The Shee Labs Bar
Posted 13 February 2008 - 10:12 PM
Don't forget to introduce yourself!
I'm sure you all know me already, but here goes!
I'm Luke 'Ambershee' Parkes-Haskell, and I'm the poor sod who's trying to see if this loose little collaboration can actually work! I believe we'll all get out of it what we put into it, so lets try to start active and stay active - it's only a few hours every couple of weeks; an evening or a day on the weekend. We can all spare that!
In Real Life , I'm a contract programmer specialising in games, especially Unreal. I'm currently doing technical lead work at a company called CityScape Digital. You can see the website here: I studied Computer Games Programming at the Univeritiy of Derby, here in the UK and will eventually return to do a dissertation and actually finish the course, instead of gallavanting around in the industry. I spend an unfortunate amount of my spare time tinkering with game code, and writing tutorials, which many of you have had the fortune of seeing, and even following!
I hope you all enjoy the project!
Posted 13 February 2008 - 11:15 PM
I'm Ronald 'Redemption' van Delft, a 25 year old Dutch guy, and I'm a .NET Software Engineer for a living. I've been coding since I was a kid and that's definitely my strong point, but I've dabbled in everything from level design and 3d modelling to sound editing and web design. Bit of a jack-of-all-trades.
While I've done some game creating before, this is my first collaborative game project, and besides some level design for UT1, I'm new to the Unreal engine. After I saw a post of Luke's asking for an extra hand in programming an UT mod on the BU forums, I proposed that he'd teach me some Unreal stuff in exchange for coding help. I had already read his tutorials so I reckoned he'd be a good souce of information.
While that orginal project didn't get wings, we've started on Sonic Boom and I'm eager to really get it going. In the meanwhile I'm reading up on the U3 engine and Unrealscript, and the Mutator Week will be a good place to get some practice.
If you want to catch me on MSN, just add me on dem_retaliator <at> hotmail <dot> com.
Posted 13 February 2008 - 11:41 PM
I am John. I am new at this for join up. Have some knowledge on my map building a bit in the ut2004 but not finish maps. I bit of of hand on stuff like 3D modeling and drawing is bit good but not that good art. I can only do black and white color.
I am using blender and gimp for free use of the software. I am learning to improve my skills while working on this project and make friends.
learning take time out me but it is fun to learn about it.
Posted 13 February 2008 - 11:59 PM
Im chris .
What I am Currently Doing?
At the moment I am doing quite a bit. I am on a Games Development Course at Kidderminster College, this course is amazing and I would highly reccomend it teaching quality is very high as well (obviously if your in the vicinity of Kiddi . I also work part time for the college as a trainee ICT Development Software Engineer (Fancy name for Learning PHP and a few other things). I am also learning alot about games outside of the course learning Unreal Script (With great help from ambershees tutorials). Taking my modelling skills to new heights by importing them into UT3. Just pratically doing everything I can to do with games . What I want to achieve? Now this is a toughy I have to say I think a dream would be to work for lucas arts, preferabley as a Programmer Either in the Physics part or Tools programmer. I am a huge star wars fan!
What I like? Star Wars Games Women Going to the GYM Taking dog training
Well i hate talking about myself really so im gonna shut up now . Anyways hope to make some good friends and contacts and i hope you can help me and more importantly me help you .
Posted 14 February 2008 - 01:01 AM
Name is Dave, GT is BoomerET on 360/PS3/IRC
In RL I'm a Linux Systems Engineer in downtown San Francisco.
In the past I've been an Embedded Device programmer, Electronics Technician, and College Professor (Networking, Network Security, Programming)
I'm new to OOP, having done most of my professional development in C and Asm.
I'm excited to learn UnrealScript, and working on UT3.
(BoomerET comes from the fact that I used to be an Electronics Technician (ET) on a Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine (Boomer).
Posted 14 February 2008 - 09:32 AM
My name is Mike Dudley and I'm a special effects/technical artist working in Los Angeles, and have been working in games since '97.
My daily work revolves around UnrealEd and Cascade.
I've got a little programming/scripting experience, mostly with Python and MEL.
Looking forward to learning a lot more UnrealScript with you guys!
Posted 14 February 2008 - 11:12 AM
(BoomerET comes from the fact that I used to be an Electronics Technician (ET) on a Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine (Boomer).
That sounds curious. What does that involve? To be fair, I couldn't imagine working on a submarine. I like my nice open plan offices and big windows that I can stare out all day.
My name is Mike Dudley and I'm a special effects/technical artist working in Los Angeles, and have been working in games since '97.
My daily work revolves around UnrealEd and Cascade.
That would be EALA and Medal of Honour Airborne (and possibly Tiberium if the rumours are true about platform) then
I'll be picking your brains at some point to see why my custom beam particle systems are frequently being drawn through level geometry!
