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#1 theczar

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Posted 22 March 2007 - 11:30 PM

has anyone changed their CAH models?

im tyring to put the sauron skel and skin to my new CAH subclass, i want him to look and attack like sauron and give him CAH powers , he does not have to show up in the creation screen,i know that wont work

in creataheromodelconditionupgrades.

	// Upgrade for Khazadrim#2
	Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_Khazadrim_SubClass_1
		TriggeredBy					= Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassKhazadrim Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_1
		ConflictsWith				= Upgrade_CreateAHeroMapMode 
		RequiresAllTriggers			= Yes
		RemoveConditionFlagsInRange	= CREATE_A_HERO_00 CREATE_A_HERO_65
		AddConditionFlags			= CREATE_A_HERO_18
	// Upgrade for Khazadrim #2 (Create A Hero Map Mode)
	Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_Khazadrim_SubClass_1_MM
		TriggeredBy					= Upgrade_CreateAHeroMapMode Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassKhazadrim Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_1
		RequiresAllTriggers			= Yes
		RemoveConditionFlagsInRange	= CREATE_A_HERO_00 CREATE_A_HERO_65
		AddConditionFlags			= CREATE_A_HERO_19

what should i change here {CREATE_A_HERO_18 into what?}
because as you know CREATE_A_HERO_18 (corrupedman2) is in creataheromodels it has its on skel and skin,

so if i add:
Model = MUSauron_SKN
Skeleton = MUSauron_SKL

to a new create a hero model,in createaheromodels

what should i name : AddConditionFlags = CREATE_A_HERO_18
as all CAH models i think are between CREATE_A_HERO_00 CREATE_A_HERO_65

increateaheromodels for example, ane modelsate
ModelConditionState	= CREATE_A_HERO_18===== what should i name this,: anything? 
	Model				 = MUSauron_SKN
	Skeleton			 = MUSauron_SKL
	ModelAnimationPrefix = MUSauron
	PortraitImageName	 = CPHaradrim
	ButtonImageName		 = HICAHHaradrim
	ParticleSysBone	  = WEAPON SaronRingSpark FollowBone:Yes
	WeaponLaunchBone	= PRIMARY Weapon

and do i put sauron's animations under creataheroanims or do i create a whole new object file?
finally where in object/createahero do i put sauron's weapon damage and fx?

		Conditions			= None 
		Weapon				= PRIMARY SauronMace

i know this is a messy deal but it ould be cool if you could have your on sauron type CAhero, with your on special powers.

if anybody is willing to answer my questions it would be very much appreciated,



#2 Bart


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Posted 22 March 2007 - 11:33 PM

well, simply call it CREATE_A_HERO_<insert first available number here>

i'm not sure though, if there are any numbers available still. if not you can also use USER_1 etc, but CREATE_A_HERO_X is preferred
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#3 theczar

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Posted 22 March 2007 - 11:40 PM

thanx, i'll try that, sorry and the sauron animations go into CAHanimaions? and weaponset(the mace and its damge fx) go into which ceatehero object ini files?

#4 theczar

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Posted 23 March 2007 - 02:10 AM

ok so there is an available number CREATE_A_HERO_50

i did this, and my CAH appeared as Sauron

in ceateaheromodels and i referenced the number in createaheromodelconditionupgrades
// KHAZADRIM # 2 Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassKhazadrim Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_1
ModelConditionState	= CREATE_A_HERO_50
	Model				 		= MUSauron_SKN
		Skeleton			 		= MUSauron_SKL
		ModelAnimationPrefix = MUSauron
   	PortraitImageName	 = CPHaradrim
		ButtonImageName		 = HICAHHaradrim
		ParticleSysBone	  = WEAPON SaronRingSpark FollowBone:Yes
	WeaponLaunchBone	= PRIMARY Weapon


he as not walking or attacking but just floating

i copied Sauron's animations to creataheroanims.inc, as well but he didnt do anything

then i created a new inc file and copied Sauron's animations, i put an # include in createahero.inc as well for the new file
but still...

i ran out of ideas and its driving me crazy
the thing is i got my CAH to appear as sauron, he's just not swinging his mace or even walking.

thanx in advance to any veteran out there or any body that knows of this

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