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Sarah Palin is a neanderthal

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#21 Elvenlord


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Posted 07 October 2008 - 08:07 PM

I know that if I could vote, I'd be so far away from Palin..... and I'm generally a Republican :p
Or used to be, anyways. I've realised both are retarded :p


#22 Vortigern


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 12:20 AM

Another reason not to vote Republican.

As I understand it, this report has been in the works for some time now, which makes it all the more incredible that McCain would have the idiocy to pick her as his running mate. Basically, Sarah Palin has committed political nepotism, favouring family members. Nobody's got away with that since the days of absolute monarchs, yet she does her best. I find this rather reminiscent, in that aspect at least, of Jeb Bush's appointment as Attorney General. He was hardly the most qualified candidate, and would likely have been immediately disregarded by anyone not related to him, but he got the job anyway. Politicians are all the same.
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#23 Phil


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 12:33 AM

I also like those Ayers accusations. They're just so obviously ridiculous. "ZOMG!!!, you've had contact with someone whom we suspect has been part of a radical/terrorist group almost 40 years ago!! That just HAS to disqualify you as a decent leader!!!"

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#24 Hostile


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 06:50 AM

Well Ayers did blow up a few bombs at the Pentagon, the Capital Building, a police station, and firebombed a judges house where him, his wife and 9 year son were. And as recently as 2006 said that he regrets not doing more.

Obama launched his political career in Ayers living room back in 1996 I believe. Obama sat on a board of a company with Ayers back in 2000. You just can't do that stuff and think people aren't gonna ask if that is Presidential stuff.

I understand the hatred from you call. Kill Bush, Kill McCain, Kill Palin. Rush Obama as quickly as possible to the most powerful position possible so we can initiate the "Age of Aquarius."

Once Obama is President, global warming will stop, the arctic ice will regrow, Iran will give up it's nuclear ambitions, Iraq will finally have total peace, the hungry shall be fed, the stupid will become wise, and blah, blah, blah.

Neither Obama or McCain or Biden or Palin are devils, demons, or antichrists. I wish people would grow up and stop making people look life fucking monsters or something.

Obama: nice guy but not the messiah. McCain: means well and IS DEFINATELY NOT Bush. (follow his record and you'll know that)

Biden: means well but talks before he thinks. Very few called him on the fact that he quoted Article I of the Constitution as governing the Vice President when it's actually Article II during the debate. (he's been in the Congress since 1972) Democrats can do no wrong in modern American biased media.

Palin: I'm amazed so many people can drool and slobber with absolute fucking disgusting rage over this woman and then sit quietly and just think Hillary Clinton is such a wonderful person.

The US media has already voted for Obama/Biden. And that is why Obama will win. There are actually stupid fucking idiots here at Revora who think that if McCain wins, Palin is gonna ban abortion.

Which is impossible for even the President of the US to do because Executive Branch does not make laws and for a damned good reason. But they continue to pump peoples heads full of crap with no understaning on how US political system is structured.

The end result is someone making a thread called "Sarah Palin is a neanderthal"

As silly as it sounds, I suppose I can start a thread named "Obama Eats Poopy Sandwiches"

There really is no difference between the two statements.

#25 Vortigern


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 12:01 PM

Well Ayers did blow up a few bombs at the Pentagon, the Capital Building, a police station, and firebombed a judges house where him, his wife and 9 year son were. And as recently as 2006 said that he regrets not doing more.

Obama launched his political career in Ayers living room back in 1996 I believe. Obama sat on a board of a company with Ayers back in 2000. You just can't do that stuff and think people aren't gonna ask if that is Presidential stuff.

While that may well be true, the fact that Obama happened to be a passing acquaintance of someone who didn't like America doesn't mean he wants to blow up everything you hold dear.

Neither Obama or McCain or Biden or Palin are devils, demons, or antichrists. I wish people would grow up and stop making people look life fucking monsters or something.

Much as I've disagreed with you in the past, I don't here. They're still just people. It worries me that Palin has been found guilty of abusing her power. It worries me that Biden speaks before he thinks. It worries me that Obama seems to be riding a wave of sheer charisma to the top and would probably have been soundly beaten by now if the Republicans had put forward someone equally young and full of vitality. It worries me that McCain seems to have no idea what's going on in his own life, to the extent that he doesn't know how many houses he owns. None of them are perfect, but equally none of them are completely without merit.

