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Russia begins to reassert its influence in the old Soviet states.

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#41 partyzanPaulZy



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Posted 19 August 2008 - 02:48 PM

Well if I understood right Romanians and Moldavans are as similar like Czechs and Slovaks (almost same language) (same for people from USA and Canada, Germany and Austria, etc. ) with one exception - Moldavans wants to join Romania and Romanian politicions don't want from economical reasons while Slovaks and Czechs don't want create new Czechoslovakia (nowadays - although many Slovaks work in CZ and many Slovaks also go shopping here).
So the situation is similar to situation in Korea after some 15 years where North Korea (now there's stalinism) wants join South Korea while politicians are against it from economical reasons.

Edited by partyzanPaulZy, 19 August 2008 - 02:49 PM.

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"Soviet Union was a superpower and each superpower needs at least 1 war at 5 years to keep army in a good condition." ... my grandpa. USA create wars more frequently.

#42 Romanul


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Posted 19 August 2008 - 03:15 PM

Partyzan,I want to remember you that in 2006/2007,the romanian president,Traian Basescu,proposed Moldova an unification,as the both states would be one,and this state would be in the EU.

But the moldovan politicians said no.

The idea of the Moldovan language is that it has an different accent(an more rusified one) which is the only difference.

An romanian can talk without any translator with an moldovan.And that includes me too.I have an friend which is from Moldova,and I can speak freely with him.He just have an different accent,in all romanian regions there is an different accent,but the language is the same.

#43 Casen


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 03:59 PM

Wow, that's so unlike Christianity and every other religion ever.

Actually, Christianity and Islam are the ONLY two major, mainstream religions that say that. Judaism does not, in fact there is no hell in Judaism. Hinduism doesn't condemn non-Hindus to their equivalent of hell, and many other folk religions don't even mention on what happens to unbelievers.

But yeah, I'm not fond of Christianity ether, but I wouldn't mind using them to purge Islam, to control them with fear mongering and drive them to fight Islam in a holy war (it does work, I'm all for doing the "wrong" things for the right reasons.) You know how Karl Marx said "Religion is the opiate of the masses"? Well, I agree with him, but unlike a communist who sees that as a bad thing, I as a Fascist see it as something to exploit. Use the Christians to obliterate Islam, then snuff out their religion after.

But that set aside, Jesus was a fucking hippie, while Muhammad was definitely not peaceful. I can safely say that the Christians who did all the crimes during the middle ages were not being good Christians, however the Muslims who are extremists are indeed following their own prophet.

This is, admittedly, true. But it's no worse than black ghettoes, Polish ghettoes or any other kind. How many white people do we, collectively, know who live in Harlem? Are you familiar with the phrase 'birds of a feather flock together'? It means like-minded people will feel more comfortable around each other. There is no denying it. It is intimidating to walk through an area of a city populated entirely by people of one cultural or ethnic group.

Understand this.

When it comes to race or ethnicity, it is culture, and it can be changed. You are right.

But religion is a set of rules to live by.

Judaism is a religion that is, admittedly, strict and conservative, however it only applies those rules to Jews themselves. Notice how Jews don't go out converting others? Yeah. Jews don't care if other people aren't Jewish. Christianity says to convert others, but in a peaceful means. They are obnoxious but past being a threat to secularism they are MOSTLY innocuous when they are actually being true Christians.

Islam...isn't even just a religion, it's also a political manifesto. Shariah law, anyone? Don't tell me it doesn't exist... Fact is, if a Muslim doesn't agree that Shariah law needs to rule the world, they are not a real Muslim. So "liberal" Muslims aren't even Muslims. Although...as an Armenian guy once said on youtube, the only difference between "moderate" Muslims and extremist Muslims are tactics...they are all a danger to society, in fact in a way the moderates are more of a threat. All mosques in Britain, USA, Canada, Europe must be destroyed and all Muslims at the very least deported. But that is a "medium term" solution. A global purging is needed in the long run, I don't know how it will have to be done, but the first steps are outlawing Islam in western society and keeping Muslims from immigrating. Granted, this will be difficult, as people may hide their religion on their way in. I am merely brainstorming now anyway.

Islam is not a threat to you, Kacen. There are far more significant threats to your life and liberty, and they're inside your own country.

You are half-right. Islam is most definitely a threat, and the threat you refer are the neo-cons and oil companies who collaberate with Muslims and buy oil from them.

Contrary to what liberals say, how they whine that Bush and his other neo-con cronies "hate Islam" and are waging a war against it simply because the country were are wasting our innocent soldiers lives on happens to be a Muslim country, the neo-cons are more in league with the muzzies than against them. Open your eyes, the world is more complicated than you think.

