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#1 Bob


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Posted 14 May 2007 - 05:12 AM

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===== 'Quarters Island for PRmod7' Map Readme =====

Map Info:

Game: Command and Conquer Generals ZeroHour (v1.04) & Project Raptor mod. ver. 7.0
Name: Quarters Island for PRmod7
Released: 05/2007
Created by: Microsoft Bob
Players: Upto 4

Map Comments/Description:

This is designed as a 2 vs 2 team map.This is a city map with plenty of water along three of the four edges of the map, and has a river that runs through the center of the city that divides the teams. Players start in a city hall court yard and have a variety of ways to get to, and around, the other team. There is a 'naval base' and port area at the rear of each teams part of the city that can be potentially used as a foothold to attack the other team from the rear (That is if the base isn't already occupied). Look for militia (the 'local unrest') to assist you in defeating the other team. GLA is rumored to be in the area and may also help your cause if you capture them. Be on the lookout for naval assets like battleships, hovercraft, and carriers (some of these assets will have to be 'unlocked' to use. Watch out for the train that runs between the ports, down a long railroad channel that runs just about the entire northern extent of the map. Once your in that channel, you're pretty much committed to it.


Using winzip (or similar program) 'unzip' this file to the following directory on you computer:
C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\Maps\


Attached File  Quarters_Island_for_PRmod7.zip   87.89KB   678 downloads

Edited by Bob, 14 May 2007 - 05:21 AM.

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- Bob

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#2 Tigs2006

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 04:50 PM

Very nice map Bob! :) :p :p ;)

You get kudos.

#3 Bob


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Posted 29 May 2007 - 01:48 AM

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Attached File  Forward_Operations_Base_for_PRmod7.zip   157.78KB   1532 downloads

===== 'Forward Operations Base for PRMod7' Map Readme =====

Map Info:

Game: Command and Conquer Generals ZeroHour (v1.04) & Project Raptor mod. ver. 7.0
Name: Forward Operations Base for PRMod7
Released: 05/2007
Created by: Microsoft Bob
Players: Upto 4

Definition and background of a Forward Operations Base (FOB):

"(DOD) In special operations, a base usually located in friendly territory or afloat that is established to extend command and control or communications or to provide support for training and tactical operations. Facilities may be established for temporary or longer duration operations and may include an airfield or an unimproved airstrip, an anchorage, or a pier. A forward operations base may be the location of special operations component headquarters or a smaller unit that is controlled and/or supported by a main operations base."

Source of definition, About.com at:

"Most battalions in Iraq regard the forward operating base (FOB) as home, refuge, and safe haven. More importantly, FOBs allow maneuver commanders to sustain and protect forces while remaining within zones of operation. The FOB has four distinct functions and activities--security, facility maintenance and construction, quality of life, and traditional combat service support (CSS) operations. ..."

Source of quote:
Sustainment operations and the forward operating base
Armor, March-April, 2005 by Jay Blakley

"Forward operating bases increase responsiveness through basing flexibility and aircraft dispersal and by decreasing distances to support area."

Source Unknown.

"Instead of merely serving as a taging area for tactical operations, the FOB has become the 'home away frome home' for the American soldeier. With over 100 FOBs in Iraq, soldier conditions at each can vary greatly. On one extreme are the huge FOBs located near Baghdad International Airport that boast air conditioned sleeping and work trailers, cavernous dining facilities, spacious PXs (post exchanges), cappuccino bars, well-stocked gymes, and internet cafes. On the other end of the scale, some FOBs are located in old Iraqi Army bases or abandoned factories with soldiers still living in tents, food ferried from other FOBs, and more austere conditions. Overall, however, most soldiers in Iraq live on FOBs somewhere in the middle range - air conditioned quarters, a small PX, a MWR facility with internetcafés and phone lines, and a contracted dining facility."

Source of quote:
CU @ the FOB: How the Forward Operating Base is changing the life of combat soldiers.
By Leonard Wong and Stephen Gerras.

Map Comments/Description/Storyline:

If you haven't guessed it by now, your objective is to build your FOB and conquer the sector. This is a four player map designed for 2 vs. 2 play. At the SW corner of the map is a large airport from which you can start building your FOB. General Granger's command center sits on this property and is ready for your capture and use. On the other end of the map in the NE corner, is a 'secret underground' mountain facility run by the Chinese Nuke general, General Tsing Shi Tao, who has been secretly supporting the GLA in their efforts to build a secret nuclear weapons facility somewhere near the Iram border. In the center of the map is the GLA occupied city of Abu-Dahar. This city lies along a major trade route (interstate highway) to the south. Abu-Dahar's markets are legendary in this area for their fresh market food vendors, and for high quality meats. This is a popular destination point in the area for the locals and GLA terrorists alike. Watchout for GLA vehicles, and use them to your advantage when you're able to.


