Anyone know how? I'm dying to play them again with some of the ROTWK only mods that would take years to transfer back to the original. (Arcade Edition) If anyone knows, please post.
Adding the BFME2 Campaigns?
Started by Lord of Nazgul95, Apr 18 2007 10:12 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 18 April 2007 - 10:12 PM
#2 Guest_Guest_theczar_*_*
Posted 20 April 2007 - 07:03 AM
this worked for me, if you already have your ini files extracted, go to
lets say you want to play the evil campaign
copy the code for the evil cmpaign for whichever campaign you want,
and then go to
and paste it under this and over the angmar campaign, ofcourse you should make a back up copy of that file
the campzaign names must be called ANGMAR, so below this add the evil cmpaign code,
and now the whole file should look like this
you'll hve to go back and do the same thing for the good campaign if you want to play it, paste it over the evil campaign
this should do it
lets say you want to play the evil campaign
copy the code for the evil cmpaign for whichever campaign you want,
; This lists all the carryover heroes which can be carried from mission to mission. ; Anything which is ever carried from one mission to another needs to be in here, then ; some heroes are suppressed for individual missions CarryoverUnit = MordorMouthOfSauron CarryoverUnit = EvilMenBlackRider CarryoverUnit = EvilMenBlackRider CarryoverUnit = EvilMenBlackRider CarryoverUnit = WildShelob CarryoverUnit = Drogoth CarryoverUnit = WildGoblinKing ; A special movie which is played when the campaign starts, BEFORE the first map is loaded ; (all the other movies are played AFTER the loading screen) OverallCampaignIntroMovie = Evil_Campaign_Intro ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 1 //////////////////////////////// ; ///////////////////////////// Darkness Rising ///////////////////////////// Mission Lothlorien Map = "MAP EVIL Lorien" IntroMovie = Lorien_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Lorien_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX_BFME2_Ba1Goblin01 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 0 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider ; [Nothing yet] ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 2 ///////////////////////////////// ; ////////////////////////// No Haven for the Elves ////////////////////////// Mission GreyHavens; (a.k.a. Mithlond) Map = "MAP EVIL Grey Havens" IntroMovie = Evil_Grey_Havens_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_GreyHavens_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = R_BbEvil105 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 1400 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 3 ///////////////////////////////// ; ////////////////////////// Shire On Fire, Baby!!!! ///////////////////////// Mission Shire Map = "MAP EVIL Shire" IntroMovie = The_Shire_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Shire_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX_BFME2_Ba1Goblin02 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 0 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 4 ///////////////////////////////// ; //////////////////// I'll Huff, and I'll Puff, and I'll //////////////////// ; //////////////// BLOW Your Ancient Numenorian Fortress Down! /////////////// Mission Fornost Map = "MAP EVIL Fornost" IntroMovie = Fornost_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Fornost_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX_BFME2_Ba1Goblin01 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 800 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them ; [Nothing yet] ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 5 ///////////////////////////////// ; ///////////// Elves and Orcs, Fighting in Trees, K-I-L-L-I-N-G ///////////// Mission Mirkwood Map = "MAP EVIL Mirkwood" IntroMovie = Old_Forest_Road_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Mirkwood_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX_BFME2_Ex1Goblin02 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 800 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 6 ///////////////////////////////// ; ///////////////////// Used Mountain For Sale -- Cheap! ///////////////////// Mission WitheredHeath Map = "MAP EVIL Withered Heath" IntroMovie = Withered_Heath_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_WitheredHeath_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = R_BbEvil108 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 1400 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider ; [Nothing yet] ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 7 ///////////////////////////////// ; ////////////// 3 Views of Mt. Erebor (Orcs can't count to 24!) ///////////// Mission Erebor Map = "MAP EVIL Erebor" IntroMovie = Evil_Erebor_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Erebor_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX-EvilExplore1 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 2000 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth ;; CHANGE REQUESTED BY LICENCE HOLDERS: NO DRAGONS AT LONELY MOUNTAIN (too much like that Tolkien book we can't mention and don't have rights to) End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 8 ///////////////////////////////// ; ////////////////////////// Last Stand of the Elves ///////////////////////// Mission Rivendell Map = "MAP EVIL Rivendell" IntroMovie = Evil_Rivendell_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Rivendell_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX-EvilExplore5 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 0 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions ; [Nothing] End End
and then go to
and paste it under this and over the angmar campaign, ofcourse you should make a back up copy of that file
; ; This is based off the Previous LinearCampaign.ini file for BMFE2. As the expansion we now load ; up this file instead which only needs to hold our Angmar campaign ; ; LinearCampaignExpansion1 INI file Layout ; This is the master control file for Generals / Zero-Hour / B4ME2(?)-style campaigns. ; That is, campaigns which are simply a linear sequence of RTS maps, with nothing but a ; little UI / movie in between them. (As opposed to B4ME1-style, which involved transitions ; to the World Map after each mission -- B4ME1 did not use this file at all.) ; Note that campaign names are basically hard-coded into the game engine. It would ; be nice to pull them from the flash file or something but... we don't. They must be ; named ANGMAR_CAMPAIGN LinearCampaign ANGMAR_CAMPAIGN CampaignDisplayNameLabel = CAMPAIGN:ANGMAR ; For save file descriptions
the campzaign names must be called ANGMAR, so below this add the evil cmpaign code,
and now the whole file should look like this
