After working on this project in secret for a while, I'm officially announcing Stargate: Replicator Wars to the public.
The mod will be for C&C3 with a near identical version appearing on Zero Hour.
With the first release, there will be three factions.
The Tau'ri are a race of humans from the planet Earth.
After discovering the Stargate in the 1920’s, but were unable to get it to function till the mid 90’s.
Tau'ri M.A.L.P.
The Goa’uld are a race of parasitic creatures, who originate from a planet only known as P3X-888.
The Goa’uld use humans slaves taken from Earth thousands of years ago, as their hosts. Taking control of all functions of the human and keeping him alive indefinitely, with the help of Sarcophaguses.
Goa'uld Staff Tower
The Replicators could be closely compared to a virus, they use all resources possible and replicate themselves hundreds of times over as they also ‘assimilate’ technology into their database.
Replicator Spiders
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