I'm amazed so many people can drool and slobber with absolute fucking disgusting rage over this woman and then sit quietly and just think Hillary Clinton is such a wonderful person.

I just wanted to clarify here, I always thought Clinton would make a terrible President. As far as I know she's never abused her power in office, but in every other respect she's pretty much as bad as Palin, with the added bonus of probably being completely eclipsed by Bill if she got into the White House. She was a poor candidate. Her being female and married to Bill was the only reason she got so far in the Democratic nominations.
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#26 Phil


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 12:57 PM

Well Ayers did blow up a few bombs at the Pentagon, the Capital Building, a police station, and firebombed a judges house where him, his wife and 9 year son were. And as recently as 2006 said that he regrets not doing more.

Obama launched his political career in Ayers living room back in 1996 I believe. Obama sat on a board of a company with Ayers back in 2000. You just can't do that stuff and think people aren't gonna ask if that is Presidential stuff.

Yes, but it's ridiculous because it concerns Ayers (when he was young), not Obama. One can easily favour some parts of another one's ideologies/views while rejecting the rest. Obama didn't take part in those bombings and the "Weathermen", he was what... like 10 years old at that time?
I'm sure equally ridiculous connections can be made (and were probably made) for McCain, but they hold no political relevance whatsoever, apart from trying to cover a candidate in as much "dirt" as possible, which is obviously a main part of the US election games.

I understand the hatred from you call. Kill Bush, Kill McCain, Kill Palin. Rush Obama as quickly as possible to the most powerful position possible so we can initiate the "Age of Aquarius."

Huh? What hatred? I've never talked about killing anyone. For the most part I think the american system is fundamentally flawed. It's just that in this election, even (or especially) under those flawed circumstances, the Republicans are basically ineligible from my point of view.

Once Obama is President, global warming will stop, the arctic ice will regrow, Iran will give up it's nuclear ambitions, Iraq will finally have total peace, the hungry shall be fed, the stupid will become wise, and blah, blah, blah.

Neither Obama or McCain or Biden or Palin are devils, demons, or antichrists. I wish people would grow up and stop making people look life fucking monsters or something.

Obama: nice guy but not the messiah. McCain: means well and IS DEFINATELY NOT Bush. (follow his record and you'll know that)

Biden: means well but talks before he thinks. Very few called him on the fact that he quoted Article I of the Constitution as governing the Vice President when it's actually Article II during the debate. (he's been in the Congress since 1972) Democrats can do no wrong in modern American biased media.

Palin: I'm amazed so many people can drool and slobber with absolute fucking disgusting rage over this woman and then sit quietly and just think Hillary Clinton is such a wonderful person.

Not sure how much that is targeted at me, since I don't believe in a political Messiah and even if, there wouldn't be too much he could change in the previously mentioned flawed system. I don't expect that Obama can actually live up to half of his promises of change, even if he honestly and sincerely wanted to.
However, electing him would be a step in the right (or actually left :shiftee:) direction, as opposed to damaging the US, and the whole world for that matter, even more.
My view:

Obama: Nice and smart guy who isn't as entangled in the US political/corporate elite as others are. He's charismatic and has a certain depth, which is certainly a plus after the previous eight years of having a puppet as president.

Biden: Don't know him that well as an "outsider" to US politics. I don't agree with some things I've heard him say, but I guess he's the right kind of experienced person to support Obama as VP, even though he's a bit old.

McCain: Apart from being too old for the post of president, he's right-winged and too close to the previous administration to be credible. The only positive thing I've heard him bring up is the torture issue, but that should be a no-brainer for any nation that claimes to be civilised.

Palin: She's just obviously unfit for the task, for lack of both intelligence and knowledge/education. Heck, she wouldn't get elected as president of our village (3000 inhabitants). Apart from that, I strongly disagree with her views on certain political topics.

The US media has already voted for Obama/Biden. And that is why Obama will win. There are actually stupid fucking idiots here at Revora who think that if McCain wins, Palin is gonna ban abortion.

Which is impossible for even the President of the US to do because Executive Branch does not make laws and for a damned good reason. But they continue to pump peoples heads full of crap with no understaning on how US political system is structured.

I can safely say that this is not one of my arguments.

The end result is someone making a thread called "Sarah Palin is a neanderthal"

As silly as it sounds, I suppose I can start a thread named "Obama Eats Poopy Sandwiches"

There really is no difference between the two statements.

