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Spell problem

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#1 TroDuS


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Posted 02 May 2008 - 11:53 AM

Hi, today I have a big Spell problem. My Hero has this "Gloin-SLAM"-Ability. But I wanted to change it, it should attack everything, exclude Flying Units, but it should make more Damage on horsemen and Beasts. Also it should overturn Trolls and throw Horsemen through the Air like Word of Power.

My Problems now: I can´t attack Trolls with this Spell, or click on Trolls, after clicked the Button. And it makes no damage to everything. :( I hope you can help me.

	 // amior
				AnimationState		= SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE
								AnimationName	 = eumthlnd_tntc
								AnimationMode	 = ONCE
						ParticleSysBone = NONE GloinBlastSlam		FollowBone:Yes 

	   ;;;; Amior;;;;;;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------
		Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_AmiorEnabler
				SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLindirAmior
				TriggeredBy = Upgrade_EnableLindirAmior

		Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_AmiorStarter	   
				SpecialPowerTemplate				= SpecialAbilityLindirAmior
				UpdateModuleStartsAttack		= Yes
				StartsPaused								= Yes
				InitiateSound								= GloinVoiceGenericSpecialAbility

		Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_AmiorWeaponFireUpdate   
				SpecialPowerTemplate	= SpecialAbilityLindirAmior
				SpecialWeapon						= LinderAmior;DwarvenGloinSlamWeapon
				WhichSpecialWeapon				= 1					   ; Corresponds to SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE
				StartAbilityRange				= 10.0
				SkipContinue						= Yes
				UnpackTime								= 1533;1000			   ;46 (111) Trigger on frame 30 (of 69)
				PackTime								= 2167;1300			   ;65 (111) Remaining 39 frames (of 69)
				MustFinishAbility				= Yes
		Behavior = AutoAbilityBehavior ModuleTag_AmiorAutoAbility
				SpecialAbility						= SpecialAbilityLindirAmior
				Query										= 1 ANY ENEMIES -STRUCTURE -UNATTACKABLE			   ; structures as a preference
				Query										= 1 ALL ENEMIES

SpecialPower SpecialAbilityLindirAmior
		ReloadTime								= 60000
		ObjectFilter								 = GLOINSLAM_OBJECT_FILTER

Weapon LinderAmior
		RadiusDamageAffects				= ENEMIES
		LeechRangeWeapon				= Yes
		CanFireWhileMoving				= No
		AttackRange						= 50.0;30.0
		MeleeWeapon						= Yes
		WeaponSpeed		   = 799999.2	   ; dist/sec (huge value == effectively instant)
		FireFX								= FX_GloinSlam
		DelayBetweenShots	 = 965;600		; time between shots, msec
		PreAttackDelay		= 696;433		; 433 is natural time of the stabbing animation.
		PreAttackType		 = PER_SHOT; Do the delay each time we attack a new target
		FiringDuration		= 965;600			   ; min 600 for anim
	   ;DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes							   ; A melee based AoE.  Arc radiates from me, not them

	   ; Crush damage.
		DamageNugget															   ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
				Damage						= GLOIN_SLAM_DAMAGE
				Radius						= 50.0
				DamageArc				= 75
				DelayTime				= 0
				DamageType				= CRUSH
				DamageFXType		= MAGIC
				DeathType				= NORMAL
				CylinderAOE				= Yes
				DamageMaxHeight		= 50

	   ; Extra damage against bestien&reiter
				SpecialObjectFilter = NONE +MordorAttackTroll +MordorDrummerTroll +GoblinCaveTroll +WildFireDrake +GoblinSpiderRider +IsengardWargRider +AngmarWolfRider +GondorCavalry +RohanRohirrim +MordorMumakil +GoblinCaveTroll_FromTrollLair +CaveTroll_Slaved														
				Damage						= 900;GLOIN_SLAM_DAMAGE (500)
				Radius						= 100.0;50.0
				DamageArc				= 75
				DelayTime				= 0
				DamageType				= CRUSH
				DamageFXType		= MAGIC
				DeathType				= NORMAL
				CylinderAOE				= Yes
				DamageMaxHeight		= 50

	   ; Push back
				SpecialObjectFilter = NONE +MordorAttackTroll +MordorDrummerTroll +GoblinCaveTroll +WildFireDrake +GoblinSpiderRider +IsengardWargRider +AngmarWolfRider +GondorCavalry +RohanRohirrim +MordorMumakil +GoblinCaveTroll_FromTrollLair +CaveTroll_Slaved								
			  ;HeroResist						= .75
				ShockWaveAmount				= 50
				ShockWaveRadius				= 45
				ShockWaveArc				= 75							   ; Should generally be equal to damage arc
				ShockWaveTaperOff		= 1.0
				ShockWaveSpeed				= 0.0
				ShockWaveZMult				= 1.6