Using winzip (or similar program) 'unzip' this file to the following directory on you computer:
C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\Maps\


Enjoy! :p

Edited by Bob, 29 May 2007 - 11:35 PM.

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- Bob

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#4 Fire Ze Missiles!

Fire Ze Missiles!

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Posted 29 May 2007 - 10:53 AM

Wow! Those look like some really good maps. I would download them if I hadn't had to uninstall CNC 'cos my computer had 1% free space :p
Of course I don't look busy; I did it right the first time.
Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.
FZM and Vort don't do tag wrestling...but if they did, they'd probably be the worst tag-wrestlers in the world.
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Oh for fuck's sake!



    I am TEG, bow down before me!

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Posted 16 June 2007 - 03:19 PM

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===== ‘PR Mayhem’ Map Readme =====

Map Info:

Game: Command and Conquer Generals ZeroHour (v1.04) & Project Raptor mod. ver. 7.0
Name: PR Mayhem
Released: 27th October 2006
Created by: THEEVERGOD
Players: 4

Map Comments/Description:

This is my first map I made for Project Raptor. Although it is a lot more simplistic it is still very fun to play and has all the tech structures including the tec dozer bay which I didn’t include in PR Mayhem 2. This map did have a storyline but I seem to have lost it so here is what I remember:

Incoming transmission …………………………………………………….

This is a remote region in a classified location, there had been rumours of a mysterious characters building up labs and experimenting with chemical. Your mission commander if you choose to accept it is to find out whom if anyone has been working and if some has why? We have set up an airfield and hospital in the area to help. Although there has been sightings of an oil camp not to far, which may help with your funding also in the middle of the lake there seem to be some sort of air field along with some sort of fortification, capturing this facility could be key to finding out what the hell is happen here. We also have Intel that there have been a lot of tire tracks leading up north, you should investigate, when you have a big enough force. And not to alarm you but we had Intel on other groups moving into the region, and setting up base to investigate this new treat as well probably you should probably try to eliminate all possible threats from the area so we can do a through investigation.

Transmission out…………………………………………………….

This is only a story plot to the map and so not any actual objectives, just destroy the enemy!!!!!!


Copy the file inside of the zip/rar file to following directory on you computer:
C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\Maps\


WinRAR Format:

Attached File  PR_Mayhem.rar   192.76KB   358 downloads

WinZIP Format:

Attached File  PR_Mayhem.zip   203.01KB   1569 downloads

Edited by THEEVERGOD, 16 June 2007 - 04:24 PM.


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    I am TEG, bow down before me!

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Posted 16 June 2007 - 03:45 PM

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===== ‘PR Mayhem 2’ Beta 3 Map Readme =====

Map Info:

Game: Command and Conquer Generals ZeroHour (v1.04) & Project Raptor mod. ver. 7.0
Name: PR Mayhem 2 Beta 3
Released: 16th June 2007
Created by: THEEVERGOD
Players: 3

Map Comments/Description:

This map is mainly for use of 1 on 1 on 1 all against all, but can be used for 2 on 1. The map itself has cars driving on the roads and shark swimming in the water, along with snow and wave on the edges of land. This map not only gives you excellent detail and cityscape, but also mods all sides to give you more of what should have been Project Raptor 8.0. There are two version of the map in the compressed file, only change is time of day one at night and one in the morning. Here is a list of changes below:

All sides:

• All sides now get shipyard and their own ships which either are upgradable or come with new weaponry or both.

• All ships now sink and will sometimes explode, the Demo ships have an exception to this and can only be sunk by non explosive weaponry such as shells and bullets.

• All ships when deteriorating will explode before disappearing.

• All shipyards need a high tec level building to build. (Strategy Center, Propaganda Center, Place and Militia HQ)

• All ships also need a high tec level building to build, so it you lose your strategy center sorry but you won’t be able to produce any more ships!!!!

