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New beta released!

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#21 Lauri


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Posted 21 December 2008 - 11:58 AM

Sameel has stealth like rangers, and I tried to add another stealth for him when he was standing still... I didn't get it to work, (but then again, I didn't put to much effort into it.. I could perhaps get it to work).. But the spell is basically elven cloak, but when he can hide in trees, I don't know if it's really needed... :p


The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link

#22 Rob38


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Posted 21 December 2008 - 09:11 PM

Congrats on your newest release Lauri! I really need to find some time to sit down and play this mod! :p




#23 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 22 December 2008 - 01:59 AM

Me too. :p

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#24 CIL



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Posted 23 December 2008 - 07:11 PM

Whoa, I've been away from T3A for WAAAAAY too long! This makes me happy! Downloading now!
I'm creeping, not gone.

#25 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 25 December 2008 - 09:10 PM

Sameel has stealth like rangers, and I tried to add another stealth for him when he was standing still... I didn't get it to work, (but then again, I didn't put to much effort into it.. I could perhaps get it to work).. But the spell is basically elven cloak, but when he can hide in trees, I don't know if it's really needed... tongue.gif

You could do a broadcast stealth power ;)
The problem with multiple stealth I've found is that only the first one will work.
The One Ring spell can work with stealth.

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#26 Guest_Killflame7_*

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Posted 02 March 2009 - 06:51 PM

Hi luvin the mod so far.I'd say Harad needs the most work and Rohans heros but I do know its not easy.Keep up the good work!!!Idea it may sound rubbish but I like it how about some sort of heavy armored beast,like a heavy armered mumikil or best of all troll you could start with a normal skin and build on it.
Just to say I'm kinda bad at complicated stuff but I love your mod and would'nt mind getting involved somhow for free.I have a knowlage of lotr and fairly good at writing stories,a campain story?That would take a while.I don't care if you don't need me but I love your game and always will but if you need ametur help for free don't be shy to ask.
Can't wait for the next update on the mod.

#27 Lauri


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Posted 03 March 2009 - 08:52 PM

Harad - 10% done ;)
Rohan - 70% done :ohmy:

Mumakil - Won't have armor, but I want to have more random skins when they upgrade (war paint)
Trolls - No trolls in the mode... (Unless you count half-trolls)

And thanks for the offer, but we don't really need help :p


The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link

#28 Guest_frodothedark_*

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Posted 17 April 2009 - 04:03 PM


#29 King of the East

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Posted 26 May 2010 - 01:35 PM

Is the mod still in progress?

I hope it's not a dead mod because it is a AWESOME mod!!
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#30 m@tt



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Posted 26 May 2010 - 02:20 PM

Revora Forums > Network > The 3rd Age > Archived Modifications Section > Archived Modifications > Lauri > The 4th Age News
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