; ; This is based off the Previous LinearCampaign.ini file for BMFE2. As the expansion we now load ; up this file instead which only needs to hold our Angmar campaign ; ; LinearCampaignExpansion1 INI file Layout ; This is the master control file for Generals / Zero-Hour / B4ME2(?)-style campaigns. ; That is, campaigns which are simply a linear sequence of RTS maps, with nothing but a ; little UI / movie in between them. (As opposed to B4ME1-style, which involved transitions ; to the World Map after each mission -- B4ME1 did not use this file at all.) ; Note that campaign names are basically hard-coded into the game engine. It would ; be nice to pull them from the flash file or something but... we don't. They must be ; named ANGMAR_CAMPAIGN LinearCampaign ANGMAR_CAMPAIGN CampaignDisplayNameLabel = CAMPAIGN:ANGMAR ; For save file descriptions ; This lists all the carryover heroes which can be carried from mission to mission. ; Anything which is ever carried from one mission to another needs to be in here, then ; some heroes are suppressed for individual missions CarryoverUnit = MordorMouthOfSauron CarryoverUnit = EvilMenBlackRider CarryoverUnit = EvilMenBlackRider CarryoverUnit = EvilMenBlackRider CarryoverUnit = WildShelob CarryoverUnit = Drogoth CarryoverUnit = WildGoblinKing ; A special movie which is played when the campaign starts, BEFORE the first map is loaded ; (all the other movies are played AFTER the loading screen) OverallCampaignIntroMovie = Evil_Campaign_Intro ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 1 //////////////////////////////// ; ///////////////////////////// Darkness Rising ///////////////////////////// Mission Lothlorien Map = "MAP EVIL Lorien" IntroMovie = Lorien_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Lorien_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX_BFME2_Ba1Goblin01 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 0 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider ; [Nothing yet] ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 2 ///////////////////////////////// ; ////////////////////////// No Haven for the Elves ////////////////////////// Mission GreyHavens; (a.k.a. Mithlond) Map = "MAP EVIL Grey Havens" IntroMovie = Evil_Grey_Havens_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_GreyHavens_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = R_BbEvil105 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 1400 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 3 ///////////////////////////////// ; ////////////////////////// Shire On Fire, Baby!!!! ///////////////////////// Mission Shire Map = "MAP EVIL Shire" IntroMovie = The_Shire_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Shire_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX_BFME2_Ba1Goblin02 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 0 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 4 ///////////////////////////////// ; //////////////////// I'll Huff, and I'll Puff, and I'll //////////////////// ; //////////////// BLOW Your Ancient Numenorian Fortress Down! /////////////// Mission Fornost Map = "MAP EVIL Fornost" IntroMovie = Fornost_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Fornost_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX_BFME2_Ba1Goblin01 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 800 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them ; [Nothing yet] ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 5 ///////////////////////////////// ; ///////////// Elves and Orcs, Fighting in Trees, K-I-L-L-I-N-G ///////////// Mission Mirkwood Map = "MAP EVIL Mirkwood" IntroMovie = Old_Forest_Road_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Mirkwood_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX_BFME2_Ex1Goblin02 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 800 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 6 ///////////////////////////////// ; ///////////////////// Used Mountain For Sale -- Cheap! ///////////////////// Mission WitheredHeath Map = "MAP EVIL Withered Heath" IntroMovie = Withered_Heath_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_WitheredHeath_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = R_BbEvil108 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 1400 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider ; [Nothing yet] ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 7 ///////////////////////////////// ; ////////////// 3 Views of Mt. Erebor (Orcs can't count to 24!) ///////////// Mission Erebor Map = "MAP EVIL Erebor" IntroMovie = Evil_Erebor_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Erebor_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX-EvilExplore1 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 2000 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth ;; CHANGE REQUESTED BY LICENCE HOLDERS: NO DRAGONS AT LONELY MOUNTAIN (too much like that Tolkien book we can't mention and don't have rights to) End ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 8 ///////////////////////////////// ; ////////////////////////// Last Stand of the Elves ///////////////////////// Mission Rivendell Map = "MAP EVIL Rivendell" IntroMovie = Evil_Rivendell_Intro LoadScreenImage = CampaignEvil_Rivendell_LoadScreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX-EvilExplore5 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 0 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = EvilMenBlackRider DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = MordorMouthOfSauron DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildShelob DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = Drogoth DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = WildGoblinKing ; These units don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions ; [Nothing] End End LinearCampaign ANGMAR_BONUS_CAMPAIGN CampaignDisplayNameLabel = CAMPAIGN:ANGMAR_BONUS ; For save file descriptions ; This lists all the carryover heroes which can be carried from mission to mission. ; Anything which is ever carried from one mission to another needs to be in here, then ; some heroes are suppressed for individual missions CarryoverUnit = AngmarHwaldar CarryoverUnit = AngmarKarsh CarryoverUnit = AngmarMorgramir CarryoverUnit = AngmarRogash CarryoverUnit = AngmarWitchking ; A special movie which is played when the campaign starts, BEFORE the first map is loaded ; (all the other movies are played AFTER the loading screen) ;OverallCampaignIntroMovie = ; //////////////////////////////// MISSION 10 //////////////////////////////// ; ////////////////////////// What's the matter? Don't you like trolls? ////////////////////////// Mission Destruction Map = "MAP ANG Bonus" IntroMovie = Angmar_Campaign_BonusOpen LoadScreenImage = CampaignAngmar_Angmar_Loadscreen LoadScreenMusicTrack = SX_BFME2_Ex1Good01 MillisecondsAfterStartToStartFadeUp = 1400 ; List CarryoverUnits which we don't want to appear at the beginning of the map automatically ; These units don't spawn right away; save them until the scripts ask for them DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = AngmarRogash ; These unit don't appear in this map as all; we're using this to hide their existence until later missions DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = AngmarHwaldar DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = AngmarKarsh DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = AngmarMorgramir DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = AngmarRogash DelayCarryoverSpawningOf = AngmarWitchking End End
you'll hve to go back and do the same thing for the good campaign if you want to play it, paste it over the evil campaign
this should do it
Posted 20 April 2007 - 07:05 AM
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