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Wall Segment data?

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#1 Athem


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 02:47 PM


I wasn't able to find data of WallSegment and upgrades (Gate,Tower,Catapult). Only things I found are expansions for fortress.
Where are they?

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92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature

#2 lycan


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 02:50 PM

in the file factionnamefortress.ini

Edited by elvenfury, 22 February 2008 - 02:50 PM.

#3 Athem


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 03:30 PM

in the file factionnamefortress.ini

Wrong elvenfury.

There are things only like:

Object ArnorFortressCenterGeneric
Object ArnorFortressExpansionPadCorner
ChildObject ArnorFortressExpansionPadSide ArnorFortressExpansionPadCorner 
Object ArnorFortressCitadel	
Object ArnorFortress
ChildObject	ArnorFortressDarkEye ArnorFortress

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92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature

#4 lycan


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 04:01 PM


Edited by elvenfury, 22 February 2008 - 04:02 PM.

#5 Athem


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 04:35 PM


Here's code... There's nothing about wall segment model and his upgrades.

//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// This is the magic thing in the .bse file that tells how to center the base layout compared to the game position of the fortressObject ArnorFortressCenterGeneric			SelectPortrait = BPGFortress		Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_01    	DefaultModelConditionState      		Model = None    	End    			ModelConditionState = WORLD_BUILDER			Model = NBasePin		End	End			Side = Arnor	EditorSorting = STRUCTURE	KindOf = IMMOBILE BASE_FOUNDATION CASTLE_CENTER CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS  	Behavior = CastleBehavior ModuleTag_castle		FilterValidOwnedEntries = ANY +STRUCTURE +WALK_ON_TOP_OF_WALL +BASE_FOUNDATION +TACTICAL_MARKER		;Anything that does not fit this filter will be given to the neutral player, so the template can have rocks and props.	End  End//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// These are the four corner buildplots.  Difference is just the BuildVariation flag they give the Expansion.Object ArnorFortressExpansionPadCorner		SelectPortrait = BPGFortress_BuildPlot		// *** ART Parameters ***	Draw = W3DFloorDraw DrawFloorBase  		ModelName = GBFoundationB	End			Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_DrawMain		DefaultModelConditionState			Model = WBFoundationP		End		;//Remove the buildplot when it's been constructed on		ModelConditionState = CONSTRUCTION_COMPLETE			Model = None		End		End	//PlacementViewAngle  = 0	// ***DESIGN parameters ***	DisplayName         = OBJECT:ArnorBuildingFoundation	Side                = Arnor	EditorSorting       = STRUCTURE	ThreatLevel			= 1.0	BuildCost           = 1	BuildTime           = 5.0          // in seconds	VisionRange         = 0.0          // Shroud clearing distance	ShroudClearingRange = 0	CommandSet = ArnorFortressExpansionPadCornerCommandSet	// *** AUDIO Parameters ***	VoiceSelect = Gui_PlotSelect	;GondorCitadelSelect	;MenFortressSelect	// *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***		KindOf              = STRUCTURE SELECTABLE IMMOBILE BASE_FOUNDATION UNATTACKABLE MP_COUNT_FOR_VICTORY NO_COLLIDE DO_NOT_CLASSIFY CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS EXPANSION_PAD	Behavior            = FoundationAIUpdate ModuleTag_foundationAI		BuildVariation = 2 // Will give BUILD_VARIATION_TWO to anything built on it	End	Behavior = CastleMemberBehavior ModuleTag_CMB	End 	Body                = ImmortalBody ModuleTag_05		MaxHealth         = 15000.0	End	Geometry              = BOX	GeometryMajorRadius   = 5.0	GeometryMinorRadius   = 5.0	GeometryHeight        = 0.8	GeometryIsSmall       = No	Shadow                = SHADOW_VOLUME	BuildCompletion		= PLACED_BY_PLAYEREnd//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// And these are the 2 on the sides.ChildObject ArnorFortressExpansionPadSide ArnorFortressExpansionPadCorner ;	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_DrawMain;		DefaultModelConditionState;			Model = GBFoundationB //GBFoundationA;		End;	End	CommandSet = ArnorFortressExpansionPadSideCommandSet	Behavior            = FoundationAIUpdate ModuleTag_foundationAI		BuildVariation = 1 // Will give BUILD_VARIATION_ONE to anything built on it	EndEnd//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// This is the center part of the full Fortress.  This plus the buildplots make up the full fortressObject ArnorFortressCitadel					// *** ART Parameters ***  	ButtonImage		= BGFortress	SelectPortrait  = BPGFortress	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_MainDraw		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_01		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_02		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_03		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_04		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_05		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_06		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_07		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_08		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_09		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_10		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_11		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_12		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_13		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_14		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_15		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_16		