Edited by ambershee, 14 February 2008 - 11:12 AM.
Posted 14 February 2008 - 12:46 PM
I'm Erwan 'xiongmao' Allain from Paris. I'm currently working as a R&D Engeneer for a company which provide a financial solution in Java (J2SE).
I started programming on the UnrealEngine 2.0 with AA ( America's army and UT2003). Then I became one of the Uscript moderators of the website Unreal Design since 2004 (French inside ). I began testing UT3 last December, it looks great (and even better since the last patch has been (will) be released)
This project seems exciting. I'm excited to improve my skills and yours (if i can)
Posted 14 February 2008 - 02:13 PM
You can see some of my work on
This design is for a cruiser vehicle using the technology employed in the Sonic Boom mod.
Designs for actual racing vehicles are on their way.
Posted 14 February 2008 - 10:31 PM
My name is Niclas 'Nic2' from Sweden and Im a hobby modder, have been working with a mod for Half-Life 2 (c++) before and thought that UT3 and uscript felt interesting.
Not much else to say
Posted 17 February 2008 - 04:14 PM
I'm Ian "Grobi" Atkinson. I'm a computer games design student in the UK, Huddersfield, and have joined this group in the hope of making something great in Unreal.
I have made maps in the UT04 editor and am confident with my navigation of it. I study games design, using 3DS Max, Unreal, action script and photoshop on my course and thought it would try my hand at unreal scripting.
I haven't had much of a chance to play around in unreal yet (crappy computer I'm afraid) but that should change shortly with the coming holidays.
I posted over on the moddb sheelabs group page so I'll link it here. It has a couple of good links. Since posting this I've read a few more chapters in the Unreal Tournament Game Programming For Teens book and I think it is pretty good for what it is (although I recommend reading up on OO programming before hand);
This Mutator week should be a lot of fun.
I've only really used the unreal level editor and not looked into the scripting side of things so this should be really beneficial.
I'll just quickly link to some of the things I have been reading in prepertion to this week;
This is pretty good for explaining how the code is structured. Talks about object orientated coding.
The unreal wiki is always good.
And I just picked up this book today from the library so I don't know if it is much good yet;
I've only read 2 and a half chapters. Nothing much about coding yet, just stuff about the editor.
EDIT : Maybe we should all exchange contact info incase we need to chat about our mutators? An Irc would be sweet but I think something like msn would suffice.
Ambershee: Merged your posts, fixed your links
Edited by ambershee, 17 February 2008 - 11:00 PM.
Posted 25 February 2008 - 11:02 AM
How's your memory?
If you still want to contribute to Week 1, you can have an extension until Thursday. I'll be putting together a couple of mutators myself so that the first pack won't be too small
Posted 25 February 2008 - 11:14 AM
if it is hard drive i bought a 500GB and if it is RAM i bought 2048Mb. But I use 6 hours to install windows because of blue screen and problem in windows file copy. I guess it's ram problem so i need to change this weekend.
About Mutator, if my girlfriend let me 2 or 3 hours during the week, I could make something for thursday
Posted 25 February 2008 - 11:18 AM
Sounds good - let me know how you get on or if you get stuck
Posted 01 March 2008 - 07:39 PM
I'm a web programmer, with some little experience in java and c++. I'm starting with uscript and I'd like to join you on this, to learn something and have fun at the same time.
Posted 04 March 2008 - 12:19 AM
I'm Mike Purvis. I have been making maps on and off in Unreal since 2000, so for each addition as a hobby, nothing released. I am in a Game Prototyping class at school and were doing it in Unreal 3, so that's how I found the tutorials that led me here eventually.
I'm a student in my last year at the At Institutes of California, San Francisco finishing up a BS degree in Visual and Game programming. I got an AS in electronics in 1996 for Heald Institute of technology.
I have some game industry experience as a tester and level designer and have done two internships as a programmer. My day job is an application developer for a medium sized business so lots of .net and Access programming. I will quit that pretty soon to concentrate more on school to get it over with.
Posted 04 March 2008 - 10:01 AM
Hop right in when you're ready - there's even a topic already about people's endeavours with the current theme
Posted 07 March 2008 - 10:39 AM
I want to use TCPLink , the famous class which allows communication with external program. I'd like to know if anyone use it before ?.
What I am going to do is a JavaServer that is listening on a specific port.
This server can receive request from client (for now, it would be write in file, append in file, read from file))
Basically, the Uscript developper will connect to the server and send a string which could look like this "0#c:/test.txt#blablabla"
0 is the type of request, Integer are used because it's heavy to carry string through Socket.
What do you think ? useless ? interesting ?
Ps: this server could be extented to communicate with database something like
"1"#databaseName#select ...." where 1 is a request type SELECT on a database
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