CommandButton Command_SpecialAbilityLindirAmior
  Command				 = SPECIAL_POWER 
  SpecialPower			= SpecialAbilityLindirAmior
  Options								  = NEED_TARGET_ENEMY_OBJECT
  TextLabel			   = CONTROLBAR:LindirAmior
  CursorName						  = Bombard
  InvalidCursorName				  = GenericInvalid
  ButtonImage			 = HSGloinSlam
  ButtonBorderType		= ACTION 
  DescriptLabel		   = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipLindirAmior
  AutoAbility						  = Yes
  PresetRange						  = 120.0
  InPalantir						  = Yes

#2 Dwar the wolf

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Posted 03 May 2008 - 07:46 AM

try this

Weapon LinderAmior
		RadiusDamageAffects				= ENEMIES
		LeechRangeWeapon				= Yes
		CanFireWhileMoving				= No
		AttackRange						= 50.0;30.0
		MeleeWeapon						= Yes
		WeaponSpeed		   = 799999.2	  ; dist/sec (huge value == effectively instant)
		FireFX								= FX_GloinSlam
		DelayBetweenShots	 = 965;600	   ; time between shots, msec
		PreAttackDelay		= 696;433	   ; 433 is natural time of the stabbing animation.
		PreAttackType		 = PER_SHOT; Do the delay each time we attack a new target
		FiringDuration		= 965;600			  ; min 600 for anim
	  ;DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes							  ; A melee based AoE.  Arc radiates from me, not them

	  ; Crush damage.
		DamageNugget															  ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
				Damage						= GLOIN_SLAM_DAMAGE
				Radius						= 50.0
				DamageArc				= 75
				DelayTime				= 0
				DamageType				= CRUSH
				DamageFXType		= MAGIC
				DeathType				= NORMAL
				CylinderAOE				= Yes
				DamageMaxHeight		= 50

	  ; Extra damage against bestien&reiter
				Damage						= 900;GLOIN_SLAM_DAMAGE (500)
	DamageScalar		  = 300% NONE +MONSTER
				Radius						= 100.0;50.0
				DamageArc				= 75
				DelayTime				= 0
				DamageType				= HERO
				DamageFXType		= MAGIC
				DeathType				= NORMAL
				CylinderAOE				= Yes
				DamageMaxHeight		= 50

	  ; Push back
			 ;HeroResist						= .75
				ShockWaveAmount				= 50
				ShockWaveRadius				= 45
				ShockWaveArc				= 75							  ; Should generally be equal to damage arc
				ShockWaveTaperOff		= 1.0
				ShockWaveSpeed				= 0.0
				ShockWaveZMult				= 1.6

to give two damage nuggets or more THE damage type must be differnt. the monster

refeer in the unit \ hero KindOf , you can change it to anything u want .

hope this help

#3 TroDuS


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 07:17 PM

I still can´t select the Neutral Troll of a Troll lair or Wargs of Lairs with my Skill :( and it makes no damage against Structures :(

Weapon LinderAmior
	RadiusDamageAffects		= ENEMIES
	LeechRangeWeapon		= Yes
	CanFireWhileMoving		= No
	AttackRange			= 30.0;30.0
	MeleeWeapon			= Yes
	WeaponSpeed		   = 799999.2	   ; dist/sec (huge value == effectively instant)
	FireFX				= FX_GloinSlam
	DelayBetweenShots	 = 965;600 ; time between shots, msec
	PreAttackDelay		= 696;433 ; 433 is natural time of the stabbing animation.
	PreAttackType		 = PER_SHOT; Do the delay each time we attack a new target
	FiringDuration		= 965;600	; min 600 for anim
	DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes			; A melee based AoE.  Arc radiates from me, not them

; Crush damage.
	DamageNugget							; A basic Nugget that just does damage
		Damage			= GLOIN_SLAM_DAMAGE;(500)
				DamageScalar		  = 300% NONE +MordorAttackTroll +MordorDrummerTroll +GoblinCaveTroll +WildFireDrake +GoblinSpiderRider +IsengardWargRider +AngmarWolfRider +GondorCavalry +RohanRohirrim +MordorMumakil +GoblinCaveTroll_FromTrollLair +CaveTroll_Slaved
		Radius			= 50.0
		DamageArc		= 75
		DelayTime		= 0
		DamageType		= CRUSH
		DamageFXType	= MAGIC
		DeathType		= NORMAL
		CylinderAOE		= Yes
		DamageMaxHeight	= 50

; Push back
				SpecialObjectFilter = NONE +MordorAttackTroll +MordorDrummerTroll +GoblinCaveTroll +WildFireDrake +GoblinSpiderRider +IsengardWargRider +AngmarWolfRider +GondorCavalry +RohanRohirrim +MordorMumakil +GoblinCaveTroll_FromTrollLair +CaveTroll_Slaved				
		  ;HeroResist			= .75
		ShockWaveAmount		= 50
		ShockWaveRadius		= 45
		ShockWaveArc		= 75			; Should generally be equal to damage arc
		ShockWaveTaperOff	= 1.0
		ShockWaveSpeed		= 0.0
		ShockWaveZMult		= 1.6

Edited by TroDuS, 03 May 2008 - 07:22 PM.

#4 Tir i Helkaluin

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Posted 04 May 2008 - 04:14 AM

Perhaps there's a SpezcialObjectFilter defined in the referenced SpecialPower in SpecialPower.ini that restricts the target choice?
It seems like you're writing a letter!!! Do you need help?

