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Canterbury Sufficiently.... Gay?

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#41 segwayrulz


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Posted 16 July 2009 - 06:16 AM

Statistics are stupid...


#42 Rattuskid


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Posted 16 July 2009 - 08:57 AM

It's not a fact though. Maybe of the people surveyed, there were 10% of people were gay. But that survey was probably 20% of earth's population. Statistics are stupid...

Then you figure out the standard deviation from sample size versus affected size of populations. Don't be a tard.

Also, those statistics are bastardized to all hell, they're from Kinsey. His research showed about 10% of males were homosexual... but that also only about 10% of males were heterosexual. This is in the absolute though... and his actual extrapolations in terms of ratios was probably off.

I think western world rates of homosexuality are between 6% and 12%, depending heavily on area.
Being a total douche.

#43 Vortigern


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Posted 16 July 2009 - 09:44 PM

San Francisco VS my country village, for example, wherein we have, to my knowledge, one gay couple, a few lesbians and a bunch of bi-curious teenagers who don't really count. (You hear about everything and everyone in this village, so don't try and pull that one.) I appreciate the scales are different, but they serve to illustrate the difference in location. People like to be around people like themselves, so it stands to reason that gays, blacks, Jews, everyone of every denomination in fact, will come together in certain places.
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#44 Rattuskid


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Posted 18 July 2009 - 10:44 AM

...but unlike being black or Jewish it's perfectly possibly to be gay without your parents being that way. So they still crop up in 'straight' populations. Hence why there are still gays in Iran, even though everyone seems to want them OUT of Iran.
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#45 dancam


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Posted 19 July 2009 - 06:12 PM

*Slight Interlude*

Wow... Rattus, haven't seen you around in a long time.. hope your doing well!

#46 Pasidon


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Posted 20 July 2009 - 08:09 AM

Huh? :rolleyes:
Ratt is always around. We haven't seen YOU around Dan. Where the heck have YOU been?

*Segwaying back into the topic*

Wow... that Canterbury sure is gay.

#47 segwayrulz


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Posted 05 September 2009 - 11:54 AM

Huh? :p
Ratt is always around. We haven't seen YOU around Dan. Where the heck have YOU been?

*Segwaying back into the topic*

Wow... that Canterbury sure is gay.

:p yes I do, sometimes randomly appear back in topics that I ignore for 3 pages or so

#48 Allathar



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Posted 05 September 2009 - 04:08 PM

Or randomly bumping topics that have been asleep for over a month, with no appearant reason nor any additionable value in said bumps.
It has been reported that some victims of rape, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren't being raped. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP

#49 Ash


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Posted 10 September 2009 - 12:47 PM

I fail to see how homosexuality is a 'culture', any more than being male or female is a 'culture', or heterosexuality is a 'culture'.

No, races aren't 'cultures' either, nor religions. Tolerance and acceptance of differences is one thing. Pandering to minorities and giving them benefits over the majority is quite another. The problem is, out gutless, spineless government has a distinct habit of doing just that.

I am a white male, of average height and build, with no disabilities or medical conditions save a minor astigmatism in one eye and no spleen. I am irreligious, heterosexual and am of university-level intelligence. I have both my arms and legs, am 21 years of age, a full head of hair and no children.

I am, by every measure, the person that my government will help least. Because I'm not black, old, disabled, muslim, burdened with children or gay, the government will do nothing to promote tolerance of me. All these groups have no right to demand special treatment, because positive discrimination is still discrimination.

#50 Puppeteer


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Posted 10 September 2009 - 04:50 PM

If you're going against a black woman for a job, you're fucked. I think this is due to Harriet Harman's Single Equality Bill, or words to that effect, which favours women over men, and ethnic minorities over whites. You all know I believe in equality, but this bill itself is racist. This is no way to go about reaching equality. In fact, it's in completely the wrong direction.