There is a difference between mindful provocation (because Palin is obviously not intelligent enough to be VP) and mindless insulting.

My Political Compass

Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
Und da war dann noch der achte.
Sieben waren wild und der achte war zahm
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#27 adummy


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 05:34 PM

I don't feel like commenting on the majority of that because I have nothing against any of them as people, but I do want to comment on this:

Obama sat on a board of a company with Ayers back in 2000.

That was a Chicago education reform in Illinois that they worked on. Any major education advocate in Chicago has met and talked with Ayers.
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#28 Hostile


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Posted 14 October 2008 - 12:24 AM

I don't feel like commenting on the majority of that because I have nothing against any of them as people, but I do want to comment on this:

Obama sat on a board of a company with Ayers back in 2000.

That was a Chicago education reform in Illinois that they worked on. Any major education advocate in Chicago has met and talked with Ayers.

I know, Obama gets a free ride no matter who he associated with. NOW, turn it around and let's say McCain sat in on ANYTHING with a KKK member (board, company, church, ANYTHING) and see how he would be CRUCIFIED on the cross by the media and the far left.

Don't make it sound like Ayers and Obama knew each other from a distance. That is not the case.

Far Left talking points about the issue with Obama and Ayers from Huffington Post.

They down play it so much. I have to ask, left or right, how could someone want to protect Ayers? He's a known domestic terrorist.

Then there is the Wash Post blog

It's amazing that if a Republican was even slightly linked to anyone like Ayers that they would be swept right out of the race. If it's a democrat, than there is nothing but bag after bag of excuses to play it off.

Like this blog reply from the site:

Of course this is ridiculous. I hope he has had many conversations with Bill Ayers. Prof Ayers is a leader in school improvement. Read his bio. He is a distinguished professor at a major University and has contributed a lot to the field of education. The Woods Fund is a foundation that supports grassroots change efforts. Its an admirable foundation. This and the plagarism charge demonstrate who is acting like politics as usual. Can it get anymore stupid? I am afraid so.

This is a fucking admitted domestic terrorist who not only only planted bombs at government buildings that resulting in casualties but said on 9/11 that he wished he could have done more.

Than you get the knucklehead in the above quote who thinks he's a saint.

*shakes head*

quote from the article originally run on politico.

“When I first met Barack Obama, he was giving a standard, innocuous little talk in the living room of those two legends-in-their-own-minds, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn,” Warren wrote on her blog in 2005. “They were launching him — introducing him to the Hyde Park community as the best thing since sliced bread.”

This woman was actually there... hello?!


Ayers is "wonderful, compassionate, thoughtful, serious," Wolf said. I asked him to help reconcile the past and the present. "What we want is not to let bygones be bygones, but to transform ourselves into the kind of people we want to be and ought to be," Wolf said.

Ayers admits to blowing up bombs, now how is that "wonderful, compassionate, thoughtful"

If the media could tie McCain to someone 10% as controversal. The tv/internet/printed media outlets would organise a mob riot to oust McCain from the race. But because it's Obama the Annointed Messiah, it's casually played down or not played at all.

#29 Rafv Nin IV

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 01:28 AM

Obviously. But the media isn't any more corrupt than anybody else. The media exists to make money, just like any business. The public opinion is against the Republican Party, and understandably so seeing as the last term of Bush was pretty pathetic. Less people want to hear about how the Republicans are wonderful, so the media makes the best of the situation and caters to the populous. To do otherwise would be a poor fiscal decision.

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#30 Mastermind


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Posted 14 October 2008 - 04:48 AM

I don't feel like commenting on the majority of that because I have nothing against any of them as people, but I do want to comment on this:

Obama sat on a board of a company with Ayers back in 2000.

That was a Chicago education reform in Illinois that they worked on. Any major education advocate in Chicago has met and talked with Ayers.

I know, Obama gets a free ride no matter who he associated with. NOW, turn it around and let's say McCain sat in on ANYTHING with a KKK member (board, company, church, ANYTHING) and see how he would be CRUCIFIED on the cross by the media and the far left.

Don't make it sound like Ayers and Obama knew each other from a distance. That is not the case.