#44 CodeCat


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 07:50 PM

Ignorance leads to hate, and hate leads to innocent people being hurt. I think you need to learn what islam is first, before you start preaching its demise. You're no better than those you want to destroy, because someone who is really aware of the facts would never resort to genocide.

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#45 Vortigern


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 09:09 PM

Notice how Jews don't go out converting others?

That's because, according to Jewish beliefs, they are descended from the twelve tribes of Israel. The reason they don't convert others is because others are not of the holy descendancy, and the vast majority of Jews believe that you cannot become a Jew, except through marriage blessed by a rabbi. That's your only choice. And then you have to convert fully, no half-arsed job for you.

Open your eyes, the world is more complicated than you think.

Couldn't agree more. Listen to your own advice. The world is far more complicated than you think, and it won't be simplified any by the annihilation of an entire race. They're just as entitled to life as you, some of them more so as they don't seem intent on bringing about the destruction of another race.

But yeah, I'm not fond of Christianity ether, but I wouldn't mind using them to purge Islam, to control them with fear mongering and drive them to fight Islam in a holy war (it does work, I'm all for doing the "wrong" things for the right reasons.)

LISTEN TO YOURSELF. You're telling us that you honestly believe the genocide of the Muslim population would help the global situation. Have you ever actually met and spoken to a real Muslim? Or do you just spit at them as they pass in the street? Most of them aren't trying to kill you. There are just as many Christians, Jews and atheists who would be happy to see you blown to little pieces as there are Muslims, so don't try to blame this all on one set of people.

Karl Marx said "Religion is the opiate of the masses"

Karl Marx was entirely right. What he meant by that was that religion is the only thing that keeps the general mass of the population from going insane with the weary, depressing tedium of life, not that it should be made illegal, black-marketed and considered a social disease. Religion keeps people quiet. It doesn't turn them into murderous suicidal morons. People like Abu Hamza do that, and they would do the same regardless of religion. They use religion as a tool, not a lifestyle.
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#46 CodeCat


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 09:20 PM

Well said. And Kacen, if you really want to kill all Muslims, you're going to have to kill me first before I let you kill my neighbours or the nice people at the kebab shop.

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#47 Vortigern


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 09:59 PM

Ooh, you've angered him now, CodeCat, he's probably going to come out with something along the lines of "You're with us or you're against us" next. But I don't think you'd be the only non-Muslim to stand between someone of his frankly ridiculous ideals and the genocide of the Muslim community.

Also, Kacen, I would like to put you right on your classifying yourself as a fascist. You are not. You are a right-wing authoritarian futurist. Fascism is a governing ideal which focuses on reactionary long-term solutions to economic problems. Mussolini would be spinning in his grave to be lumped in with someone like you. I am a fascist and a liberal. I believe that preventative politics can only make matters worse, that national pride is a vital part of creating a worthwhile country and that unification, be it through empire or alliance, is a good thing. I also believe that every man, woman and child of every faith, denomination and culture has the right to life, free speech and humane treatment. You are not a fascist, as you seem to believe in none of the three major tenets of fascism. Get your terminology right.

Edited by Vortigern, 20 August 2008 - 10:00 PM.

I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#48 Casen


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:12 PM

I'm an authoritarian corporatist, which is pretty much the minimal requirements for a fascist. I also believe in meritocracy...

I have Fascist-leaning beliefs, I am definitely corporatist...

#49 Soul


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:16 PM

Genocide is never a good idea and never will be for any reason what so ever.
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Soul 2.4

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#50 Casen


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:18 PM

That's because, according to Jewish beliefs, they are descended from the twelve tribes of Israel. The reason they don't convert others is because others are not of the holy descendancy, and the vast majority of Jews believe that you cannot become a Jew, except through marriage blessed by a rabbi. That's your only choice. And then you have to convert fully, no half-arsed job for you.

Jews don't convert other people because they see it as unnecessary. A non-Jew only need to follow 7 of the 600+ commandments a Jew needs to follow (look up Noahide). And even then, it differs depending on the sect. Only the most conservative sects believe that, more liberal sects are even more open.

Even then, they believe punishment is reserved for only the evilest of people.

LISTEN TO YOURSELF. You're telling us that you honestly believe the genocide of the Muslim population would help the global situation. Have you ever actually met and spoken to a real Muslim? Or do you just spit at them as they pass in the street? Most of them aren't trying to kill you. There are just as many Christians, Jews and atheists who would be happy to see you blown to little pieces as there are Muslims, so don't try to blame this all on one set of people.

Yes, I've spoken to real Muslims. They kept trying to convert me over and over again and spewed homophobic and sexist comments. The only Muslims I can tolerate are the ones from Malaysia who I can only tolerate because they do not follow their religion fully.