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_17		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_18		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_19		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_20		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_21		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_22		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_23		ExtraPublicBone 		= ARROW_24		OkToChangeModelColor	= Yes		StaticModelLODMode		= Yes // Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD		DefaultModelConditionState			Model				= GBFortress			WeaponLaunchBone	= PRIMARY ARROW_		End				;//	Animation state for build placement cursor		AnimationState = BUILD_PLACEMENT_CURSOR			BeginScript   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("FIREGLOW")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("FLAMES")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("GBFFLAG")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("GBFFLAMING")			EndScript		End				;//	Animation state for phantom structure		AnimationState = PHANTOM_STRUCTURE			BeginScript   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("FIREGLOW")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("FLAMES")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("GBFFLAG")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("GBFFLAMING")			EndScript		End				//--Damage States---		ModelConditionState  = DAMAGED			Model		= GBFortress			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga		End				AnimationState = DAMAGED			EnteringStateFX	= FX_FortressDamaged					End		ModelConditionState  = REALLYDAMAGED			Model         = GBFortress_D2					End		AnimationState	= REALLYDAMAGED			Animation	= Fortress_ReallyDamaged				AnimationName		= GBFortress_D2SK.GBFortress_D2AN				AnimationMode		= ONCE							End						EnteringStateFX	= FX_FortressReallyDamaged		End		ModelConditionState  = RUBBLE			Model         = GBFortress_D3		End    		AnimationState	= RUBBLE			Animation	= Fortress_Rubble				AnimationName		= GBFortress_D3SK.GBFortress_D3AN				AnimationMode		= ONCE							End				EnteringStateFX	= FX_FortressCollapse				End		//---Stonework---		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_NUMENOR_STONEWORK			Model		= GBFortress			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1_U.tga		End				//---Snow---		ModelConditionState = SNOW			Model			= GBFortress			Texture			= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1_Snow.tga	    End	End	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw_HCBanner		OkToChangeModelColor  = Yes		DefaultModelConditionState			Model = GBHCFortress		End		MultiPlayerOnly = Yes 	End	//--------------------------------	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_OilDraw		OkToChangeModelColor	= Yes		StaticModelLODMode		= Yes // Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD		DefaultModelConditionState			Model           = None		End		//---Build up Damaged---		ModelConditionState	  = UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL DAMAGED USER_1			Model		= GBFBOil_A			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga		End		ModelConditionState	  = UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL REALLYDAMAGED USER_1			Model		= GBFBOil_A			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga		End		//---Build Up and Default Idle---		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL USER_1			Model		= GBFBOil_A					End		AnimationState = UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL USER_1			Animation					= RiseUp				AnimationName			= GBFBoil_ASKL.GBFBoil_ABLD				AnimationMode			= ONCE			End								End		//---Damage States---		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL DAMAGED			Model		= GBFBoil			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga		End		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL REALLYDAMAGED			Model		= GBFBoil_D2					End		AnimationState			= UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL REALLYDAMAGED			Animation			= ReallyDamaged				AnimationName	= GBFBoil_D2SKL.GBFBoil_D2AN				AnimationMode   = ONCE			End		End		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL RUBBLE			Model		= GBFBoil_D3					End		AnimationState			= UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL RUBBLE			Animation			= Destroyed				AnimationName	= GBFBoil_D3SKL.GBFBoil_D3AN				AnimationMode   = ONCE			End		End		//---Normal State---		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL			Model		= GBFBOil		End	End//--------------------------------	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_OilGuyDraw		AttachToBoneInAnotherModule = PositionBone		OkToChangeModelColor	= Yes		StaticModelLODMode		= Yes // Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD		DefaultModelConditionState			Model           = None		End				IdleAnimationState			StateName		= NoTower					End		//---Build Up and Default Idle---		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL USER_1			Model		= None		End		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL RUBBLE			Model		= NONE		End				//---Attacking---		AnimationState			= SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE UNPACKING UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL			Animation			= Pouring				AnimationName	= GBFBOil_SKL.GBFBOil_ATKA				AnimationMode   = ONCE			End			EnteringStateFX	= FX_BoilingOilAttack						ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone02 MenFortressSpray FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone03 MenFortressSpray FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone04 MenFortressSpray FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone05 MenFortressSpray FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone06 MenFortressSpray FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone07 MenFortressSpray FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone08 MenFortressSpray FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone09 MenFortressSpray FOLLOWBONE:YES						ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone02 MenFortressSpray02 FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone03 MenFortressSpray02 FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone04 MenFortressSpray02 FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone05 MenFortressSpray02 FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone06 MenFortressSpray02 FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone07 MenFortressSpray02 FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone08 MenFortressSpray02 FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone09 MenFortressSpray02 FOLLOWBONE:YES						ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone02 MenFortressSteam FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone03 MenFortressSteam FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone04 MenFortressSteam FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone05 MenFortressSteam FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone06 MenFortressSteam FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone07 MenFortressSteam FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone08 MenFortressSteam FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone09 MenFortressSteam FOLLOWBONE:YES									ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone02 MenFortressProxy FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone03 MenFortressProxy FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone04 MenFortressProxy FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone05 MenFortressProxy FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone06 MenFortressProxy FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone07 MenFortressProxy FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone08 MenFortressProxy FOLLOWBONE:YES			ParticleSysBone = Steam_Bone09 MenFortressProxy FOLLOWBONE:YES		End		//---Normal State---		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL			Model		= GBFBOil_SKN		End		AnimationState = UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL						Animation			= Idle				AnimationName	= GBFBOil_SKL.GBFBOil_IDLA				AnimationMode   = LOOP			End							End	End//--------------------------------	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_IvoryTowerDraw		OkToChangeModelColor	= Yes		StaticModelLODMode		= Yes // Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD		DefaultModelConditionState			Model           = None		End		//---Damage States---		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER DAMAGED			Model		= GBFITower_A			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga		End		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER REALLYDAMAGED			Model		= GBFITower_D2					End		AnimationState			= UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER REALLYDAMAGED			Animation			= ReallyDamaged				AnimationName	= GBFITower_D2SK.GBFITower_D2AN				AnimationMode   = ONCE			End		End		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER RUBBLE			Model		= GBFITower_D3		End		AnimationState			= UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER RUBBLE			Animation			= Destroyed				AnimationName	= GBFITower_D3SK.GBFITower_D3AN				AnimationMode   = ONCE			End		End				//---Default Purchased States---		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER USER_2			Model           = GBFITower_A		End				//---Build Up---		AnimationState = UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER USER_2			Animation					= RiseUp				AnimationName				= GBFITower_ASKL.GBFITower_ABLD				AnimationMode				= ONCE				AnimationSpeedFactorRange	= 8.0 8.0			End		End		//---Snow---		ModelConditionState = SNOW UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER			Model			= GBFITower			Texture			= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1_Snow.tga	    End				ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER			Model           = GBFITower		End	    			End;--------------------------------	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_HouseOfHealingDraw		OkToChangeModelColor	= Yes		StaticModelLODMode		= Yes // Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD		DefaultModelConditionState			Model           = None		End				//---Build Up---		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING USER_3 DAMAGED			Model		= GBFHeal_A			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga		End		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING USER_3 REALLYDAMAGED			Model		= GBFHeal_A			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga		End		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING USER_3 UPGRADE_NUMENOR_STONEWORK			Model		= GBFHeal_A			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1_U.tga		End		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING USER_3 SNOW			Model		= GBFHeal_A			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1_Snow.tga		End		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING USER_3			Model		= GBFHeal_A		End		AnimationState = UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING USER_3			Animation					= RiseUp				AnimationName				= GBFHeal_ASKL.GBFHeal_ABLD				AnimationMode				= ONCE								AnimationSpeedFactorRange	= 5.0 5.0			End		End		//---Damage States---		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING DAMAGED			Model		= GBFHeal			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga		End		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING REALLYDAMAGED			Model		= GBFHeal_D2					End		AnimationState			= UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING REALLYDAMAGED			Animation			= ReallyDamaged				AnimationName	= GBFHeal_D2SKL.GBFHeal_D2AN				AnimationMode   = ONCE			End		