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Problem on Upgrades AI

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#1 Tir i Helkaluin

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 05:46 AM

So far for unit Special Power AI there's a guide on using the AISpecialPowerModule,
for upgrades there's the StatusBitsUpgrade, WeaponSetUpgade, and ArmorSetUpgrade modules.

They all worked fine for additional upgrades and powers I assigned to heroes and units.

But now there's one thing left imperfect. I buffed much the Fortress building, with the upgrades costing much more but improving the Fortress much MUCH more, but the AI simply doesn't want to buy the upgrades!

I've added the upgrade modules to the respective upgrades for the fortresses, but to no avail.

The only way to somehow trigger the AI to consider upgrading its fortress is to attack the fortress up till the threshold when the fortress HP reaches the state of REALLY_DAMAGED, but then it's still a consider. Somehow the AI simply doesn't want to buy the upgrades.

I've searched the skirmishdata.ini and scripts in ai_defence.map and those stuffs, but all to no avail.

Can anyone give some advice? :xcahik_:
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#2 Dwar the wolf

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 09:33 AM

in skirmishaidata.ini look for this line StructureRebuildPriorityModifier = 200%

make it 1000% for the faction you want , still i'm not sure it will make ai trigger the upgrade..

another way in upgrade.ini here is an examble for Fortress upgrades

Upgrade Upgrade_MenFortressBanners
	Type			= OBJECT
	BuildCost		= 0
	BuildTime		= 5
	DisplayName		= Upgrade:FortressBanners
	ResearchSound	= UpgradeMenFortressBanner

just add the last line SkirmishAIHeuristic = AI_UPGRADEHEURISTIC_FORTRESS to your upgrades..

also i'm not sure that it will work perfectly , anyway try to face the ai in brutal mode when playing skirmish ..

best regard

#3 Deathbringer

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 08:53 PM

That's an easy one,as far as i remember.I think this is the way i managed to do it but do not expext brutal to do is quickly.Well,at skirmishaidata u will see these lines for each faction e.g.

OffensiveBuildings = DwarvenSentryTower DwarvenStatue DwarvenHearth

and to the end of this each factions fort like this

OffensiveBuildings = DwarvenSentryTower DwarvenStatue DwarvenHearth DwarvenFortress

and they will start upgrading their fort.
When i managed this i had also changed these line

BrutalDifficultyCheats TheBrutalDifficultyCheats
BuildCostReduction = 15%
BuildTimeReduction = 15%
I changed the 15% and made them 50% and probably that is y they started building things at their fort.they had more money saved.At first try to change the first lines i told u, if it won't work then change the 15% thing.i hope it works.And if it is to change the 15% thing be sure u have an ally in case u do not know what will happen.....

#4 Tir i Helkaluin

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 03:31 AM

Thx Dwar for the hints. Instead of of adding the Heuristic value of Fortress, I changed them all to AI_UPGRADEHEURISTIC_IMPORTANT. The AI worked supremely fine and beat me. (Can you say 'whoops'?)

Oh, and deathbringer, thx but it seems that the 'offensive buildings' is merely an indication for the AI to build such listed buildings on the map's predefined offensive building points, not upgrades. But thx anyway. :rolleyes:
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#5 Tir i Helkaluin

Tir i Helkaluin
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Posted 05 March 2008 - 03:34 PM

Ah, and as a follow-up question: where defines the AI Heuristics? That is, the actual conditions?

Thx in advance.
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