• Switched around some of the powers in some command centers to fit the new advanced dozer in (which give you all the buildings that would be on the tech up button on the normal dozer. The advanced dozer can also sweep for mine like the dozer and is cheaper but can only build the buildings below so you must build the normal dozer to access all other buildings. Here is a list of all general that now have a advanced dozer what it gives them and if any power have been moved:

1. USA- Tank Bunker- No power Changes
2. USA Airforce General- Tank Bunker and GPS- No power Changes
3. USA Superweapons General- Tank Bunker and GPS - No power Changes
4. USA Laser General- Tank Bunker- No power Changes
5. China Tank General- Bot Factory- Moved Carpet Bombing to Propaganda Center
6. China Infantry General- Reinforcement Pad- Moved Carpet Bombing to Propaganda Center

• Added new sounds to the ships, moving sounds for non-GLA and all sounds (move voice, attack voice, moving sound etc.) for GLA.

• Added new image to the ships on GLA sides, although they all display the gattaling frigate that is the closest I could get to a GLA looking ship image in PR, and I think it work well.

Side Specifics


• Removed tomahawk storm (don’t worry look below!!!)

USA Airforce General

• Turret ships, the Cruiser and Missile Cruiser have been changed so their turrets now are missile turrets and fire the old tomahawk, (yes, its back in mobile form and badder than ever!!!)

• The AA Cruiser now has the same technology as the Airforce’s Adv. Patriots and also has lost its ability to fire at ground unit with it AA machine gun, to balance advances on other ships. So now you have to back it up with Cruiser and Missile Cruiser.

• Changed prices of ships because of their advances!!!

• Added tomahawk storm, it now where it belongs!!! (see told you)

USA Superweapons General

• Turret ships, the Cruiser and Missile Cruiser have been changed so their turrets now use the experimental technology of rail gun technology.

• The AA Cruiser now has the same technology as the EMP Patriots and also has lost its ability to fire at ground unit with it AA machine gun, to balance advances on it other ships. So now you have to back it up with Cruiser and Missile Cruiser.

• Changed prices of ships because of their advances!!!

USA Laser General

• Turret ships, the Cruiser and Missile Cruiser have been changed so their turrets now use the long range laser technology that the ground laser artillery currently uses.

• The AA Cruiser now has the same technology as the Avenger’s with dual burst of laser at air target in concentration from a laser machine gun. Although still maintaining the normal SAM missiles from the SAM site on the back. Also has lost its ability to fire at ground unit with it AA machine gun, to balance advances on it other ships. So now you have to back it up with Cruiser and Missile Cruiser.

• Changed prices of ships because of their advances!!!

• The Cruiser and Missile Cruiser can now be upgraded with aluminium oxide laser to increaser power of their long range laser technology as the ground laser artillery currently do. They also have the upgrade shown on their side bar next to the picture.


• Just the general changes shown above under all sides.

GLA Toxin General

• The missile boat has now been changed to the SCUD boats using the SCUD truck weaponry. They start with beta anthrax tipped warheads. Can be upgraded with gamma anthrax upgrade. They also have the upgrade shown on their side bar next to the picture.

• The PT boat has been upgraded in terms of salvage upgrades although you just have to see them for yourself. Can be upgraded with gamma anthrax upgrade. They also have the upgrade shown on their side bar next to the picture.

• Changed prices of ships because of their advances!!!

• Added gamma anthrax upgrade to the SCUD storms side bar next to the picture.

GLA Demolition General

• All ships can now be upgraded with suicide upgrade. They also have the upgrade shown on their side bar next to the picture.

• After upgrade explosive weapons can make the boats explode causing damage to any nearby unit (friend or foe).

• The boats after upgrade can cause chain reactions, (one blows up and then if another one is close that will also explode and so on.)

• Boats will always sink if not destroyed by an explosive weapon.

• The missile boat has now been changed to the SCUD boats using the SCUD truck weaponry. They start with HE warheads.

• The PT boat has been upgraded in terms of salvage upgrades although you just have to see them for yourself.

• Changed prices of ships because of their advances!!!

GLA Stealth General

• The missile boat has now been changed to the SCUD boats using the SCUD truck weaponry.

• The PT boat has been upgraded in terms of salvage upgrades although you just have to see them for yourself.

• Changed prices of ships because of their advances!!!

All China Factions

Unfortunally due to circumstance of having to use the same ships for all shipyard instead of each side having their own ships (e.g. at the moment only chinabattleship and chinagattalingboat, no nuke_chinabattleship ) I had to keep the weaponry the same as there is no possible way I could have had multiple upgrades for the primary and secondary weapon.