End		ModelConditionState		= UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING RUBBLE			Model		= GBFHeal_D3		End		AnimationState			= UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING RUBBLE			Animation			= Destroyed				AnimationName	= GBFHeal_D3SKL.GBFHeal_D3AN				AnimationMode   = ONCE			End		End		//---Stonework upgrade		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_NUMENOR_STONEWORK UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING			Model		= GBFHeal			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1_U.tga		End	    				//---Snow---		ModelConditionState = SNOW UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING			Model			= GBFHeal			Texture			= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1_Snow.tga	    End	    				//---Default Purchased States		ModelConditionState = UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING			Model           = GBFHeal		End	    	End;--------------------------------	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_DrawDoor	     		DefaultModelConditionState			Model = GBFDoor_DRC		End		//---Damage States---				ModelConditionState   = DAMAGED DOOR_1_WAITING_OPEN			Model		= GBFDoor_DRO			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga					End  		ModelConditionState   = REALLYDAMAGED DOOR_1_WAITING_OPEN			Model		= GBFDoor_DRO			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga					End  		ModelConditionState = DAMAGED DOOR_1_CLOSING			Model		= GBFDoor_DRCA			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga					End		ModelConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED DOOR_1_CLOSING			Model		= GBFDoor_DRCA			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga					End		ModelConditionState = DAMAGED			Model		= GBFDoor_DRC			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga					End		ModelConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED			Model		= GBFDoor_DRC			Texture		= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1D.tga					End		ModelConditionState = RUBBLE			Model		= GBFDoor_D3		End		AnimationState	= RUBBLE			Animation	= Door_Destroyed				AnimationName		= GBFDoor_D3.GBFDoor_D3				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationBlendTime	= 50			End					End	     		//---Normal States---		ModelConditionState   = DOOR_1_OPENING			Model               = GBFDoor_DROA		End	    		AnimationState			=	DOOR_1_OPENING			Animation           =	GBFDoor_DRO				AnimationName   =	GBFDoor_DROA.GBFDoor_DROA				AnimationMode   =	ONCE								End				End 	   		ModelConditionState   = DOOR_1_CLOSING			Model               = GBFDoor_DRCA			ParticleSysBone		= NONE trollCageDust		End  	      		AnimationState			=	DOOR_1_CLOSING			Animation           =	GBFDoor_DRCA				AnimationName   =	GBFDoor_DRCA.GBFDoor_DRCA				AnimationMode   =	ONCE							End		End   	   		ModelConditionState   = DOOR_1_WAITING_OPEN			Model               = GBFDoor_DRO					End  	    		AnimationState			=	DOOR_1_WAITING_OPEN		End   		ModelConditionState  = POST_RUBBLE			Model         = None		End		ModelConditionState  = POST_COLLAPSE			Model         = None		End	  	End	//----------the Bib    Draw = W3DFloorDraw ModuleTag_DrawFloor      		ModelName		= GBFortress_Bib  		WeatherTexture SNOWY GBFortress_bib_snow.tga	End	// ***DESIGN parameters ***	DisplayName         = OBJECT:ArnorFortress	Side                = Arnor	EditorSorting       = STRUCTURE	ThreatLevel			= 1.0	CommandPointBonus	= M_GENERIC_FORTRESS_COMMAND_POINT_BONUS	BuildCost           = M_MEN_FORTRESS_BUILDCOST	BuildTime           = M_MEN_FORTRESS_BUILDTIME	VisionRange         = M_MEN_FORTRESS_VISION_RANGE      	ShroudClearingRange = M_MEN_FORTRESS_SHROUD_CLEAR	WeaponSet		Weapon				= PRIMARY FortressArrowTowerBow		AutoChooseSources	= PRIMARY FROM_PLAYER FROM_SCRIPT FROM_AI	End 	ArmorSet		Conditions        = None		Armor             = FortressArmor	;	DamageFX          = StructureDamageFXNoShake	End	CommandSet				= ArnorFortressCommandSet 	; *** AUDIO Parameters ***	#include "..\..\..\Includes\StandardBuildingEvaEvents.inc"	EvaEventDieOwner 				= EvaFortressDie	VoiceSelect         			= MenFortressSelect	VoiceSelectUnderConstruction	= BuildingGoodVoiceSelectUnderConstruction	SoundOnDamaged					= BuildingLightDamageStone	SoundOnReallyDamaged			= BuildingHeavyDamageStone	UnitSpecificSounds		UnderConstruction			= BuildingBigConstructionLoop	;// Built first time		;//UnderRepairFromDamage	= NoSound						;// Repaired No animation on the building, so don't bother playing sound		UnderRepairFromRubble		= BuildingBigConstructionLoop	;// Repaired from completely destroyed (not used???)	End	CampnessValue = CAMPNESS_FORTRESS	; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***	RadarPriority       = STRUCTURE 	KindOf				= PRELOAD COMMANDCENTER VITAL_FOR_BASE_SURVIVAL STRUCTURE IMMOBILE CASTLE_KEEP MP_COUNT_FOR_VICTORY SELECTABLE FS_FACTORY AUTO_RALLYPOINT MADE_OF_WOOD SCORE DOZER_FACTORY CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS	Behavior            = GettingBuiltBehavior ModuleTag_GettingBuiltBehavior		WorkerName	= GondorWorkerNoSelect		SpawnTimer	= M_DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_HEALDELAY	End     Behavior = CastleMemberBehavior ModuleTag_CMB		BeingBuiltSound = BuildingBigConstructionLoop     End 	;-----------------------------------------------	;Used for hero revival and initial construction     	Behavior = ProductionUpdate ProductionUpdateModuleTag		ProductionModifier		; An object-local discount.  			