#5 TroDuS


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 07:08 AM

In BfMe2 it is able to hit Trolls with this Slam, but thx, I´ll look for the Filter in the gamedata.ini

#define GLOINSLAM_OBJECT_FILTER				ANY +HERO +INFANTRY +CAVALRY +STRUCTURE -TomBombadil -TomBombadil_Summoned -Drogoth -ElvenFortressEagle -AngmarWitchking_Mounted -BlackRiderMountedInterface -MorgomirFellBeast -KhamulFellBeast -MordorFellBeast -MordorFellBeastInterface -MordorWitchKingOnFellBeast -MordorBalrog

IN BfME 2 there isn´t any Filter :(

I deleted this Filter, but my Hero still isn´t able to attack Neutral Trolls with his Skill :(

Edited by TroDuS, 04 May 2008 - 07:17 AM.

#6 Tir i Helkaluin

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 09:21 AM

Of course you cant attack Neutral things, look at the RadiusDamageAffects field in the referenced weapon and you'll know why.
It seems like you're writing a letter!!! Do you need help?

#7 TroDuS


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Posted 06 May 2008 - 10:20 AM

Do I have to write "NEUTRAL"? or +NEUTRAL?


Weapon LindirAmior
	RadiusDamageAffects		= ENEMIES NEUTRALS
	LeechRangeWeapon		= Yes
	CanFireWhileMoving		= No
	AttackRange			= 30.0;30.0
	MeleeWeapon			= Yes
	WeaponSpeed		   = 799999.2	; dist/sec (huge value == effectively instant)
	FireFX				= FX_GloinSlam
	DelayBetweenShots	 = 965;600; time between shots, msec
	PreAttackDelay		= 696;433; 433 is natural time of the stabbing animation.
	PreAttackType		 = PER_SHOT; Do the delay each time we attack a new target
	FiringDuration		= 965;600; min 600 for anim
	DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes; A melee based AoE.  Arc radiates from me, not them

; Crush damage.
	DamageNugget				; A basic Nugget that just does damage
		Damage			= GLOIN_SLAM_DAMAGE;(500)
				DamageScalar		  = 300% NONE +MordorAttackTroll +MordorDrummerTroll +GoblinCaveTroll +WildFireDrake +GoblinSpiderRider +IsengardWargRider +AngmarWolfRider +GondorCavalry +RohanRohirrim +MordorMumakil +GoblinCaveTroll_FromTrollLair +CaveTroll_Slaved
		Radius			= 50.0
		DamageArc		= 75
		DelayTime		= 0
		DamageType		= CRUSH
		DamageFXType	= MAGIC
		DeathType		= NORMAL
		CylinderAOE		= Yes
		DamageMaxHeight	= 50

; Push back
				SpecialObjectFilter = NONE +MordorAttackTroll +MordorDrummerTroll +GoblinCaveTroll +WildFireDrake +GoblinSpiderRider +IsengardWargRider +AngmarWolfRider +GondorCavalry +RohanRohirrim +MordorMumakil +GoblinCaveTroll_FromTrollLair +CaveTroll_Slaved				
	;HeroResist			= .75
		ShockWaveAmount		= 50
		ShockWaveRadius		= 45
		ShockWaveArc		= 75; Should generally be equal to damage arc
		ShockWaveTaperOff	= 1.0
		ShockWaveSpeed		= 0.0
		ShockWaveZMult		= 1.6

YEAH, if I now delete the Filter in the specialpower:
SpecialPower SpecialAbilityLindirAmior
	ReloadTime				= 60000

he is able to attack Neutral Trolls, but it makes no damage :( WHY?

Edited by TroDuS, 06 May 2008 - 05:02 PM.

#8 Tir i Helkaluin

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 12:49 PM

To clear things up: the ObjectFilter in the SpecialPower determines the viable targets (regardless of whether the weapon really damages it), whilst the RadiusDamageAffects in the weapon as a whole and separate DamageScaler in DamageNuggets and SpecialObjectFilter in MetaImpactNuggets and AttributeModifieruggets determine who would be affected by the weapon.

So, by commenting-out the ObjectFilter, you can target the trolls. And by putting the RadiusDamageAffects be 'ENEMIES NEUTRALS', the weapon affects both enemy and neutral units.
It seems like you're writing a letter!!! Do you need help?

#9 TroDuS


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Posted 06 May 2008 - 01:49 PM

but why it makes no damage?

#10 Tir i Helkaluin

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 02:03 PM

Perhaps because you're still referencing LindirAmior rather than BruchtalLindirAmior in the SpecialPowerModule?
It seems like you're writing a letter!!! Do you need help?

#11 TroDuS


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Posted 06 May 2008 - 04:59 PM

No, this was an old mistake. I´m sorry, I made a mistake here in the forum, in my Ini it´s correct. There it has the right Name... :( It makes damage against Orcs... but not against the Neutral Troll :(

Edited by TroDuS, 06 May 2008 - 04:59 PM.

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