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Bree-land Map

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#81 Windrider

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Posted 28 February 2010 - 12:48 AM

Great News!!!!!! BFME is now running as smoothly - or actually, smoother - than ever before. I now have a great graphics card, so I can take in-game screenshots on Ultra - High Quality. Work on Bree will resume shortly, hopefully. And if anyone else has problems with Windows 7 compatibility, please post here and I will be happy to direct you to a fix that worked for me. Another note: if you do get this to work on Win7 64-bit, you should install this mod before downloading the patch. I'm not sure why, but when I tried to install the patch before the mod, some .dll file got messed up. So please continue to post your suggestions here, cause BREE IS BACK!!!

Yep, work on Bree will resume from my last posting, since my Hard Drive is DEADER THAN SAURON! [... ha ha... yeah, that joke is dead, too].

Hey guys, good news and news: Good news is, I recovered my hard drive (side note, Best Buy couldn't do it for $100, I just hooked it up to a SATA cable, put that in my motherboard, and it read it like a USB drive or somethin). News is, I have made so many changes on my new computer that I'm just gonna start from there. New Updates: Some texturing work, river to the north has been expanded to fill the rest of the map northwards (no strip of land there), "Buckleberry Ferry" is in there - can someone help me as to which direction the ferry should be from Bree? Thanks

Sorry about all the double and triple and continual new posting, I will try to edit more in the future.

HERE IS BREE v1.3!!!! ;)

Edited by Windrider, 05 March 2010 - 02:03 AM.

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#82 Scryer


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Posted 08 March 2010 - 02:08 AM

Yikes, nobody took a look at this map since the forums are so dead :p .

But fortunately I decided to quickly download and check up on your progress :) . And I have screens to show you exactly what I'm talking about. Let's start with the critiquing...

This, this, and this illustrates some texturing-continuity issues on your map.

To be honest, those orange patches, the bright green textures, and the brown-muddy texture looks weird on your map. The brown texture (in the first screen shot) appears in huge chunks and it only appears in the eastern half of the map if I remember correctly. The brown texture works for your map in my opinion but it just isn't continued throughout the entire map. I would've liked to see that brown texture throughout the entire map and not in huge chunks. The bright green grasses and the orange textures just don't work for your map. Your map takes place at night so I think that you should stick to darker textures (being dark greens and muddy-browns) in consideration of the time that your map takes place in.... The darker, the better I think.

Don't worry about your map being too dark because of the textures. You already have some trees on the map that are a brighter colour than the other trees. For example, in the 2nd and 3rd screenshots, you can clearly see that you have a variety of trees; some being a brighter colour. Now it is going to be your props and vegetation that brightens up your map and adds colour, not your textures. I'm not saying don't blend or anything, just try to avoid those acid-bright greens. If anyone wants to contradict me, please do I'm not a godly mapper myself :crazed: .

This screenshot brings me onto my next point.

Once again, that bright green texture near the centre is not working for your map. The green texture that surrounds your bright green texture, should be your new best friend :p . That texture works very naturally in your map. Just wanted to point that out.

Anyways, in your map you have Drakes, Wargs, Goblins, and Wights. You need to make a choice on which creeps you want to have.... Usually it is best to have one or two different kinds of creeps on one map. Otherwise it gets the player questioning where your map is actually located. I would recommend just sticking to Goblins and Wights since Bree is located by the South Downs and just North of some mountains.

This bit of water needs to match your northen bit of water too.

This screenshot also illustrates some of your use of buildings outside of your city. Using Rohirim buildings outside of Rohan looks strange unless those buildings are intensely disguised or unless you are doing a Rohan map (in my opinion). Same goes with the use of Gondor buildings... Thankfully the buildings that you use inside the city are vague enough to use in almost any map and outside your city.. Anyways, your map isn't anywhere near Rohan so I don't recommend using Rohirim buildings on this map. Instead I recommend using the set of structures that you've been using inside your city and hobbit buildings (since Bree is located right next to the Shire).

The brighter grass texture near the bottom of the screen also doesn't naturally fit your map in my opinion.

I also recomend placing Bucklebury Ferry at this location as well since Bucklebury Ferry was located right after the Brandywine Bridge (which is west of Bree). Here's a link to support that as well:


And you can find a map of Middle-Earth anywhere on Google or in your own book edition.

Your isolated grasses and bushes in this screenshot don't really fit the map as well.

Don't get me wrong, you do need to have some grasses and bushes in your map but you need to surround those grasses and bushes with trees or rocks.. Otherwise they don't look as natural as they should be. And having some of those brighter-green bushes/grasses will also brighten up your map like I was mentioning before.

Also the lighter green texture at the bottom-right-corner of the screenshot should be another texture that could get used a lot. That bottom-right-corner texture naturally slides into your map and it will be one of the only textures that will brighten up your map minimally. Most of the colouration and brightening of your map should come from your props and vegetation since this takes place at night, like I mentioned before. Once again, this is just my opinion ;) .