RequiredUpgrade = Upgrade_ArnorFortressBanners 			CostMultiplier = 0.80			ModifierFilter = NONE +MenPorter		End		ProductionModifier					RequiredUpgrade = Upgrade_ArnorFortressBanners 			CostMultiplier = 0.90			TimeMultiplier = 0.90			HeroPurchase = Yes	; Instead of an object filter, needs to be explicitly hero-revival-system compatible			ModifierFilter = NONE +HERO		End		ProductionModifier					RequiredUpgrade = Upgrade_ArnorFortressHouseOfHealing			CostMultiplier = 0.80			TimeMultiplier = 0.80			HeroRevive = Yes			ModifierFilter = NONE +HERO		End  		NumDoorAnimations            = 1		DoorOpeningTime              = 3000  ;in mSeconds how long you want doors to be in open state		DoorWaitOpenTime             = 3000  ;in mSeconds time the door stays open, so units can exit		DoorCloseTime                = 3000  ;in mSeconds how long you want doors to be in open state			End	Behavior = QueueProductionExitUpdate ModuleTag_QueuePEU		UnitCreatePoint   = X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0		NaturalRallyPoint = X:80.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0;NaturalRallyPointX must always match GeometryMajorRadius!		ExitDelay = 400 ; Mainly for the multiple produced Red Guard.  Make them come out one at a time.	End  	;-----------------------------------------------	Body                = StructureBody ModuleTag_05		MaxHealth         = M_MEN_FORTRESS_HEALTH		MaxHealthDamaged        = M_MEN_FORTRESS_HEALTH_DAMAGED		MaxHealthReallyDamaged	= M_MEN_FORTRESS_HEALTH_REALLY_DAMAGED	End 	Behavior                  = StructureCollapseUpdate ModuleTag_08		MinCollapseDelay        = 000		MaxCollapseDelay        = 000		CollapseDamping         = .5		MaxShudder              = 0.6		MinBurstDelay           = 250		MaxBurstDelay           = 800		BigBurstFrequency       = 4		FXList                  = INITIAL   FX_FortressCollapse		;FXList                  = ALMOST_FINAL  FX_FortressCollapse		DestroyObjectWhenDone	= Yes		CollapseHeight			= 155	End	Behavior = CitadelSlaughterHordeContain ModuleTag_SlaughterMe		PassengerFilter						= M_GENERIC_FACTION_SLAUGHTERABLE		ObjectStatusOfContained				= UNSELECTABLE ENCLOSED		CashBackPercent						= 200%				ContainMax              			= 99; give it a huge capacity, just in case player sends his whole army in at once		AllowEnemiesInside					= No		AllowAlliesInside					= No 		AllowNeutralInside					= No 		AllowOwnPlayerInsideOverride		= Yes		EnterSound							= MordorSlaughterhouseEnterSound		EntryOffset							= X:125.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0		EntryPosition						= X:30.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0		// entry position needs to be offset from the root transform, otherwise fortress obscures point.		ExitOffset							= X:125.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0		StatusForRingEntry					= HOLDING_THE_RING		UpgradeForRingEntry					= Upgrade_RingHero Upgrade_FortressRingHero		ObjectToDestroyForRingEntry			= NONE +TheDroppedRing		FXForRingEntry						= FX_OneRingFlare	End	// Hide all the Improvements by default	Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade ModuleTag_HideAll		TriggeredBy		= Upgrade_StructureLevel1		HideSubObjects	= GBFFLAMING GBFFLAG	End	// Boiling Oil special power, bought as improvement ;;;	Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_OilEnabler		SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityArnorFortressBoilingOil		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ArnorFortressBoilingOil	End	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_OilStarter       		SpecialPowerTemplate      = SpecialAbilityArnorFortressBoilingOil		UpdateModuleStartsAttack  = Yes		StartsPaused		  	  = Yes	End	Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_OilWeaponFireUpdate   		SpecialPowerTemplate    = SpecialAbilityArnorFortressBoilingOil		WhichSpecialWeapon		= 1		UnpackTime              = 5200 		PackTime                = 4600				SpecialWeapon			= MenFortressBoilingOilWeapon	End		Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_ShowTheOil		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_ArnorFortressBoilingOil		AddConditionFlags		= UPGRADE_BOILING_OIL		AddTempConditionFlag	= ModelConditionState:USER_1 //For buildup		TempConditionTime		= 5.0						 //try to match buildup anim time		Permanent				= Yes	End		Behavior = AudioLoopUpgrade ModuleTag_BoilingOilBuildLoop		; Play a "build loop" while the BoilingOil is building up		TriggeredBy			= Upgrade_ArnorFortressBoilingOil		;ConflictsWith		= Upgrade_PosternGate Upgrade_WallBanner		SoundToPlay			= WallConstructionLoop		KillOnDeath         = Yes		KillAfterMS			= 4000  ; Should match the length of the build-up animation [Or a little shorter since sounds take a little while to die]	End	// Numeror Stonework improvement, just an upgrade	Behavior = CastleUpgrade ModuleTag_PassOutNumenorStoneworkUpgrade		TriggeredBy	= Upgrade_ArnorFortressNumenorStoneworkTrigger		Upgrade		= Upgrade_ArnorFortressNumenorStonework		WallUpgradeRadius = M_MEN_FORTRESS_WALL_EFFECTIVE_RADIUS	End		Behavior = AttributeModifierUpgrade ModuleTag_Reinforced		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_ArnorFortressNumenorStonework		AttributeModifier		= NumenorStoneworkKeep_Bonus	End	Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_ShowTheStones		TriggeredBy			= Upgrade_ArnorFortressNumenorStonework				AddConditionFlags	= UPGRADE_NUMENOR_STONEWORK		Permanent			= Yes	End	// Flaming Munitions improvement, just an upgrade, but doesn't do anything for us.	Behavior = CastleUpgrade ModuleTag_PassOutFlamingMunitionsUpgrade		TriggeredBy	= Upgrade_GoodFortressFlamingMunitionsTrigger		Upgrade		= Upgrade_GoodFortressFlamingMunitions	End		Behavior = StatusBitsUpgrade ModuleTag_FakeOut ; I need to react to the upgrade, so I can have it for when new construction asks me for all the upgrades		TriggeredBy	= Upgrade_GoodFortressFlamingMunitions	End		Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade ModuleTag_ShowTorches		TriggeredBy		= Upgrade_GoodFortressFlamingMunitions		ShowSubObjects	= GBFFLAMING	End		// Banners improvement, the half that gives an aura bonus, not the purchase discount part (that is in the ProductionUpdate)	Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_BannerLeadership		StartsActive	= No ;If no, requires upgrade to turn on.		