Tech Tree - Greece
Posted 10 May 2009 - 08:37 PM
Powers,Units,Buildings and Heroes can all be decided here.
My opinions I think we should avoid Sparta for starters (heh that kind of rhymed) since Spartans sometimes at war with Greece(Athens).
Also there is the whole 300 thing.
An idea I just had is linking units and abilities to the Spell Book.
Like certain spells are needed to be build X unit.
Possibly even splitting the Spell Book in 2.
Allowing the player to only go down one path of the spell book could be an interesting idea to change things up a bit.
So what do you guys think.
Break dancing into the hearts of millions
Posted 10 May 2009 - 08:42 PM
Of course, that could go with that only one spellbook path, and you pick which major city-state you get.
Posted 10 May 2009 - 08:56 PM
I think this would be a great idea... I don't know how well it would work to only do it for one faction, though. Vikings and others could also use it.
Posted 10 May 2009 - 09:39 PM
I think that instead of a complex spellbook about it (KISS), you should have to decide what faction your going to focus on at the citadel at the start
You click the citadel, and it shows, say 3 different subfactions (spartans, athens, crete peasants, whatever ) that it will focus on..
Then the buildplot will unlock military buildings at you disposal, or maybe just unlock that subfactions troops, which you can't build before that...
Say greece only has a barracks and archery range to start with... If they choose the Crete peasants sub, then they can also build a special building for the uber peasants Both on the castle, camp and outpost plot..
Then, the issue is... When you capture a new castle or camp, should you be able to make a new decicion about what sub you want for that specific castle\camp? (Outposts should always have default buildings, and unlocks for units)
I believe they should, so that if they start a 1-vs-3 game... They start with Athens, and when they conquer one faction, they gain additional reinforcements, the Spartans... They take another faction, and get to use Crete peasants as well...
Still, I don't know how to go about keeping heroes limited to upgrades, aka, to keep them unbuyable until you upgrade to a subfaction...
The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link
Posted 10 May 2009 - 10:04 PM
-Greek Peltasts
-Greek Archers
-Hoplites (Athenian, Spartan, Cretan)
-Militia Hoplites (Weaker version of hoplites)
-Sword Hoplites
-Greek Cavalry
-Milita Cavalry (Again weaker version)
-Scout (Single mounted unit)
-General (A sort of captain unit that provides leadership bonuses)
Note: The general should have random models and should vary from Spartan Generals to other city states
-Archery Range
-Muster Grounds (For mounted units)
-Barracks (Several buttons leading to different commandsets for the city state that you choose)
-Governers Palace (The Fortress)
-Academy (For upgrades)
-Siege Works
Note: Maybe at the start, we should pick a central city and the costs of that city's units and building will be decreased while the others will be raised
That's all I got for now
Edited by Neutron4ever, 10 May 2009 - 10:07 PM.
Posted 10 May 2009 - 10:04 PM
Besides, it would look just like the RJ mod
However, there could be 2 or 3 spellbooks. Powers don't take too much time to make and they don't need any modelling or texturing either. I think "Magic" should be really important for the greek faction, with so much mythological stuff and all.
I have an idea, what if the spellbook store (the list of "buyable" spells) starts blank, and then you have to build some sort of Temple with your builder (or could be a Fortress building plot building). Depending on which temple you build, you get a certain spellbook:
Zeus (Leader of Gods): Damage spells, summon myth creature spells.
Mars (God of war): Leadership-like buffs, training and summon soldier powers.
Athena (Godess of wisdom): Economy passive and active powers, defensive buffs, debuffs.
Different spellbooks can be achieved by changing the commandset of the spellbook objects by giving player_upgrades. The spellstore cannot be touched, though (it's configured in the faction config).
And btw, Spartans have got to be in. Recruitable from a special building maybe.
Could be.(...)
An idea I just had is linking units and abilities to the Spell Book.
Like certain spells are needed to be build X unit.
Actually it would be cool to implement this to all factions: The player must obtain a certain amount of power points (purchase these powers) before a certain unit type could be bought. It could add a whole new element to the game. Maybe Myth units for greeks and vikings, elite troops for rome and the asians? And so on.
That sounds RJ-General (A sort of captain unit that provides leadership bonuses)
I think having a single unit to command is a bad idea. It unnecesarily increases the need of micromanagement, besides we'll have heroes to provide that leadership. It is rare to see more than one general leading a battle anyway ^^ (unless there's several armies involved)
Edited by Crusard, 10 May 2009 - 10:10 PM.
Posted 10 May 2009 - 10:46 PM
Posted 10 May 2009 - 11:09 PM
The temple idea may be possible but difficult to code I think an expert coder could probably pull it off but you shouldn't rely too heavily on that.
Break dancing into the hearts of millions
Posted 10 May 2009 - 11:19 PM
-General (A sort of captain unit that provides leadership bonuses)That sounds RJ
I think having a single unit to command is a bad idea. It unnecesarily increases the need of micromanagement, besides we'll have heroes to provide that leadership. It is rare to see more than one general leading a battle anyway ^^ (unless there's several armies involved)
Well actually, I got it from RTW
Maybe we could move the general into heroes and give them the randomization code thing if that's possible..
