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Questions on this and that, on ini and AI

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#1 Tir i Helkaluin

Tir i Helkaluin
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Posted 06 February 2008 - 03:18 AM

First of all, a great hello to you all. I'm new to the forums, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm new to modding. :lol:

Foremost, the game is BFMEII.

So first of all, I'd like to know where are the object data for 'GaladrielTornado', 'GaladrielTornado02', 'ElrondWhirlwind', and 'ElvenWhirlpool' (those that are created in OCLs from those 'inert sucking' shockwaves powers). I've searched in the subobjects and system.ini, but to no avail. (And I know that I can get the basic object data structure of these things from createaheroobjects.ini, but I'm not satisfied.) *Code found. Thx Dwar.*

Second, is it possible to make the 'DamageField' module based on a timed SpecialAbility (that is, in a duration of 'HeroMode'); and *Found the method* to make the 'ReflectDamage' module based on a triggering upgrade? *Still need advice*

Third, can an object's AmbientSound be based on a timed SpecialAbility (see above) ? *Still need advice*

Fourth, and last, which seems to be absent from the AI tutorials and my findings, where can I change the likeliness of the AI to purchase upgrades for the fortress? (i.e. Flaming Munitions and Numenor Stonework.) *Still need advice*

Many thx!

Edited by Tir i Helkaluin, 09 February 2008 - 03:23 AM.

It seems like you're writing a letter!!! Do you need help?

#2 Dwar the wolf

Dwar the wolf
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Posted 06 February 2008 - 04:21 AM

you can find about tornados and Whirlpool in neutralunits.ini in neutral folder .

about ai maybe you can find it in upgrade.ini and you must do something on world builder ..( correct me if wrong )

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