BonusName		= MenFortressBannersLeadership		TriggeredBy		= Upgrade_ArnorFortressBanners		RefreshDelay	= 2000		Range			= 300		ObjectFilter	= M_GENERIC_BUFF_RECIPIENT_OBJECT_FILTER	End		Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade ModuleTag_ShowBanners		TriggeredBy		= Upgrade_ArnorFortressBanners		ShowSubObjects	= GBFFLAG	End		// House of Healing improvement, Purchase discount is in ProductionUpdate	Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_ShowHouseOfHealing		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_ArnorFortressHouseOfHealing		AddConditionFlags		= UPGRADE_HOUSE_OF_HEALING		AddTempConditionFlag	= ModelConditionState:USER_3 //For buildup		TempConditionTime		= 7.0						 //try to matc		Permanent			= Yes	End	Behavior = PassiveAreaEffectBehavior ModuleTag_HouseOfHealingHealer		UpgradeRequired			= Upgrade_ArnorFortressHouseOfHealing		EffectRadius			= 200 // please update the decal size in experience lvl INI if you change this... the value there is about 2.2x the value here				PingDelay				= 2000;msec		HealPercentPerSecond	= 3%		AllowFilter				= ANY +INFANTRY +CAVALRY +HERO -MACHINE +MONSTER -IMMOBILE +DOZER		NonStackable			= Yes		HealFX					= FX_SpellHealUnitHealBuff	End	Behavior = BannerCarrierUpdate BannerCarrierUpdateModuleTag		UpgradeRequired			= Upgrade_ArnorFortressHouseOfHealing		IdleSpawnRate			= 5000							// spawn a new member every n seconds when idle (in miliseconds)				UnitSpawnFX				= FX_BannerCarrierSpawnUnit		// name of particle FX to use when the BannerCarrier spawns a new unit				// This well object acts like a banner carrier except it spawns unit on nearby hordes instead of itself.		ReplenishNearbyHorde	= Yes		ScanHordeDistance		= 200	End	Behavior = AudioLoopUpgrade ModuleTag_HouseOfHealingBuildLoop		// Play a "build loop" while the House of Healing is building up		TriggeredBy			= Upgrade_ArnorFortressHouseOfHealing		//ConflictsWith		= Upgrade_PosternGate Upgrade_WallBanner		SoundToPlay			= BuildingConstructionLoop		KillOnDeath         = Yes		KillAfterMS			= 5000  ; Should match the length of the build-up animation [Or a little shorter since sounds take a little while to die]	End	Behavior = CastleUpgrade ModuleTag_PassOutHouseOfHealingUpgrade		TriggeredBy	= Upgrade_ArnorFortressHouseOfHealing		Upgrade		= Upgrade_ArnorFortressHouseOfHealing	End		// Ivory Tower improvement, Gives a bonus to me, as well as unlocking a spell	Behavior = AttributeModifierUpgrade ModuleTag_IvoryTowerBonus		AttributeModifier	= MenFortressIvoryTowerBonus		TriggeredBy			= Upgrade_ArnorFortressIvoryTower Upgrade_ArnorFortressNumenorStonework		RequiresAllTriggers = Yes	End			Behavior = GeometryUpgrade TowerGeom		TriggeredBy			= Upgrade_ArnorFortressIvoryTower Upgrade_ArnorFortressNumenorStonework		RequiresAllTriggers	= Yes		ShowGeometry		= HighTowerGeom	End	Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_IvoryTowerVisionEnabler		SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityMenFortressIvoryTowerVision		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ArnorFortressIvoryTower Upgrade_ArnorFortressNumenorStonework		RequiresAllTriggers = Yes	End	Behavior				 = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_IvoryTowerVision		SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityMenFortressIvoryTowerVision		StartsPaused		 = Yes		OCL                  = SpecialPowerIvoryTowerVision		CreateLocation       = CREATE_AT_LOCATION	End		Behavior = AudioLoopUpgrade ModuleTag_IvoryTowerBuildLoop		; Play a "build loop" while the IvoryTower is building up		TriggeredBy			= Upgrade_ArnorFortressIvoryTower 	;Upgrade_MenFortressNumenorStonework		;ConflictsWith		= Upgrade_PosternGate Upgrade_WallBanner		SoundToPlay			= BuildingBigConstructionLoop		KillOnDeath         = Yes		KillAfterMS			= 2500  ; Should match the length of the build-up animation [Or a little shorter since sounds take a little while to die]	End	Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_ShowTheTower		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_ArnorFortressIvoryTower Upgrade_ArnorFortressNumenorStonework		RequiresAllTriggers 	= Yes		AddConditionFlags		= UPGRADE_IVORY_TOWER		AddTempConditionFlag	= ModelConditionState:USER_2 //For buildup		TempConditionTime		= 10.0						 //try to match buildup anim time		Permanent				= Yes	End		#include "..\..\..\FortressRingFunc.inc"		Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_AI		AILuaEventsList				= FortressFunctions		AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle	= Yes		MoodAttackCheckRate			= 250	End	//Money Maker	Behavior = AutoDepositUpdate AutoDepositModuleTag		DepositTiming       	= M_GENERIC_KEEP_MONEY_TIME		DepositAmount       	= M_GENERIC_KEEP_MONEY_AMOUNT 		InitialCaptureBonus 	= 0  // no initial bonus	End	Behavior = TerrainResourceBehavior ModuleTag_NewMoneyDeadSpot		Radius			= M_GENERIC_KEEP_MONEY_RANGE	// How far we try to claim ground		MaxIncome		= 0							// If we were to get all we wanted, how much we would earn.  Linear slope to 0 at 0% claim		IncomeInterval	= 999999					// How often (in msec) we give that much money		HighPriority	= Yes						// A high priority claim gets to pretend it was there first.	