Posted 10 May 2009 - 11:31 PM
I like the temple idea, though.
Posted 11 May 2009 - 12:33 AM
You don't need a pro coder for thisThe temple idea may be possible but difficult to code I think an expert coder could probably pull it off but you shouldn't rely too heavily on that.
It works like this:
At start, the spellbook store buttons are all greyed out (Make the commandbuttons require a especific player_upgrade).
When the temple is built, you can use a ObjectCreationUpgrade behavior on this temple to provide the player with the needed player_upgrades.
These player_upgrades trigger a CommandSetUpgrade behavior on the Spellbook object, changing the spells that show up on the sidebar (when bought).
I always get them all mixed up... Minerva and Athena, Zeus and Jupiter XDHmmmm... Mars is roman. Ares is the Greek god of war.
Posted 11 May 2009 - 03:05 AM
#13 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 11 May 2009 - 12:46 PM
-Greek Peltasts
-Cretan Archers
-Psiloi, simple soldiers with spear and stones as only weapons (Weaker version of hoplites)
-Hypaspist sword wielding semi-elite soldiers.
-Hamippos, lightly armed infantrymen supporter of a cavalryman, trying to kill the enemy horses
-Hetairos (companion) elite cavalryman.
-Milita Cavalry (Again weaker version)
-Prodromos, scout in Greek armies
-Dionysus's Repeating catapult (strong against infantry)
Soomatophylakes Basilikoi - Royal Bodyguards
Agrianoi- elite javelin wielders.
Thessalonian Calvary
-Archery Range
-Muster Grounds (For mounted units)
-Barracks (Several buttons leading to different commandsets for the city state that you choose)
-Acropolis(The Fortress)
-Academy (For upgrades)
-Siege Works
Posted 11 May 2009 - 02:15 PM
Probably only for the campaign, though.
And even then, only if there was a troy campaign.
Edit: Hey, what about when you "worship" a certain god then you unlock specific heroes. There were quite a few heroes who were "blessed" by a certain god. It would also allow more heroes to be added to the faction without overflowing it. There were a lot of heroes in Greek mythology, but it shouldn't be a hero-based faction, so by doing this you can limit the heroes without scrapping a bunch of them.
Edited by Gfire, 11 May 2009 - 02:20 PM.
Posted 11 May 2009 - 02:20 PM
please take note that, until further notice, I don't care, so get lost.
Posted 11 May 2009 - 06:26 PM
Posted 11 May 2009 - 08:36 PM
History teachers will be pissed, but it will be a lot more fun for most
After some research and googling, I've come up with my list:
- Acropolis
- Builder
- Heroes
- 'Fortress Upgrades'
- Archery Range
- Cretan archers
- Flaming arrows (lv2)
- Barracks
- Peltasts (spear throwing, and melee fighting. Cheap infantry)
- Hoplite phalanx (Very long pike guys with shields, strong vs all but slow turning and take super flanking damage)
- Hoplite infantry (Short Spear and shield) (lv2)
- Cavalry Stables
- Kataskopos (Cheap, fast single scout unit)
- Hippeis (Cheap and agile cavalry, with round shield and spear)
- Academy of war
- Spartan infantry (Elite infantry units. Cape, spear, big round shield and linen armor, maybe a bronze breastplate)
- Basic training upgrade
- Greek Workshop (Requires Crane upgrade)
- Improved Weapons, upgrade (somebody please come up with a fancier name)
- Bronze Armor, upgrade (basic was linen armor, upgrade is Bronze breastplates)
- Onager (Anti-building siege engine. It was an early catapult)
- Cheiroballista (Anti-troops medium-sized ballista)
- Scholar library
- Crane, Upgrade (Builders construct twice as fast, allows Workshop and Battle tower)
- Urban Planning, upgrade (Improved building armor, like numenor stonework, but global)
- Animal Husbandry, Upgrade (+15% Improved resource output rate from farms)
- Medicine, Upgrade (Allied units heal over time (slowly) when in proximity of a friendly building)
- -maybe some other upgrade too-
- Temple of Zeus*
- Cyclopes** (They fought with him in the war against the titans)
- Zeus Spellbook tree.
- Temple of Athena*
- Gorgons** (Athena turned Medusa into one as she was jealous of her beauty when she was a mortal)
- Athena Spellbook tree.
- Temple of Ares*
- Centaurs** (They were said to be the offspring of Ixion, son of Ares)
- Ares Spellbook tree.
- Farms and Lumber Mills
- Watch tower (Basic, ungarrisonable arrow tower)
- Battle tower (Needs the Crane upgrade. Strong, costly (and garrisonable?))
**Mythological creatures (Cyclopes, Gorgons and Centaurs) could have a spellbook tech requirement to make them interesting and more powerful (since players won't be able to recruit them until very late-game).
What do you guys say?
EDIT: I removed the slingers and the heavy cavalry. Neither of them are really representative of Greece and they're not a great gameplay addition either
Edited by Crusard, 19 June 2009 - 01:20 AM.
Posted 11 May 2009 - 08:42 PM
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