How about we make this election about the issues and the candidates solutions, and not the people who they happen to live near? I know it's a novel idea, and all, but I think we should give it a try some time.
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Well, when it comes to writing an expository essay about counter-insurgent tactics, I'm of the old school. First you tell them how you're going to kill them. Then you kill them. Then you tell them how you just killed them.

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#31 Vortigern


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Posted 14 October 2008 - 09:52 AM

How about we make this election about the issues and the candidates solutions, and not the people who they happen to live near? I know it's a novel idea, and all, but I think we should give it a try some time.

My god, that's the most sensible thing I've heard in a depressingly long time... It'll never catch on.

@Mad and that video: *shudders* Why would you do that!? Admittedly, I seem to be one of the few who thinks she's actually not very pretty at all, but still...
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#32 Hostile


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Posted 16 October 2008 - 12:22 AM

I don't feel like commenting on the majority of that because I have nothing against any of them as people, but I do want to comment on this:

Obama sat on a board of a company with Ayers back in 2000.

That was a Chicago education reform in Illinois that they worked on. Any major education advocate in Chicago has met and talked with Ayers.

I know, Obama gets a free ride no matter who he associated with. NOW, turn it around and let's say McCain sat in on ANYTHING with a KKK member (board, company, church, ANYTHING) and see how he would be CRUCIFIED on the cross by the media and the far left.

Don't make it sound like Ayers and Obama knew each other from a distance. That is not the case.

How about we make this election about the issues and the candidates solutions, and not the people who they happen to live near? I know it's a novel idea, and all, but I think we should give it a try some time.

If you are trying to insinuate Ayers only lived near Obama and Obama had no official business with Ayers, than go check your facts. Don't take typical democratic sound bites from what Obama said. Those two have been alot more intimate than you will care to admit.

It's ok to promote your messiah, but don't lie dude. He didn't just live down the street.

And if we dig deeper we can also include Rev Wright, and Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.


While I have nothing personal against Obama, let's not pretend some things that are proven true actually aren't. It is what it is.

Twice democrats blocked measures to audit and correct Fannie and Freddie(2003 and 2005). Both times were blocked by democrats. One submitted by Bush and the other submited by McCain. This is a matter of public record.

Yet Obama slams republicans for causing the recent collapse of "liberalised" banking giants. It's the biggest lie I've seen in a long time. All you have to do is follow the money.

Fannie Mae ----> Obama (Receives 2nd largest total donations in US history. From Fannie)
Result: Democrats block all measures to reform Freddie and Fannie. Somehow tell the world it's the republicans fault.

I understand you all are defending the messiah Obama, but don't out right lie and or play down absolute truths as they are presented.

#33 Mastermind


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Posted 16 October 2008 - 04:49 AM

Alright, then how about that whole Keating 5 business? How about the fact that Sarah Palin's husband is a member of a secessionist party in Alaska?

Oh, and if you're going to blame Obama for not reigning in Fannie and Freddie, you might want to notice that he wasn't elected a senator until 2004, and started serving in 2005. For the second bill, I did a bit of digging, and it seems to have not made it to the floor of the senate in either 2005 or 2006, and during both of those years the Republicans had the majority, so it was their own failure to pass it.

But either way, neither Ayers, nor the Keating 5, nor Alaskan secessionists are an issue in this election. What the candidates will do to get us out of this giant economic clusterfuck that we're in is.
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Well, when it comes to writing an expository essay about counter-insurgent tactics, I'm of the old school. First you tell them how you're going to kill them. Then you kill them. Then you tell them how you just killed them.

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#34 Phil


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Posted 16 October 2008 - 01:55 PM

Hostile, you're still doing the typical ridiculous "dirt" game, which US elections are so famous for. Obama's alleged private connections to Ayers just shouldn't be a core issue. I think MM put that brilliantly. Countering democrat trash with republican trash won't make you advance a single step. You think we see Obama as a messiah, I think you see him as satan, for even the tiniest parts of his past seem to be huge deal.

On the whole, it just doesn't matter. Banshee mentioned countless times that the president alone doesn't do anything, and he's completely right. It's the team he'll take with him and their political views and ideologies that will (at least partly) shape the future. Rather than focusing on past details, we should focus on the plans the candidates put forward and if what they promise actually makes sense.

All of them have "dirty hands", or they wouldn't be part of this political elite, it's as simple as that. You should pick the guy (or his team, rather) who's most likely to improve the future, not the one who faced less negative allegations.