End		GeometryIsSmall       = No			Geometry              = BOX						// Main body	GeometryMajorRadius   = 49	GeometryMinorRadius   = 49	GeometryHeight        = 50		AdditionalGeometry	= BOX						// 4 towers	GeometryMajorRadius	= 12.0	GeometryMinorRadius	= 12.0	GeometryHeight		= 100.0	GeometryOffset		= X:-40 Y:-40 Z:0		AdditionalGeometry	= BOX	GeometryMajorRadius	= 12.0	GeometryMinorRadius	= 12.0	GeometryHeight		= 100.0	GeometryOffset		= X:-40 Y:40 Z:0		AdditionalGeometry	= BOX	GeometryMajorRadius	= 12.0	GeometryMinorRadius	= 12.0	GeometryHeight		= 100.0	GeometryOffset		= X:40 Y:-40 Z:0			AdditionalGeometry	= BOX	GeometryMajorRadius	= 12.0	GeometryMinorRadius	= 12.0	GeometryHeight		= 100.0	GeometryOffset		= X:40 Y:40 Z:0		AdditionalGeometry		= BOX	GeometryName			= HighTowerGeom	GeometryMajorRadius   	= 12	GeometryMinorRadius   	= 12	GeometryHeight        	= 175	GeometryOffset			= X:0 Y:0 Z:0	GeometryUsedForHealthBox = No		GeometryContactPoint = X:-57		Y:57		Z:0			Repair	GeometryContactPoint = X:57			Y:-57		Z:0			Repair	GeometryContactPoint = X:49			Y:36.435	Z:0	GeometryContactPoint = X:-32.763	Y:-46.121	Z:0	GeometryContactPoint = X:0			Y:0			Z:180		Swoop		Shadow                = SHADOW_VOLUME	BuildCompletion     = PLACED_BY_PLAYEREnd//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// This is the one object that you would place on a map and that the porter builds.// It unpacks in to the citadel and the buildplots.  It's an old CampFlag.Object ArnorFortress													SelectPortrait = BPGFortress		Draw                = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_01		OkToChangeModelColor	= Yes		StaticModelLODMode		= Yes ;// Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD		DefaultModelConditionState			Model           = None		End		IdleAnimationState		End		;//Need this since the default condition is none		ModelConditionState = WORLD_BUILDER			Model	= GBFortress		End		;//Phantom structure when placing a new building to be build		ModelConditionState = BUILD_PLACEMENT_CURSOR			Model	= None	//GBFortress		End		;//Structure that stays where you will be building until the porter reaches the place to start building.		ModelConditionState =  PHANTOM_STRUCTURE			Model	= GBFortress		End				;//	Animation state for build placement cursor		AnimationState = BUILD_PLACEMENT_CURSOR			BeginScript   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("FIREGLOW")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("FLAMES")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("GBFFLAG")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("GBFFLAMING")			EndScript		End				;//	Animation state for phantom structure		AnimationState = PHANTOM_STRUCTURE			BeginScript   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("FIREGLOW")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("FLAMES")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("GBFFLAG")   				CurDrawableHideSubObject("GBFFLAMING")			EndScript		End		ModelConditionState  = RUBBLE			Model         = GBFortress_D3		End    		AnimationState	= RUBBLE			Animation	= Fortress_Rubble				AnimationName		= GBFortress_D3SK.GBFortress_D3AN				AnimationMode		= ONCE							End				EnteringStateFX	= FX_FortressCollapse				End		ModelConditionState = ACTIVELY_BEING_CONSTRUCTED SNOW ;//UNPACKING			Model			= GBFortress_A				Texture			= GBFortress1.tga GBFortress1_Snow.tga				End		ModelConditionState = ACTIVELY_BEING_CONSTRUCTED ;//UNPACKING			Model			= GBFortress_A					End		AnimationState = ACTIVELY_BEING_CONSTRUCTED			Animation					= UpAndStill				AnimationName			= GBFortress_ASK.GBFortress_ABL				AnimationMode			= MANUAL			End			BeginScript				CurDrawablePlaySound("GondorBarracksBeginConstruction")			EndScript			ParticleSysBone = NONE BuildingContructDustCastles FollowBone:YES			StateName = BeingConstructed		End	End	//Door	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_DrawDoor	     		DefaultModelConditionState			Model = None		End		//---Build Up---		ModelConditionState   = ACTIVELY_BEING_CONSTRUCTED			Model               = GBFDoor_A		End	    		AnimationState        = ACTIVELY_BEING_CONSTRUCTED			Animation           = GBFDoor_A				AnimationName     = GBFDoor_A.GBFDoor_A				AnimationMode     = MANUAL			End		End	End	ArmorSet		Conditions     = None  		Armor           = FortressArmor		DamageFX        = EmptyDamageFX   ; just to avoid an assert	End	Side                = Arnor	EditorSorting       = STRUCTURE	PlacementViewAngle = -45 ; A -90 makes the door of the base face natural south.  0 would have it to the East.		BuildCost           = M_MEN_FORTRESS_BUILDCOST	BuildTime           = M_MEN_FORTRESS_BUILDTIME	DisplayName         = OBJECT:ArnorFortress	// *** AUTO RESOLVE DATA ***	; When fighting an auto-resolve battle, a World Map castle actually becomes this unit	AutoResolveUnitType = AutoResolveUnit_Fortress        	AutoResolveBody = AutoResolve_MenFortressBody        	AutoResolveArmor    		Armor = AutoResolve_MenFortressArmor    	End    	AutoResolveWeapon    		Weapon = AutoResolve_MenFortressWeapon    	End	; *** AUDIO Paraeters ***	#include "..\..\..\Includes\StandardBuildingEvaEvents.inc"	VoiceFullyCreated				= EVA:FortressComplete-Builder	VoiceSelect         			= MenFortressSelect	VoiceSelectUnderConstruction	= BuildingGoodVoiceSelectUnderConstruction	SoundOnDamaged					= BuildingLightDamageStone	SoundOnReallyDamaged			= BuildingHeavyDamageStone	UnitSpecificSounds		UnderConstruction			= BuildingBigConstructionLoop	;// Built first time		;//UnderRepairFromDamage	= NoSound						;// Repaired No animation on the building, so don't bother playing sound		UnderRepairFromRubble		= BuildingBigConstructionLoop	;// Repaired from completely destroyed (not used???)	End	ClientBehavior = ModelConditionAudioLoopClientBehavior ModuleTag_PlayCollapseSound		ModelCondition = REQUIRED:RUBBLE Sound:BuildingSink	End	; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***  	RadarPriority       = STRUCTURE	KindOf              = STRUCTURE SELECTABLE IMMOBILE BASE_FOUNDATION MP_COUNT_FOR_VICTORY BASE_SITE CAN_SEE_THROUGH_STRUCTURE LIVING_WORLD_BUILDING_MIRROR CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS			Body                = StructureBody ModuleTag_05		MaxHealth         = M_MEN_FORTRESS_HEALTH		End	  	Behavior = CastleBehavior ModuleTag_castle		CastleToUnpackForFaction	= Arnor Fortress_Arnor		CastleToUnpackForFaction	= Men Fortress_Arnor		CastleToUnpackForFaction	= Elves Fortress_Arnor		CastleToUnpackForFaction	= Dwarves Fortress_Arnor			CastleToUnpackForFaction	= Wild Fortress_Arnor		CastleToUnpackForFaction	= Isengard Fortress_Arnor		CastleToUnpackForFaction	= Mordor Fortress_Arnor		CastleToUnpackForFaction	= Angmar Fortress_Arnor		FilterValidOwnedEntries = ANY +STRUCTURE +WALK_ON_TOP_OF_WALL +BASE_FOUNDATION +TACTICAL_MARKER		;Anything that does not fit this filter will be given to the neutral player, so the template can have rocks and props.		