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#1 John Doe

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 03:18 AM

I got started in fixing the Arnor faction present in the game for a skirmish faction and decided that while I was tinkering around, I'd try a few things (e.g. horse shields).

Things added to the end of commandbutton.ini (CommandButton Command_PurchaseTechnologyRohanHorseShield was already present)
//Modded stuffCommandButton Command_PurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightShield	Command				= PLAYER_UPGRADE	Options				= NEED_UPGRADE CANCELABLE	Upgrade				= Upgrade_TechnologyGondorKnightShield 	NeededUpgrade		= Upgrade_StructureLevel2	TextLabel			= CONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightShield	ButtonImage			= BGStables_HorsemanShield	ButtonBorderType	= UPGRADE	DescriptLabel		= CONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightShield	Radial				= Yes	InPalantir			= Yes	LacksPrerequisiteLabel		= TOOLTIP:LackLevel2StablesEndCommandButton Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorKnightShield	Command				= OBJECT_UPGRADE	Options				= NEED_UPGRADE OK_FOR_MULTI_SELECT CANCELABLE	Upgrade				= Upgrade_GondorKnightShield	NeededUpgrade		= Upgrade_TechnologyGondorKnightShield	TextLabel			= CONTROLBAR:PurchaseUpgradeGondorKnightShield	ButtonImage			= BGStables_HorsemanShield	ButtonBorderType	= UPGRADE	DescriptLabel		= CONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseUpgradeGondorKnightShield	InPalantir			= Yes	LacksPrerequisiteLabel		= TOOLTIP:LackGondorKnightShieldCommandButton Command_PurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield	Command				= PLAYER_UPGRADE	Options				= NEED_UPGRADE CANCELABLE	Upgrade				= Upgrade_TechnologyArnorKnightShield 	NeededUpgrade		= Upgrade_StructureLevel2	TextLabel			= CONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield	ButtonImage			= BGStables_HorsemanShield	ButtonBorderType	= UPGRADE	DescriptLabel		= CONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield	Radial				= Yes	InPalantir			= Yes	LacksPrerequisiteLabel		= TOOLTIP:LackLevel2StablesEndCommandButton Command_PurchaseUpgradeArnorKnightShield	Command				= OBJECT_UPGRADE	Options				= NEED_UPGRADE OK_FOR_MULTI_SELECT CANCELABLE	Upgrade				= Upgrade_ArnorKnightShield	NeededUpgrade		= Upgrade_TechnologyArnorKnightShield	TextLabel			= CONTROLBAR:PurchaseUpgradeArnorKnightShield	ButtonImage			= BGStables_HorsemanShield	ButtonBorderType	= UPGRADE	DescriptLabel		= CONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseUpgradeArnorKnightShield	InPalantir			= Yes	LacksPrerequisiteLabel		= TOOLTIP:LackArnorKnightShield	CommandButton Command_PurchaseUpgradeRohanHorseShield	Command				= PLAYER_UPGRADE	Options				= NEED_UPGRADE OK_FOR_MULTI_SELECT CANCELABLE	Upgrade				= Upgrade_TechnologyRohanHorseShield 	NeededUpgrade		= Upgrade_TechnologyGondorKnightShield;NeededUpgrade		= Upgrade_TechnologyRohanHorseShield	TextLabel			= CONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyRohanHorseShield	ButtonImage			= BGStables_HorsemanShield	ButtonBorderType	= UPGRADE	DescriptLabel		= CONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseTechnologyRohanHorseShield	Radial				= Yes	InPalantir			= Yes	LacksPrerequisiteLabel		= TOOLTIP:LackLevel2Stables

Command Sets:

Gondor Stables
CommandSet GondorStablesCommandSet	1	 = Command_ConstructGondorKnightHorde	2	 = Command_ConstructRohanRohirrimHorde	3	 = Command_ConstructGondorKnightsofDolHorde	4	 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorStableLevel2	5	 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyRohanHorseShield	6	 = Command_Sell	7	 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightShieldEndCommandSet GondorStablesCommandSetLevel2	1	 = Command_ConstructGondorKnightHorde	2	 = Command_ConstructRohanRohirrimHorde	3	 = Command_ConstructGondorKnightsofDolHorde	4	 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorStableLevel3	5	 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyRohanHorseShield	6	 = Command_Sell	7	 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightShieldEndCommandSet GondorStablesCommandSetLevel3	1	 = Command_ConstructGondorKnightHorde	2	 = Command_ConstructRohanRohirrimHorde	3	 = Command_ConstructGondorKnightsofDolHorde	4	 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyRohanHorseShield	5	 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightShield	6	 = Command_Sell

Arnor Stables
CommandSet ArnorStablesCommandSet	1	 = Command_ConstructArnorKnightHorde	2	 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeArnorStableLevel2	3	 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield	6	 = Command_SellEndCommandSet ArnorStablesCommandSetLevel2	1	 = Command_ConstructArnorKnightHorde	2	 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeArnorStableLevel3	3	 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield	6	 = Command_SellEndCommandSet ArnorStablesCommandSetLevel3	1	 = Command_ConstructArnorKnightHorde	2	 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield	6	 = Command_SellEnd