• So all the ships are the same on all china sides.


• Militia use GLA shipyard although GLA can only build GLA ships and Militia can only build the ships that have been given to Militia.

• All ships can be upgraded giving them better Militia technologies. The upgrade being the spear tank upgrade located in the oil derrick. They also have the upgrade shown on their side bar next to the picture.

• The AA Cruiser gets outfitted with hurricane missiles and 50 cal. machine gun that also fires an anti infantry bullets at ground units.

• The Battleship gets outfitted with new spear buster shells, very effective against armour units.

• And the PT boat gets out fitted with a 50 cal. gunner for ground units.


Copy the files inside of the zip/rar file to following directory on you computer:
C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\Maps\


WinRAR Format:

Attached File  PR_Mayhem_2__beta_3_.rar   460.77KB   409 downloads

WinZIP Format:

Attached File  PR_Mayhem_2__beta_3_.zip   949.68KB   339 downloads

Edited by THEEVERGOD, 16 June 2007 - 04:25 PM.


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    I am TEG, bow down before me!

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Posted 17 June 2007 - 01:46 PM

Comments, anyone :lol: ?

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#8 00 Nobody

00 Nobody

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Posted 18 June 2007 - 06:50 PM

The map is excellent, i was the first to download it and am pleased to say it turned out quite nicely.

NOTE: Operation: Sting of the Scorpion is almost ready, just another hour or so of work and it'll be done. The AI is amazingly powerful, and the attacks are forces to be reckoned with. During one game of testing, i got brought down to 4 buildings in the main base, twice. All i really need to do now is work on ground attack forces some more and then do victory and defeat triggers. You'll need to be a very good player to be able to win in this beautiful map.
00 Nobody Maps and Missions
Desert Legends RPG C&C's ONLY
Desert Doorway Defenders
Desert Corps.
Operation: The Dragon's Den
Construct additional pylons. No, seriously. The power's out. Those power lines are overloaded. WE NEED MOAR PYLONS!

#9 00 Nobody

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Posted 21 June 2007 - 05:52 PM

I have quite a few maps I could stick up here, but I'm not going to. Instead, i will post a set of links to all the maps I've made.

00 Nobody Maps and Missions The original map that made me popular, Area 50, is available for download!

Desert Legends RPG C&C's ONLY RPG!

Desert Doorway Defenders The ONLY 1-player AOD there is!

Desert Corps. A unique combo faction!

BattleTanx Maps where you control only a couple of units and help waves of tanks reach the enemy base!

Operation: The Dragon's Den A USA mission set in the Pacific!

Operation: Sting of the Scorpion A unique GLA mission set in the mountains of the middle east!

00 Nobody Maps and Missions
Desert Legends RPG C&C's ONLY
Desert Doorway Defenders
Desert Corps.
Operation: The Dragon's Den
Construct additional pylons. No, seriously. The power's out. Those power lines are overloaded. WE NEED MOAR PYLONS!

#10 Bob


    Marine Corps Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV)

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Posted 11 October 2007 - 02:24 AM

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Attached File  Hostile_Dawn_2_The_War_Machine__for_PR_ver7_.zip   257.27KB   487 downloads

===== 'Hostile Dawn 2 - The War Machine (for PR ver 7)' Map Readme =====

Map Info:

Game: Command and Conquer Generals ZeroHour (v1.04)
Name: Hostile Dawn 2 - The War Machine for Project Raptor mod version 7.0
Released: 10/2007
Created by: Microsoft_Bob
Players: Upto 6

Map Comments/Description/Storyline:

This map is a somewhat kind of minor modification to EA's original map Hostile Dawn. Roads and structures have been added to the map, as well as moving planes, trains, and automobiles. Watch out for those pesky nuke convoy trucks that roam the map as they could ruin your day if they get in your crossfire. Added to the center of the map is an 'industrial park' of sorts. Here you have a chance to capture a couple of PR Dozer bays, and use them to your advantage to defeat all of your enemies in this sector. Some of Prince Kassad's GLA forces and assets are also rumored to be in this sector as well, and may be ripe for the players capturing. Additional tech structures such as the Tech Hospital has been added to the map, and overall the supplies have been slightly reworked a bit. Overall I think you'll find this to be a nice modification to an already awesome EA map. Many kudos to the original EA map making team for some great playing original maps.
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- Bob

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