I bet the american politicians must love their flawed two-party system, for they can simply bash the other side in order to win, instead of putting forward serious plans. That's what I like about Switzerland's system, it has like 5 major (and countless minor) parties, so throwing dirt alone won't gain you anything.

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#35 Hostile


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Posted 16 October 2008 - 11:19 PM

Alright, then how about that whole Keating 5 business? How about the fact that Sarah Palin's husband is a member of a secessionist party in Alaska?

Oh, and if you're going to blame Obama for not reigning in Fannie and Freddie, you might want to notice that he wasn't elected a senator until 2004, and started serving in 2005. For the second bill, I did a bit of digging, and it seems to have not made it to the floor of the senate in either 2005 or 2006, and during both of those years the Republicans had the majority, so it was their own failure to pass it.

But either way, neither Ayers, nor the Keating 5, nor Alaskan secessionists are an issue in this election. What the candidates will do to get us out of this giant economic clusterfuck that we're in is.

Ahhh yes, the Keating Five, 'Bout time someone brought it up.
http://en.wikipedia....ki/Keating_Five for those who don't know what it is
Now imagine one of the Keating Five works as a surogate for Obama?!

Tried to find a normal site that talked about why McCain was aquitted, it was because he was clueless to what happened. He was involved with many things at once. Seems any google search is overwhelmed with lefty stuff. Too hard to actually find a non biased site displaying simple facts.

Was Palin's husband a member of an Alaskan Seccesionist group? Absolutely, they sat around, fished, drank beer, and talk shit about secceeding (you know like alot of people in the "south" do). So if you want to compare Palins husband with Bill Ayers. Be my guest. If you feel the two are equally questionable, than please vote for Obama.

A few reasons why I want Obama to win:

1) So that black people can NEVER again say whitey is holding them down. Liberals will finally shut up because they will have the Presidency, the Congress, and the Senate. The most absolutely liberal combination EVER present since the creation of The States. Give someone enough rope and let them hang themselves like Bush did. If McCain would have won back in 2000 against Bush in the Primaries, we'd have saved alot of mess.

2) Because of the TOTAL and complete marginal control by ALL things far left, we can now fully embrace and feel the wrath of the far left and how it WILL impose things like higher taxes and nationalised/socialised institutions. This 51%/49% ratio of total control will SNAP America back to attention and realise being to far left is just as stupid as being too far right.

3) Obama will show his true colors that he is the same as Bush because the only way he got where he is is because he owes ALOT of people ALOT of things and will have to surround himself with the party insiders. You know like Bush did with Cheney and Rumsfeld? Except now we are gonna taste it from the other direction.

4) Obama is not an evil man. He is simply bought and paid for. I'd like to give him the opportunity to REJECT all things inside from his party control if he becomes President. Total and complete rejection of corruption and pork barrel spending. If he can prove that he can keep himself above the control of his servitude to far left he's so adamantly aligned himself with, than there might be hope for the guy.

I'm amazed how easily people identify with Obama/Palin head to head. You'd think Obama was running against Palin for President or something. Yet few say anything about Biden. He's old, and definately a Wash DC insider, been legiaslating Federally since 1972. I was born in 1972. He has said some REALLY stupid stuff along the way...

Joe Biden, you have to love him.

Biden is practically non existant to Obama


Biden supporting McCain in 08 duh?
http://www.youtube.c...feature=related ***** five star rating for "in your face kinda right"

I throw out Ayers and Obama, you give me Palin's husband and some silly seccesionist group. You're comparing a Presidential candidates affiliations with a domestic terrorist with the VP candidate's husbands beer drinking buddies.

So now I move onto your VP candidate Biden and all his antics, what are you gonna come back with? McCains first wife? Really... :blink:

#36 Vortigern


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Posted 17 October 2008 - 12:46 AM

Now imagine one of the Keating Five works as a surogate for Obama?!

Would you rather have one of them working for the President or being the President?
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#37 Mastermind


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Posted 17 October 2008 - 03:26 AM

Ahhh yes, the Keating Five, 'Bout time someone brought it up.
http://en.wikipedia....ki/Keating_Five for those who don't know what it is
Now imagine one of the Keating Five works as a surogate for Obama?!

Tried to find a normal site that talked about why McCain was aquitted, it was because he was clueless to what happened. He was involved with many things at once. Seems any google search is overwhelmed with lefty stuff. Too hard to actually find a non biased site displaying simple facts.