MaxCastleRadius				= 130.0		InstantUnpack				= Yes				KeepDeathKillsEverything	= Yes		EvaEnemyCastleSightedEvent = EnemyFortressSighted	End  	Behavior                  = StructureCollapseUpdate ModuleTag_08		MinCollapseDelay        = 000		MaxCollapseDelay        = 000		CollapseDamping         = .5		MaxShudder              = 0.6		MinBurstDelay           = 250		MaxBurstDelay           = 800		BigBurstFrequency       = 4		FXList                  = INITIAL   FX_FortressCollapse		;FXList                  = ALMOST_FINAL  FX_FortressCollapse		DestroyObjectWhenDone	= Yes		CollapseHeight			= 155	End  	Behavior            = GettingBuiltBehavior ModuleTag_GettingBuiltBehavior		WorkerName	= ArnorWorkerNoSelect		SpawnTimer	= M_DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_HEALDELAY	End	Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_AI		AILuaEventsList				= FortressFunctions		End		//Main	Geometry              	= BOX	GeometryMajorRadius   	= 64	GeometryMinorRadius   	= 64	GeometryHeight        	= 50	//Plot locations	AdditionalGeometry		= BOX	GeometryName			= Plots	GeometryMajorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryMinorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryHeight			= 0.8	GeometryOffset			= X:64.0 Y:-64.0 Z:0		AdditionalGeometry		= BOX	GeometryName			= Plots	GeometryMajorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryMinorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryHeight			= 0.8	GeometryOffset			= X:00 Y:-62.0 Z:0		AdditionalGeometry		= BOX	GeometryName			= Plots	GeometryMajorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryMinorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryHeight			= 0.8	GeometryOffset			= X:-64.0 Y:-64.0 Z:0		AdditionalGeometry		= BOX	GeometryName			= Plots	GeometryMajorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryMinorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryHeight			= 0.8	GeometryOffset			= X:-64.0 Y:64.0 Z:0	AdditionalGeometry		= BOX	GeometryName			= Plots	GeometryMajorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryMinorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryHeight			= 0.8	GeometryOffset			= X:0 Y:62.0 Z:0	AdditionalGeometry		= BOX	GeometryName			= Plots	GeometryMajorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryMinorRadius		= 10.0	GeometryHeight			= 0.8	GeometryOffset			= X:64.0 Y:64.0 Z:0	GeometryIsSmall			= No	Shadow					= SHADOW_VOLUME	GeometryContactPoint = X:-90		Y:82		Z:0			Repair	GeometryContactPoint = X:84		Y:-79		Z:0			Repair	GeometryContactPoint = X:5.576		Y:44.987	Z:0	GeometryContactPoint = X:-38.348	Y:-42.113	Z:0	GeometryContactPoint = X:-28.448	Y:-0.003	Z:75.14		SwoopEnd//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ChildObject	ArnorFortressDarkEye ArnorFortress		Behavior = CitadelSlaughterHordeContain ModuleTag_SlaughterMe			PassengerFilter					= M_GENERIC_FACTION_SLAUGHTERABLE			ObjectStatusOfContained				= UNSELECTABLE ENCLOSED			CashBackPercent					= 200%					ContainMax						= 99	// give it a huge capacity, just in case player sends his whole army in at once			AllowEnemiesInside				= No			AllowAlliesInside				= No	 		AllowNeutralInside				= No	 		AllowOwnPlayerInsideOverride	= Yes			EnterSound						= GUI_RingReturned			EntryOffset						= X:125.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0			EntryPosition					= X:30.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0						ExitOffset						= X:125.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0			StatusForRingEntry				= HOLDING_THE_RING;			UpgradeForRingEntry				= Upgrade_RingHero Upgrade_FortressRingHero			ObjectToDestroyForRingEntry		= NONE +PalantirShard;			FXForRingEntry					= FX_OneRingFlare		EndEnd


Any one who knows where is that?

Edited by Athem, 22 February 2008 - 04:35 PM.

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92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature

#6 Lauri


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 05:23 PM

are you sure that Arnor has these kinda things?

I'm pretty sure they don't :wink_new: (unless Arnor walls work like they should)


The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link

#7 Athem


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 05:26 PM

are you sure that Arnor has these kinda things?

I'm pretty sure they don't :wink_new: (unless Arnor walls work like they should)

Yes, arnor has "Gondor"-style walls.
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92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature

#8 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 06:49 PM

Oh man, just use the file-search function of notepad++ and look for 'wallsegment', 'wallhub' and stuff like that. Don't let others do it for you.

Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff

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#9 robnkarla


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 06:59 PM

They are in the same place as the are for men:


Look for ArnorWallSegmentSmall

Robert J.

#10 Athem


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 07:14 PM

They are in the same place as the are for men:


Look for ArnorWallSegmentSmall

Robert J.

Thank you, Robert.
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92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature

#11 lycan


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 02:48 PM

My bad i was talking about angmar fortress lol my bad.

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