 06:02 PM

2) Run Soulstorm with the -dev command under the target line for the SS main shortcut as such: "<path to Soulstorm>\Soulstorm.exe -dev -nomovies"

will not allow me to add in -dev or -nomovies in the qoutes.

#47 thudo


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Posted 13 September 2009 - 06:07 PM

Don't need to use quotes. I don't.. running WinXP SP3.
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#48 gamblor

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Posted 13 September 2009 - 07:59 PM

Don't need to use quotes. I don't.. running WinXP SP3.

"E:\Games\Dawn of War - Soulstorm\Soulstorm.exe" -dev -nomovies is this right and how will I know if its in developer mode? will it say in the game? I am also thinking my autoexec.lua might be in the wrong format or setup not correct. It is in notepad. Is there any way I could send it to you or can you send me a copy of yours so I can see if its done right and works. I see someones else said he but it in the DoW 30k base game and it worked for him should I do the same and add in the base game too and see if that fixes the problem. I only have DoW SS installed and the .lua file is sitting in the main folder only. Let me know I really want to have this work so I can do some tweaking. Thxs Thudo

#49 thudo


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Posted 13 September 2009 - 10:00 PM

Guess so. It should work with the above command line.
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#50 gamblor

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Posted 13 September 2009 - 10:22 PM

Guess so. It should work with the above command line.

Its not :( I tried everything and its still not working for me so I am going to give up on it. Weird the nomovie intro works fine so why is the developer mode or .lua file not??? Really frustrating :p

Edited by gamblor, 13 September 2009 - 10:24 PM.

#51 thudo


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Posted 13 September 2009 - 10:46 PM

You know if -dev works if when you play a game in creates a folder in the <installed Soulstorm location>\logfiles folder. Thats where cool debug info goes so you don't need to have autoexec.lua working to know if -dev is enabled.
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#52 gamblor

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Posted 13 September 2009 - 10:59 PM

You know if -dev works if when you play a game in creates a folder in the <installed Soulstorm location>\logfiles folder. Thats where cool debug info goes so you don't need to have autoexec.lua working to know if -dev is enabled.

Yep I have several log files in that folder so it should be working but the AI is not taking over my player. Think I am missing something here but just can't figure out what it could be.

Edited by gamblor, 13 September 2009 - 11:00 PM.

#53 thudo


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Posted 14 September 2009 - 02:51 AM

Well my autoexec.lua is:

run = Cpu_ControlLocalPlayer()
run = setsimrate(50)
run = fog_toggle()
--run = FOW_RevealAll()


function test()
local count=World_GetPlayerCount()
if count>1 then
if count>2 then
if count>3 then
if count>4 then
if count>5 then
if count>6 then
if count>7 then


function test1()
local count=World_GetPlayerCount()
if count>1 then
if count>2 then
if count>3 then
if count>4 then
if count>5 then
if count>6 then
if count>7 then


bind("shift+tab", "toggle_screenmode()")
screenmode = 0
function toggle_screenmode()
if screenmode == 0 then
screenmode = 1
screenmode = 0

This is placed in the root of the where you installed Soulstorm folder.
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#54 gamblor

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Posted 14 September 2009 - 10:23 PM

One last question will it not work with a crack exe?

#55 thudo


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Posted 14 September 2009 - 10:53 PM

Yes it works perfectly with the NoDVD rsss.dll crack for SS 1.20 which I use.
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#56 kantutero2008

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 11:01 PM

hi thudo.. i would like to congratulate you and your team for a great job in dawn of skirmish 3.2..it is awesome...i noticed that when i do an ALL AI battle the tau empire would almost always win...do they have a certain advantage compared to other races?..also in dawn of skirmish does the enemy AI perform better than my allies?..i usually play 3on3 or 4on4 and most of the time we get stomped by enemy tau empire AI because my allies do not harass the enemy..please enlighten me..

#57 thudo


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Posted 07 October 2009 - 01:17 AM

.i noticed that when i do an ALL AI battle the tau empire would almost always win...do they have a certain advantage compared to other races?

Yes.. in current Soulstorm 1.20 the Tau are still IMBA and Necrons are now grossly retarded. Blame Relic for NOT resolving this.

also in dawn of skirmish does the enemy AI perform better than my allies?..i usually play 3on3 or 4on4 and most of the time we get stomped by enemy tau empire AI because my allies do not harass the enemy

This will depend sometimes on the map. Our AI team has always had to grapple with this issue where an AI allied with a human seems to pro-rate itself downward and not do much. This will have to be investigated someday.
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#58 kantutero2008

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 11:18 PM

thanks for the replies thudo..more power to you.. :tongevil:

#59 Markus Ramikin

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Posted 16 December 2011 - 10:33 PM

So I noticed that nowhere in this thread does anyone account for the fact that Hard gives equal resource rates, but doubles the AI's energy resource (which affects AI vs AI because the "player 1" AI gets playerlike resources and not the hardcoded bonus). I wrote a nice Scar script to solve this problem to have truly equal AI vs AI battles, and was going to come here and proudly and helpfully share it...


... and then I discovered that this was only a problem in Dark Crusade to begin with, but not in Soulstorm; Hard in Soulstorm is truly equal without needing to tinker.

You may laugh at me now. ;)

#60 thudo


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 10:38 PM

All good man.. not that we cared for the IMBA even if it existed as really in the totality of things it never made a diff.
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