im tyring to put the sauron skel and skin to my new CAH subclass, i want him to look and attack like sauron and give him CAH powers , he does not have to show up in the creation screen,i know that wont work
in creataheromodelconditionupgrades.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Upgrade for Khazadrim#2 Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_Khazadrim_SubClass_1 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassKhazadrim Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_1 ConflictsWith = Upgrade_CreateAHeroMapMode RequiresAllTriggers = Yes RemoveConditionFlagsInRange = CREATE_A_HERO_00 CREATE_A_HERO_65 AddConditionFlags = CREATE_A_HERO_18 End // Upgrade for Khazadrim #2 (Create A Hero Map Mode) Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_Khazadrim_SubClass_1_MM TriggeredBy = Upgrade_CreateAHeroMapMode Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassKhazadrim Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_1 RequiresAllTriggers = Yes RemoveConditionFlagsInRange = CREATE_A_HERO_00 CREATE_A_HERO_65 AddConditionFlags = CREATE_A_HERO_19 End
what should i change here {CREATE_A_HERO_18 into what?}
because as you know CREATE_A_HERO_18 (corrupedman2) is in creataheromodels it has its on skel and skin,
so if i add:
Model = MUSauron_SKN
Skeleton = MUSauron_SKL
to a new create a hero model,in createaheromodels
what should i name : AddConditionFlags = CREATE_A_HERO_18
as all CAH models i think are between CREATE_A_HERO_00 CREATE_A_HERO_65
increateaheromodels for example, ane modelsate
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ModelConditionState = CREATE_A_HERO_18===== what should i name this,: anything? Model = MUSauron_SKN Skeleton = MUSauron_SKL ModelAnimationPrefix = MUSauron PortraitImageName = CPHaradrim ButtonImageName = HICAHHaradrim ParticleSysBone = WEAPON SaronRingSpark FollowBone:Yes WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY Weapon End
and do i put sauron's animations under creataheroanims or do i create a whole new object file?
finally where in object/createahero do i put sauron's weapon damage and fx?
WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY SauronMace AutoChooseSources = PRIMARY FROM_PLAYER FROM_SCRIPT FROM_AI End
i know this is a messy deal but it ould be cool if you could have your on sauron type CAhero, with your on special powers.
if anybody is willing to answer my questions it would be very much appreciated,