My Problems now: I can´t attack Trolls with this Spell, or click on Trolls, after clicked the Button. And it makes no damage to everything. :( I hope you can help me.
// amior AnimationState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE Animation AnimationName = eumthlnd_tntc AnimationMode = ONCE End ParticleSysBone = NONE GloinBlastSlam FollowBone:Yes End ;;;; Amior;;;;;;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_AmiorEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLindirAmior TriggeredBy = Upgrade_EnableLindirAmior End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_AmiorStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLindirAmior UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes StartsPaused = Yes InitiateSound = GloinVoiceGenericSpecialAbility End Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_AmiorWeaponFireUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLindirAmior SpecialWeapon = LinderAmior;DwarvenGloinSlamWeapon WhichSpecialWeapon = 1 ; Corresponds to SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE StartAbilityRange = 10.0 SkipContinue = Yes UnpackTime = 1533;1000 ;46 (111) Trigger on frame 30 (of 69) PackTime = 2167;1300 ;65 (111) Remaining 39 frames (of 69) MustFinishAbility = Yes End Behavior = AutoAbilityBehavior ModuleTag_AmiorAutoAbility SpecialAbility = SpecialAbilityLindirAmior Query = 1 ANY ENEMIES -STRUCTURE -UNATTACKABLE ; structures as a preference Query = 1 ALL ENEMIES End ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SpecialPower SpecialAbilityLindirAmior Enum = SPECIAL_AT_VISIBLE_GROUNDED_OBJECT ReloadTime = 60000 ObjectFilter = GLOINSLAM_OBJECT_FILTER End ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapon LinderAmior RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES LeechRangeWeapon = Yes CanFireWhileMoving = No AttackRange = 50.0;30.0 MeleeWeapon = Yes WeaponSpeed = 799999.2 ; dist/sec (huge value == effectively instant) FireFX = FX_GloinSlam DelayBetweenShots = 965;600 ; time between shots, msec PreAttackDelay = 696;433 ; 433 is natural time of the stabbing animation. PreAttackType = PER_SHOT; Do the delay each time we attack a new target FiringDuration = 965;600 ; min 600 for anim ;DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes ; A melee based AoE. Arc radiates from me, not them ; Crush damage. DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage Damage = GLOIN_SLAM_DAMAGE Radius = 50.0 DamageArc = 75 DelayTime = 0 DamageType = CRUSH DamageFXType = MAGIC DeathType = NORMAL CylinderAOE = Yes DamageMaxHeight = 50 End ; Extra damage against bestien&reiter DamageNugget SpecialObjectFilter = NONE +MordorAttackTroll +MordorDrummerTroll +GoblinCaveTroll +WildFireDrake +GoblinSpiderRider +IsengardWargRider +AngmarWolfRider +GondorCavalry +RohanRohirrim +MordorMumakil +GoblinCaveTroll_FromTrollLair +CaveTroll_Slaved Damage = 900;GLOIN_SLAM_DAMAGE (500) Radius = 100.0;50.0 DamageArc = 75 DelayTime = 0 DamageType = CRUSH DamageFXType = MAGIC DeathType = NORMAL CylinderAOE = Yes DamageMaxHeight = 50 End ; Push back MetaImpactNugget SpecialObjectFilter = NONE +MordorAttackTroll +MordorDrummerTroll +GoblinCaveTroll +WildFireDrake +GoblinSpiderRider +IsengardWargRider +AngmarWolfRider +GondorCavalry +RohanRohirrim +MordorMumakil +GoblinCaveTroll_FromTrollLair +CaveTroll_Slaved ;HeroResist = .75 ShockWaveAmount = 50 ShockWaveRadius = 45 ShockWaveArc = 75 ; Should generally be equal to damage arc ShockWaveTaperOff = 1.0 ShockWaveSpeed = 0.0 ShockWaveZMult = 1.6 End End CommandButton Command_SpecialAbilityLindirAmior Command = SPECIAL_POWER SpecialPower = SpecialAbilityLindirAmior Options = NEED_TARGET_ENEMY_OBJECT TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:LindirAmior CursorName = Bombard InvalidCursorName = GenericInvalid ButtonImage = HSGloinSlam ButtonBorderType = ACTION DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipLindirAmior AutoAbility = Yes PresetRange = 120.0 InPalantir = Yes End