Lone Wolf with 10 factions being added kind of makes me the expert in this area
A lot of the problems with factions can be caused by typos and stuff so always check your spelling.
Common issues are -
Base starting to build but then crashing
Citadel not building heroes
Game will play for 5 minutes or so and then die.
The first is caused by a base not set up properly,for this:
Check that you added the base right (including editing the header in Hex Editor)
Check CivilanBuildings.ini to make sure you referenced it right.
Make sure your citadel has the CASTLE_KEEP kindof this is nee'ded for something to survive outside of a bse and for the base to work.
The Second issue is a tricky one I believe it has something to do with system.ini and the Sciences
Make sure your faction has a science
Make sure you have a spell store commandset and it's all correct.
Make sure you add a childobject of the SpellBook for your faction (make sure the childobject is for the right side so if you make an Elven faction make sure that the childobject is of the GoodSpellBook) these can be found in data\ini\object\system\system.ini
The third issue is caused when the game supspects it's pirated this sometimes happens the only solution is to reinstall.
For a faction to work fully you'll need entries in the following:
data\ini\commandset.ini (your spellbook commandset)
Check the above if you have issues if they don't help then post here and myself and the others will help.
May I sugest that this gets pinned being such a common issue I think it's important to have a topic where people can go to quickly to find help.
I hope this helps
For a fuller tutorial check out http://www.the3rdage...item-63?addview
Edited by Radspakr, 10 July 2011 - 10:50 AM.