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strange error

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#1 Dwar the wolf

Dwar the wolf
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Posted 17 January 2008 - 09:48 PM

hi .. i run into a strange error , i have rotwk a clean unmodded then when i extract ini.big to data folder and removing ini.big

a sudden error -a game data crash- it says an error in amunsul.ini in civilian about upgradeangmar..

also you can't run WB it crash . can someone explain why since i didn't face this proplem in bfme2?? :wink_new:

#2 Dwar the wolf

Dwar the wolf
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Posted 17 January 2008 - 11:21 PM

sorry for double posting .

another issue in script.lua i added a line in sauron -oncreated- a music that plays when recruiting sauron , music play nice but in either me or ai , how can i disable it from ai ?

also when sauron fallen the music stoped including the original music that been played how to fix it , do i have to add anything in script.lua ? and what does script.ini do ?

any reply would be appriciated .

best reagard


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