Gondor Knight horde
CommandSet GondorKnightHordeCommandSet	1 	= Command_ToggleStance	2 	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorForgedBlades	3 	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorHeavyArmor	4 	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorBasicTraining	5	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorKnightShield	12	  = Command_CaptureBuilding	13	= Command_AttackMove	14	= Command_Stop	16	  = Command_SetStanceBattle	17	  = Command_SetStanceAggressive	18	  = Command_SetStanceHoldGroundEnd

Arnor Knight horde
CommandSet ArnorKnightHordeCommandSet	1 	= Command_ToggleStance	2 	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeArnorForgedBlades	3 	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeArnorHeavyArmor	4 	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeArnorBasicTraining	5	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeArnorKnightShield	12	  = Command_CaptureBuilding	13	= Command_AttackMove	14	= Command_Stop	16	  = Command_SetStanceBattle	17	  = Command_SetStanceAggressive	18	  = Command_SetStanceHoldGroundEnd

Rohirrim horde
CommandSet RohirrimHordeCommandSet		1 = Command_ToggleStance	2 = Command_ToggleRohirrimWeapon	3 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeRohanForgedBladesForRohirrim		4 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeRohanHeavyArmorForRohirrim	5 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeRohanBasicTraining	6 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeRohanHorseShield	12 = Command_CaptureBuilding	13 = Command_AttackMove	14 = Command_Stop	16  = Command_SetStanceBattle	17  = Command_SetStanceAggressive	18  = Command_SetStanceHoldGroundEndCommandSet RohirrimHordeBowCommandSet		1 = Command_ToggleStance	2 = Command_ToggleRohirrimWeapon	3 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeRohanFireArrows	4 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeRohanHeavyArmorForRohirrim	5 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeRohanBasicTraining	6 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeRohanHorseShield	12 = Command_CaptureBuilding	13 = Command_AttackMove	14 = Command_Stop	16  = Command_SetStanceBattle	17  = Command_SetStanceAggressive	18  = Command_SetStanceHoldGroundEnd

Added to lotr.str
//Modded Stuff//Technology controlbar and tooltips//CONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightShield"Research the Knight Shield upgrade"EndCONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield"Research the Knight Shield upgrade"EndCONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyRohanHorseShield"Research the Horse Shield upgrade"EndCONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightShield"This upgrade allows you to equip your knights with shields for added protection"EndCONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield"This upgrade allows you to equip your knights with shields for added protection"EndCONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseTechnologyRohanHorseShield"This upgrade allows you to equip your Rohirrim with shields for added protection"End//Upgrade controlbar and tooltips//CONTROLBAR:PurchaseUpgradeGondorKnightShield"Purchase the Knight Shield upgrade"EndCONTROLBAR:PurchaseUpgradeArnorKnightShield"Purchase the Knight Shield upgrade"EndCONTROLBAR:PurchaseUpgradeRohanHorseShield"Purchase the Horse Shield upgrade"EndCONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseUpgradeGondorKnightShield"Equip your knights with shields for increased protection"EndCONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseUpgradeArnorKnightShield"Equip your knights with shields for increased protection"EndCONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseUpgradeRohanHorseShield"Equip your Rohirrim with shields for increased protection"End

Here's the current error:Posted Image

The code relevant to this is, the first line of which is 18719
CommandButton Command_PurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield	Command				= PLAYER_UPGRADE	Options				= NEED_UPGRADE CANCELABLE	Upgrade				= Upgrade_TechnologyArnorKnightShield 	NeededUpgrade		= Upgrade_StructureLevel2	TextLabel			= CONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield	ButtonImage			= BGStables_HorsemanShield	ButtonBorderType	= UPGRADE	DescriptLabel		= CONTROLBAR:ToolTipPurchaseTechnologyArnorKnightShield	Radial				= Yes	InPalantir			= Yes	LacksPrerequisiteLabel		= TOOLTIP:LackLevel2StablesEnd

I tried commenting out that entire section, but the error persisted. This seems strange to me. If someone else could take a look, that would be lovely.

Edit: changed tags from code to codebox as preferred by the forum administration.

Edited by John Doe, 18 March 2007 - 03:14 AM.

#2 JEV3


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Posted 03 March 2007 - 05:32 AM

You forgot an end above the shown command. Don't worry happens to me all the time when I copy CaH powers. :p
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#3 John Doe

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 06:21 AM

Damnit all, I never would have caught that during that sitting. This is why we have people proof read - once you've stared at something for long enough, you'll miss things like this. Thanks JEV3, I'll likely be back tomorrow when a new set of issues comes up that I'm unable to resolve for one reason or another. :p

#4 John Doe

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 07:03 AM

Though I fixed the errors present, apparently something about the additional code has completely broken all tooltips for Arnor and Angmar. They're all still present, but completely unrecognized by the game at this time. Also, though the buttons and art for the horse shields show up both in the stables and in the horde command sets, I'm unable to research the upgrades at the stables at this time. It's surely a simple fix and I'll update once I have that. If anyone has any ideas regarding why the game rejects all of the control bar tooltips for Arnor/Angmar, I'm all ears.

