Playing the Thrawn campaign as the rebels on hard atm. I like the idea behind the mining facilities i really do, i'm just not 100% sold on whether it works or not yet, money being tight is one thing, but with the amount you have to spend in PR, especially on hard to keep up with the AI, it might need a bit more tweeking imo... maybe allow mines to be built on planets with high income rates as well ? Coruscant for example, but maybe less of them ?... increase the mining planet total to 5/6 max and have the high income set at 3/4 maybe?
Not sure if the Thrawn map was the best one to test this on though, as there are very few mining planets available, its probably my fav map apart from GFFA (i have a pretty beefy machine and it still lags gdi). I'm building the smaller stations where its logical, and currently researching transports asap to try and get some more money flowing.. although currently i don't have enough population to build them anyway lol, i keep having to retreat my land army on Qat Crystac.. vehicle only fight and hes reinforced it to high heaven... turbolasers and AT-AT's everywhere, backed up by Lancets. repulsor tanks and artillery... been a bloodbath i tell you lol.
Personal viewpoint here... i don't like the "can only build one of each factory type" takes way too long for you to get going, also means all your planets end up being practically the same, which to me is pretty boring, i prefer having a bit of diversity.. but again thats a personal preference... maybe do something similar with factories that you did with mines ?... certain planets with bonuses to vehicle building can build more than one factory... erm Woostri is one.. Filve is another off the top of my head.
All in all im enjoying it so far though, slightly different take means i'm having to think differently... I made a few changes to some things that i made to the original release from Phoenix, nothing major really.. increased the range of the Golans (for me they just wern't worth the money before, now they can actually stand up for themselves pretty well) and changed some of the space pop values a little... personally i'm a fan of ISD size battles if that makes sense... basically i made the 8 pop ships 6, some of the 4's down to 3's, i left most of the 2's as is, same with the 1's, although i was tempted to increase the gunship to 2, if there was a 1.5 value i'd probably put it there
I left all the "bigger" ships the same.. i just like seeing more ISD sized fights... i find SSD fights boring tbh, (send out the bombers, go make a drink) definately worth seeing if for no other reason than to see the suberb work by Phoenix in making those monsters realistic, and an Exec vs Lusk fight is definately worth trying to set up.
I'm rambling, i'll stop lol