NOTE: This is not currently an official project - this is my own work, not that of the S.E.E. team. When I am done I will probably make the maps available for download as an optional add-on for S.E.E.
Mordor Orc Lair
The first lair I made. I experimented with this one a while and ended up with an "orc camp" of sorts, with the orcs attacking anybody who comes near.
Haradrim/Easterling Lair:
Similar to the first one, only with different races. The Haradrim can either be put on Mordor or Creeps.
Isengard Lair
A combination of Uruk-hai, Dunlanders, and Warg-Riders.
Edited by Ar-Adûnakhôr, 24 July 2009 - 02:36 PM.