Was Palin's husband a member of an Alaskan Seccesionist group? Absolutely, they sat around, fished, drank beer, and talk shit about secceeding (you know like alot of people in the "south" do). So if you want to compare Palins husband with Bill Ayers. Be my guest. If you feel the two are equally questionable, than please vote for Obama.

I brought it up because I do in fact think they are both equally questionable, and equally unimportant. I'm sure I can go dig up lots more character flaws and associations for McCain (isn't his campaign manager a former lobbyist for Fannie/Freddie or something like that?) But either way, that's not the important part.

A few reasons why I want Obama to win:

1) So that black people can NEVER again say whitey is holding them down. Liberals will finally shut up because they will have the Presidency, the Congress, and the Senate. The most absolutely liberal combination EVER present since the creation of The States. Give someone enough rope and let them hang themselves like Bush did. If McCain would have won back in 2000 against Bush in the Primaries, we'd have saved alot of mess.

2) Because of the TOTAL and complete marginal control by ALL things far left, we can now fully embrace and feel the wrath of the far left and how it WILL impose things like higher taxes and nationalised/socialised institutions. This 51%/49% ratio of total control will SNAP America back to attention and realise being to far left is just as stupid as being too far right.

You know, we've tried nationalizing a lot of stuff in the past, and it actually worked out pretty well. The more we've deregulated, the more shit we've got in. The whole socialism thing also does seem to work pretty well in a lot of places, at least it seems to work better than the clusterfuck that we've got going on right now.

3) Obama will show his true colors that he is the same as Bush because the only way he got where he is is because he owes ALOT of people ALOT of things and will have to surround himself with the party insiders. You know like Bush did with Cheney and Rumsfeld? Except now we are gonna taste it from the other direction.

4) Obama is not an evil man. He is simply bought and paid for. I'd like to give him the opportunity to REJECT all things inside from his party control if he becomes President. Total and complete rejection of corruption and pork barrel spending. If he can prove that he can keep himself above the control of his servitude to far left he's so adamantly aligned himself with, than there might be hope for the guy.

I'm amazed how easily people identify with Obama/Palin head to head. You'd think Obama was running against Palin for President or something. Yet few say anything about Biden. He's old, and definately a Wash DC insider, been legiaslating Federally since 1972. I was born in 1972. He has said some REALLY stupid stuff along the way...

Joe Biden, you have to love him.

Biden is practically non existant to Obama


Biden supporting McCain in 08 duh?
http://www.youtube.c...feature=related ***** five star rating for "in your face kinda right"

McCain has kinda said a lot of stupid things along the way too. He's the guy who can't tell the difference between Iran and Iraq, Al Qaeda and just plain secular terrorists, and all sorts of other things. But you know what, he's human, we all make mistakeds.

I throw out Ayers and Obama, you give me Palin's husband and some silly seccesionist group. You're comparing a Presidential candidates affiliations with a domestic terrorist with the VP candidate's husbands beer drinking buddies.

So now I move onto your VP candidate Biden and all his antics, what are you gonna come back with? McCains first wife? Really... :blink:

Palin scares me a lot more than Biden for a couple reasons. One is that McCain is old as hell, and has had cancer several times. It's not exactly hard to picture his medical problems coming back to haunt him again, and then Palin is the president of the United States. Biden might not be the best choice, but at least he actually has some real foreign policy experience, experience with government, and would have a little bit of credibility with the rest of the world.

Either way, the sum total effect of this discussion is going to be zero, because you're so set in your views it probably wouldn't matter, and the same for me.
Posted Image

Well, when it comes to writing an expository essay about counter-insurgent tactics, I'm of the old school. First you tell them how you're going to kill them. Then you kill them. Then you tell them how you just killed them.

Too cute! | Server Status: If you can read this, it's up |

#38 Hostile


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Posted 18 October 2008 - 05:29 PM

But you know what, he's human, we all make mistakeds.

Was that intentional? Hehe...

#39 Cossack


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Posted 23 October 2008 - 03:23 AM

Off topic but hilarious. Good Ol' senile McCain:


#40 Ash


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Posted 23 October 2008 - 07:10 PM

As I keep saying, the guy doesn't know which side of the fence he sits on. The senile old goat forgot there's a fence there, I feel...

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