Therefore, they aren't real Muslims. And really, I doubt your last sentence is true, statistically at least. Most Jews except for anti-Zionist Jews or really really liberal Jews would love me. The liberal Jews who are being too soft on the Muslims. And yeah, like I said, not fond of Christianity ether, but it's generally less terrible than Islam as a whole.

Atheists, really depends. That group varies greatly. Some atheists are complete leftist idiots others can be libertarian conservatives, rarely authoritarian. Varies greatly.

Edited by Kacen, 20 August 2008 - 10:20 PM.

#51 Dauth


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:31 PM

Well said. And Kacen, if you really want to kill all Muslims, you're going to have to kill me first before I let you kill my neighbours or the nice people at the kebab shop.

Although you and I have our differences Code, he'll have to go through me first too.

Kacen, think for a few seconds, what will happen if you abolish a religion? You give credence to the extremists who have been complaining for the last x hundred years, however an inclusive society means that the extremists are laugh at, just as we are laughing at you.

Soul was right, Genocide is always a bad idea.

Edit: Typo

Edited by Dauth, 20 August 2008 - 11:14 PM.

#52 CodeCat


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 11:09 PM

Well Kacen, it looks like you have your job cut out for you. According to your definition, nobody is a muslim. :thumbsupsmiley:

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#53 Casen


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 11:53 PM

Well Kacen, it looks like you have your job cut out for you. According to your definition, nobody is a muslim. :thumbsupsmiley:

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#54 Spectre


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 04:59 AM

Contrary to what liberals say, how they whine that Bush and his other neo-con cronies "hate Islam" and are waging a war against it simply because the country were are wasting our innocent soldiers lives on happens to be a Muslim country, the neo-cons are more in league with the muzzies than against them. Open your eyes, the world is more complicated than you think.

If you think about it, Bush just really wanted control of the Oil market, so he was free to rise and lower the prices as he wished, yes, the terrorists are real, but there was also a economic reason behind it, to, that's the whole reason our troops are still out there, to have a grasp on oil.

#55 Romanul


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 07:35 AM

And I have to remind out that Al-Qaeda was originally working with the US during soviet ocupation of Afghanistan...

#56 Casen


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 08:42 AM

You know what? I am sick and fuck tired about people bringing up the fact we used to help those people against the Soviets and use it AGAINST US!

If anything, it should be used against the terrorists. It's like they are ungrateful in addition to being fucktards. We both had a common enemy and now they are using our own weapons against us...ungrateful muzzies.

I mean, what kind of mental patient uses the betrayal of a former ally against the betrayed? Only liberals. " YOU KNOW YOU GAVE THE TERRORISTS THOSE WEAPONS!!!!ieetgheughesghh" Uh yeah, making what they are doing now more fucktarded on their side. How can that fact be used against us? Irony? If I gave some guys weapons to help them fight a common foe and then a few decades later they attack me with it, who's the idiot? Me? All of the sudden I am? That's the most backwards logic I ever heard.

Regardless, then was then, now is now. What happened in the past can't be changed and now they are a threat to be eliminated. I can't help it that my government was so paranoid during the cold war it did a few things that were a bit extreme.

Edited by Kacen, 22 August 2008 - 09:01 AM.

#57 Puppeteer


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 04:08 PM

If I gave some guys weapons to help them fight a common foe and then a few decades later they attack me with it, who's the idiot? Me? All of the sudden I am? That's the most backwards logic I ever heard.

Sounds like they had a plan, and you fell for it hook-line-and-sinker. Of course you're the idiot in that situation.

#58 Casen


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 05:21 PM

If I gave some guys weapons to help them fight a common foe and then a few decades later they attack me with it, who's the idiot? Me? All of the sudden I am? That's the most backwards logic I ever heard.

Sounds like they had a plan, and you fell for it hook-line-and-sinker. Of course you're the idiot in that situation.

That has to be satire, because it makes absolutely no sense.

They were being attacked by the Soviets.

We hated the Soviets.

Common enemy.

We give them weapons to fight the Soviets.

They win.

They attack us with our own weapons.

Where's the "plan" they had?

Nowhere. If anything they should have been greatfull for our help.

`Course, if I was in charge, I'd have a severe dilemma over whether to help Muslims against Communists, as I hate both...

Though that's somewhat irrelevent to the point I'm making. The point is, using that constantly against us is illogical as it would not demonize us but demonize the terrorists more to any logical person.

Edited by Kacen, 22 August 2008 - 05:21 PM.

#59 Puppeteer


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 06:29 PM

Using one enemy to fight off another, gain they're trust and then attack them later? Sounds like a good plan to me. Very subtle.

#60 Dauth


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 07:07 PM

Do like the British empire in North Africa, let your ''ally'' have guns and cannons but keep artillery so if they turn on you, you can pound them into the dirt.

Of course this isn't as useful against an enemy like Al Qaeda who do not fight openly, but the principle is sound.

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