#51 Ash


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Posted 10 September 2009 - 05:50 PM

Then there's those equal opportunities forms you have to fill in before you're even looked at for a job. If I could I'd refuse to fill them in. I might put 'prefer not to say' for every option, including that of race. Or maybe lie and say I'm black or something for the next job I apply for, see if I get an interview this time where I haven't so far by saying I'm a WASA (white anglo-saxon atheist).

#52 Vortigern


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Posted 10 September 2009 - 06:53 PM

It's not easy being a healthy white man.
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#53 Ash


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Posted 10 September 2009 - 07:29 PM

*points to thread title and initial post*

You forgot heterosexual. Unless, of course you aren't, in which case fair enough. :thumbsupsmiley:

#54 Vortigern


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Posted 10 September 2009 - 09:42 PM

Ah, of course. A mere oversight. It's not easy being a healthy white heterosexual man.
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#55 Rattuskid


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Posted 21 September 2009 - 12:49 PM

I am, by every measure, the person that my government will help least. Because I'm not black, old, disabled, muslim, burdened with children or gay, the government will do nothing to promote tolerance of me. All these groups have no right to demand special treatment, because positive discrimination is still discrimination.


Go fuck yourself. Hard. Sideways.

You know it's bad when other white guys eyeroll so hard they bleed when you bitch about reverse racism and how you're so goddamned butthurt because nobody gives you special treatment as an argument against any and all special treatment. That's like being vegetarian because nobody will cook a nice steak for you. It's selfishness of the privileged, rage of the enfranchised.

Also, I have never disclosed to any government representative my sexuality. I never got a check or a free wave into a job for sucking dick. The only two governmental functions I can think about that involve sexuality still are military service (gays get fucked) and marriage/civ unions (gays get fucked in most states). Is this about the old hate-crime thing, because I don't care if I get beat for being white, being gay or just because... I want the fuckers who did it to get prosecuted.
Being a total douche.

#56 Ash


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Posted 21 September 2009 - 01:27 PM

No, it isn't a fucking hate-crime. I have nothing against any particular minority group, but I don't care what anyone says, when they require you to fill in equal opportunities forms (and won't even consider your application if you do not) to 'monitor their employment of minority demographics', it's clear that the odds are stacked against a 'majority' group, because they aren't part of the minority.

There shouldn't be any equal opportunity forms requiring you to disclose these details; it should be purely down to the candidate's aptitude, not their race, sexuality, gender etc.

Do you honestly fucking think I'm so narrow-minded as to actually be prejudiced against you being gay, or anyone else being gay, or black, or because of what name they call God? Of course I don't think any of those things. It's not those groups I object to. It's the preferential treatment that our (particularly the British - I can't speak for America) government gives to these groups, and basically forsakes anyone who isn't in a minority or so-called underprivileged group.

I'm all for equality, but right now it's swung so far the other way that healthy white straight males are not treated as well as any other group, and so it has become unequal in the other direction.

I hope I have clarified my position somewhat.

#57 Romanul


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Posted 21 September 2009 - 01:28 PM

And I meant that back in the days when communism was alive,people were mostly atheist,and there wasn't so much "state love" towards the Church.

Fuck the Church.If people are enough smart,they can realize that God will help them even if they don't go to the Church.

Edited by Romanul, 21 September 2009 - 01:29 PM.

#58 Mathijs


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Posted 21 September 2009 - 06:09 PM

The thing is, though, and I hate to break this to you, there is no god.

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#59 Allathar



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Posted 21 September 2009 - 06:53 PM

Thanks for wording my thoughts, Ash. Completely agreed.
It has been reported that some victims of rape, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren't being raped. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP

#60 Bart


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Posted 21 September 2009 - 10:11 PM

It's the preferential treatment that our (particularly the British - I can't speak for America) government gives to these groups, and basically forsakes anyone who isn't in a minority or so-called underprivileged group.

In the Netherlands we have a situation where the government goes very far to please muslims, because:
- They are afraid of the trouble some people in that group will otherwise cause
- And/or they want to get their votes
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