#5 John Doe

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 11:30 AM

Horse shields are fixed for Arnor Knights, Gondor Knights, and Rohirrim; they're purchasable at level 2 stables for their respective factions. With regards to fixing the Arnor faction, I've made several fixes thus far, the latest of which is regarging ArnorElven upgrades at the blacksmith. Arnor blacksmith has been modified to include all elven upgrades, which are in turn tied to the Arnor upgrades so one doesn't have to research banner carriers, forged blades, and heavy armor twice - Silverthorn arrows remain an independently researchable upgrade at the level 3.

Tooltips for Arnor/Angmar are still broken and I have yet to find a cause, but I won't be taking a look at that until tomorrow at the earliest and remain all ears. :p

#6 John Doe

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Posted 04 March 2007 - 07:45 PM

Well, upon adding content and squashing all the bugs (aside from the still presumably broken arnor/angmar tooltips), the game will no longer start. I'm not talking a game.dat error or locking up - the game literally will not run. The .exe no longer functions. It may as well not be there. Has anyone run into this before?

Edited by John Doe, 04 March 2007 - 07:49 PM.

#7 John Doe

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 02:25 AM

New information: If I force the CD to autorun, the buttons present are for a new installation. It would seem my computer no longer things the game is there. I checked the registry and everything looks fine. I'd reinstall, but I'm having a great deal of trouble getting my PC to uninstall something it doesn't think is there. :sigh:

#8 ched



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Posted 05 March 2007 - 04:00 PM

well you need to somehow overwrite the game with a new installation.
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#9 John Doe

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Posted 07 March 2007 - 05:29 AM

I force a new installation and am continuing work with that - still have no idea what happened with the original. After doing some more work and going to start the game ready to debug something, I got the following error:

Posted Image

I'm completely baffled by this one as I haven't touchedthe noldorwarrior.ini. Thoughts?

#10 Bart


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Posted 07 March 2007 - 10:52 AM

somehow, you have two noldor warrior objects, which causes a conflict because you have every module/behaviour twice
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#11 John Doe

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 12:23 AM

Thanks again. Apparently while I was searching through the noldorwarrior.ini to look over the behaviors, I inadvertently pasted "Object NoldorWarrior" over "Object LindonWarrior" in the arnor unit "elvenlindonwarrior.ini". Not quite sure how I managed to pull that off while simply comparing the two files (which are quite similar, hence my curiosity), but it was a very simple fix.

My last real issue other than attempting to balance out Arnor a bit is one of a death/respawn of the hero, Arveleg. Originally, he was a copy of Isildur done by EA and lacked a few things. Other than than repairing his powers and experience levels, he had the same problem as Isildur - he couldn't respawn. I have added respawn behavior for him and he already had DeathFX animations. Though I thought I had everything covered, when Arveleg dies, he staggers as if stunned, then recovers and remains on the map, preventing him from being respawned. I'll probably look into this more tonight and will hopefully see what I've missed, but I thought I would add this to the thread anyway.

Edited by John Doe, 08 March 2007 - 12:23 AM.

#12 John Doe

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Posted 17 March 2007 - 04:51 AM

Well, I've squashed just about all there is to be squashed and am experimenting with new ideas as well as trying to balance the Arnor faction (in the state apparently intended by EA, they are overpowered but would have balanced nicely against an overpowered Angmar faction :p). However, I have yet to figure out the following: I have added and referenced numerous entries for OBJECT:thing, TOOLTIP:thing, CONTROLBAR:thing, CONTROLBAR:ToolTipthing, etc. etc. However, once the game is run, they refuse to actually show up. I can post my entire lotr.str, but given that it's simply the original with new entries for Arnor, it seems silly. Each entry is correctly referenced in the various inis, which I have checked numerous times. I'm at a loss here. Also, in the main menu, the buttons for the Angmar campaign and the Epilogue are gone, saying instead MISSING:APTImage or something of that nature (I can get a screen shot if you'd like), but these things have not been altered in any way. Also, in the skirmish screen, the faction tab has MISSING:INIFactionAngmar and MISSION:INIFactionArnor instead of simply "Arnor" and "Angmar". This is something that also worked initially, hasn't been touched, and no longer works. Thoughts anyone?

#13 John Doe

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Posted 17 March 2007 - 09:35 AM

I'm so angry that I wasted so much time trying to figure that one out. Apparently, if you just include the lotr.str in the big file rather than repackage the English.big with the updated lotr.str, it works flawlessly. Why the repackaging method doesn't work I haven't a clue, but I'm just happy that one's over. :sigh:

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