This area of your map needs something done to it. You can spot its exact location by looking at the mini-map that I left on the screenshot for you.

It's a little boring to be honest.... But this is where you can let loose your creative juices! A dunedain camp, extensive hills, a rocky creek, almost anything that's a little dynamic would be nice to have here! With creeks, they don't have to go off your maps limits if you know what I mean. You can end a creek by placing a collection of vegetation and smaller rocks at the end of the creek. You still have a bit of empty space, and I feel that you need to fill it in a little more.

Also, something that I don't have a screenshot of; the river ontop of Bree.... Is that suppose to be a river or is it suppose to be a creek? I understand that you placed some ferry props there since you wanted to add Bucklebury Ferry and that would make sense since Bucklebury Ferry is attached to a river. If that is a creek on the northern border of your map, then I think it needs to be changed because it feels a little too large to be a creek... And there aren't any rivers north of Bree either; there's only a river to the west of Bree that has Bucklebury Ferry :p . My suggestion for making the creek feel more like a creek is to make it shallower, and make some parts of the creek walkable. You could even afford to break up the long creek into a series of creeks if you wanted to. But right now, it feels too large (and it looks too deep) to be a creek. It looks like a river that should be mapped in my book :p .

Now onto your favourite part, the compliments :p .

1. I love what you have done with the town of Bree itself. It feels very dynamic, it's still functional (and I have the 1000 pop. limit to prove it!), and it definitely feels like a city! I will be using your town of Bree as a model for my remake of my Umbar map (that I'm going to need to restart) since it uses a lot of the buildings that I plan on using. Also great job on texturing there as well :D .

2. You have some hills (and cliffs!) near the southeast/eastern part of your map. That adds a lot of dynamics to your map and it was well done. This is just me, but I would like to see more hills in the western and northern parts of your map as well just so that it balances out.

3. I also like the choices that you made with your variety of trees. They suit the area well. I think that you could narrow down the variety of trees a little more but right now your tress look great on the map.

4. You also have some excellent textures in your map along with some textures that (I don't think) fit your map. You still have some beautiful textures that really work for me and it was good to see that you tried out some new textures as well!

Sorry about some of the darker screenshots; I was too lazy to edit them or send units to that area :p .

Hope that some of this helps.

Edited by Scryer, 08 March 2010 - 02:22 AM.

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#83 Windrider

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 03:25 AM

Wow, Scryer - thanks a lot!!!!
I had intended to rotate the compass 90 degrees clockwise, that's why the river was on the top side of the map. I see now that that may be confusing, so I can change it. Again, thanks for the excellent critique.

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#84 Windrider

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Posted 06 June 2010 - 11:53 PM

Well, after a long break from this map, I am coming back! If anyone has an idea, please submit it here. I think that this mod is absolutely amazing, and would like to submit a no-less-amazing map for this mod. Thanks again, Windrider

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#85 Scryer


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Posted 07 June 2010 - 01:13 AM

Honestly, I think that you should make another attempt at Bree.

First of all, you were really starting to get a hang of the WB tools.

Secondly, no one else has ever done a Bree map to my knowledge.

And lastly, a lot of things were going right in your map such as your city layout and design.

But this time I think that you should strictly stick to m@tt's and/or Haldir's tutorials from the beginning. You could really benefit from them and they can help you realize your vision for Bree. I also think that you should work with a smaller map size unless you want to add tons of dynamic details outside of the city. But be careful of not making too small. Personally, I would really like to see a Bree map actually get made and I don't think that you should give up on it just yet :xcahik_: .

THat is if you still have the desire to make a Bree map.
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#86 Devon


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Posted 07 June 2010 - 01:34 AM

What scryer said (except that other people have actually done versions of Bree). M@tt and Haldir's tutorials are both excellent quality and super helpful. Please keep mapping and posting your work! Even if it sometimes gets lost in the shuffle of things.

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#87 _Haldir_



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Posted 07 June 2010 - 04:06 AM

Nice critique there Scryer :p I'd definitely second everything you've mentioned there.

I haven't got ROTWK, so i can't give you any decent feedback. But i would offer this piece of advice: definitely take some more time planning and researching your map ;)

Because Bree is in the movies, and is a well known area, there should be plenty of info available. Make sure you have a good look around at things like natural features (such as that creek/river that Scryer mentioned), city layout, creeps (again, as Scryer said) etc to give you a good idea of what Bree would look like. Even ask Namo in the Lore forums if you want :) Personally, i like my maps to be a true to the movie/books as they can be, whilst still being realistic looking (one of the reasons i didn't like BFME 2 so much)

Also, make sure you atleast make a small concept sketch/outline of your map. This will give you a goal to work towards, and will help prevent you from changing your plans too much. That way, you also won't have so much empty/useless space around. Yes you need area to build in BFME 2, but if you look at EA's maps, they weren't as open and empty as you'd think ;)

Anyway, good luck ^_^ This map definitely has some potential.

