Anyway, I started hearing the classic Rohirrim charge music from the third movie (Return of the King), and I had this strange idea for a map that would be severly hard to make, but at the same time, would be infinitely worth it.
Now, there have been many mods in our time from other games that have pushed the limits of the gaming genre, for example; DotA Allstars, which in turn inspired the RTS-RPG hybrid game Demigod.
My new one, is well...sort of ahrd to explain, so I'll just say it like this;
It begins with a cutscene that shows the suppossedly endless Mordor hordes advancing on and attacking Minas Tirith, and then it cuts to the newly appearing Rohirrim, with Theoden at the head of-seriously-about a thousand in-game Rohirrim. With them, of course, are Eomer and Eowyn. A cutscene starts where Theoden mimicks his movie counterpart with his speech before the charge, and then it shows his horse rearing up, and then the Rohirrim surge forward, with the camera following them from a view as if you were one of the soldiers, yet just above the units (so you can see them all). Anyway, what I was thinking was they are divided into five-ten groups of 100 each, with Eomer on the left , Eowyn on the right and Theoden at the centre. Anyway, it stays in the whole cinematic view as they charge at the Mordor forces, yet it relinquishes control to the player to send the cavalry every which way that they can see, whilst the camera still follows the charge. Essentailly, you watch a battle portrayed cinematically, yet you still get a level of control of where the soldiers go. Also, of course, they have to be under the effects of a Glorious Charge, although it has to be permanent and they don't need to have that colourful glow. After you've killed at least three thousand orcs (use a kill counter maybe), you watch another cutscene where you see orcs fleeing and the Rohirrim stop to recover, and then the camera turns to the advancing Mumakil (who have to be a lot larger than normal for this to look cool). Make about 10-20 depending on what works. Then, the same principle with the whole charge thing and control, although the Rohirrim will automatically switch to bows when the two sides clash. If you can survive for a minute (or whatever), you'll be treated to the camera turning again and you see Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas running to a large group of orcs with the Army of the Dead following.
Now, this map would require quite a few things to even be possible (and yes I know it would be a vast undertaking);
1. The RJ camera mod.
2. Modifying the unit balance and stuff for the map.
3. Allowing the camera to only follow preset paths (if possible).
4. Custom cinematics (not necessarily high-res).
5. Modifyig unit abilities and the like.
6. Though it isnt needed, if there was a way for the Rohirrim to fire whilst moving that would be great.
7. All audio from the films (dialogue, music, etc).
8. An allowance of only selecting units via the grouping buttons (not allowed to redo the groups).
9. An actual kill counter (or something else that would work).
10. Anythng else people can think of.
Again, like I said, this is probably an unrealistic goal for a map, but I believe that it *can* be possible, if true effort (and permission for stuff like the RJ camera) were applied.
The thing is, it's probably an idea that's never been heard of before, at least for the BFME series, but I'm not sure if it will be doable. Hopefully, with all the fine modders and mappers we have here today, it can become achievable.
Permissions (for RJ camera and any other necessary assets)
A suitable team leader.
I'm none of these things; I'm only an ideas person when it comes to modding. Lastly, tell me what you think!
Oh and it would likely have to be for RotWK, although I remember that SEE (BFME 2 Mod) usesthe RJ camera as well, so I don't know whichever anyone sane enough to try this thinks best.
Edited by aNaRcHiSt44, 04 May 2009 - 04:54 AM.