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Hero Carryover?

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#1 TxM RubberDucky

TxM RubberDucky
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Posted 03 April 2007 - 05:27 PM

Ok, lets say i wanted to have a hero carryover in a mission for a Campaign, i dont know exactly how i would do this.

#2 JEV3


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Posted 04 April 2007 - 02:22 AM

Look in the Campaign ini's, EA has it pretty much explained in there...
He who bears skill but lacks effort, makes himself inferior to those who have no skill but try nonetheless.
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#3 TxM RubberDucky

TxM RubberDucky
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Posted 04 April 2007 - 04:53 AM

well ive tried that before, but it doesnt say what heros you start out with automatically, it has like "delayedcarryoverspawning of" and it says they "hide" these units until the scripts ask for them. and then it has a categorey for units that are not in the missiona t all. So where would i also go to find the scripts? or is it possible to just change it in the ini and not have to mess around with the scripts?

#4 theczar

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 11:54 PM

ok this technique was originally done for BFME II by an unamed modder and i tried it fo ROTWK and it worked as well;

go to data/ini/linearcampaignexpansion1.

look for this
; This lists all the carryover heroes which can be carried from mission to mission.
; Anything which is ever carried from one mission to another needs to be in here, then
; some heroes are suppressed for individual missions
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarHwaldar
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarKarsh
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarMorgramir
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarRogash
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarWitchking

and then just add creatahero to the bottom like this

; This lists all the carryover heroes which can be carried from mission to mission.
; Anything which is ever carried from one mission to another needs to be in here, then
; some heroes are suppressed for individual missions
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarHwaldar
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarKarsh
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarMorgramir
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarRogash
	CarryoverUnit = AngmarWitchking
	CarryoverUnit = CreateAHero

do this eveytime you see, CarryoverUnit =, dont add it anywhere else like DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = , because it will delay carry over spawning!

there is also somethin else, this the only thing i know of that makes it work, so the game can recognize the createahero and which one,

before starting a campaign mission:
1. go to skirmish,
2. and selcet your faction and the createhero you want to use
3. start the game, then exit or finish it
4. now start the campaign, and he should be in the first map,

but not garaunteed to be close to other heroes he can appear anywhere,
if he does, like outside the map or on cliffs or on water,
just click on his portrait and move him to land, he will eventually move

you dont have to do this fo every mission, he will carry over,
but when loadin a campaign mission follow steps 1 - 4, obvioulsy he has to be the sme createahero.



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