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#88 Windrider

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Posted 03 July 2010 - 03:04 AM

Well, work on Bree has greatly progressed. Thanks to Haldir and Scryer especially for their oustanding critique, it really helps to make the map better. I am aware that many trees have disappeared in the upcoming release, especially along the main roads leading into Bree. I will work on that, I think I must have hit a tree-number-cap or something and it started deleting old tress whenever I placed new ones. I will post the most recent version soon, this 10MB storage room max means I have to delete a previous version of the map. In the future, I will delete the oldest version in order to post a new one. Thanks again for your continued support, Windrider.

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#89 _Haldir_



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Posted 03 July 2010 - 03:28 AM

There's a limit of 14 different types of tree you can have on any one map, though i'm pretty sure there's no limit to the amount of trees you can have. Personally i think 14 different types is a bit excessive. Try and aim for around 5-10 :p

And just for future reference, posting thumbnails of screens really helps people give feedback on your map, and decide whether they'd like to download it :D

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#90 Scryer


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 03:10 AM

Try and aim for around 5-10 :)

Yeah in my Umbar map I even had like 4 different trees but that was because it was a desert terrain.... I mostly over used the ferns :mellow: .
But I recommend the amount that Haldir recommends.

I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.

Edited by Scryer, 07 July 2010 - 03:11 AM.

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#91 Windrider

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 07:22 PM

I apologize, I meant to post the new release that night, but I had to get off. I'm now at my grandma's, who doesn't even own a computer, and I am posting this from the library. I will return home the 22nd and post the release soon after. Sorry for the delay.

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#92 Windrider

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Posted 26 January 2011 - 02:07 AM

Alright, here is the latest version of the Bree-land map! Am I on 1.4 now?...I lost count. Retextured and reforested, this map is better than ever! No more WB roads - all road patterns are now textures. Look for my reference to Laurelin and Telperion from the book Silmarillion in the top-right corner of the map. Enjoy!

Edited by Windrider, 26 January 2011 - 02:18 AM.

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#93 Scryer


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 02:28 AM

Alright, here is the latest version of the Bree-land map! Am I on 1.4 now?...I lost count. Retextured and reforested, this map is better than ever! No more WB roads - all road patterns are now textures. Look for my reference to Laurelin and Telperion from the book Silmarillion in the top-right corner of the map. Enjoy!

Oh man, I would have loved to test your map but I'm at a new location now without a computer that can handle BFME2 so it's going to have to wait. Sorry!
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#94 Devon


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Posted 19 March 2011 - 06:29 PM

Ah, scryer with the necropost :popcorn:

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#95 Buffo

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Posted 17 May 2011 - 12:08 PM

So I looked at the map in the Wb and I have to say that I don't like your textures.
You don't have to take that much different textures, but you should choose textures that match better and the ares you painted with one texture should be smaller. I'd recommend you to use _Haldir_'s "squiggling" method. With this method you can easily achieve good results, if you choose textures that match together.

Also you used too many trees. You can't use more ca. 1100 trees, otherwise it won't show all of them ingame.
The buildings are arranged to geometrical. No village looks like this, they should be more messy.

What I really like is the wall, it's also very geometrical, but there it fits in. A wall has to be like this ;)

and you asked how you can make a gate capturable.
1. Build an inn and put a captureFlag in front of it and give it a name (Let us call it "flag 1"), the gate needs also a name (let us call it gate 1)
2. Change the scale of the inn to 0.01 and hide it under the ground (Z: should be -5 or so)
3. Open the script editor and create this scripts:

*** IF ***
Unit 'flag 1' is owned by Player 'Player_1'
*** THEN ***
Open gate Unit 'gate 1'

*** IF ***
Unit 'flag 1' is owned by Player 'Player_2'
and so on.

you have to do this for every player.

Alltogheter it's a nice map that has a lot of potential, but the textures aren't really good.

I hope, I could help^^

PS: sorry for my bad English^^

Edited by Buffo, 17 May 2011 - 12:11 PM.


#96 Windrider

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Posted 11 July 2011 - 09:59 PM

I no longer own a copy of BFME II and am giving up on this map. I am sure it's not completed, but I do not wish to work on it any longer. Anyone who wants to can take over this map, but I give Scryer first dibs because of his continued advice on this map. Attached is my most recent and final revision. Thank you and goodbye.

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  • Attached File  Bree.rar   2.14MB   53 downloads

Edited by Windrider, 11 July 2011 - 10:03 PM.

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#97 Scryer


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Posted 11 October 2011 - 08:44 PM

Ah, scryer with the necropost :popcorn:

How about another necropost?

Windrider thanks a lot for giving me dibs on this map. I am really greatful for that. I can't promise anyone that I'll work on it because I have grown a part from BFME. My interest is slowly returning (infact it might even be a seasonal thing lol) so I might just give a crack at it (and provide proper credit of course) someday!

Edited by Scryer, 11 October 2011 - 08:45 PM.

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