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ideas? suggest? feelings about Alternate Warfare?

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#21 ravage

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Posted 12 December 2011 - 03:18 PM

Well the snow i was just saying they were exactly the same except for the color, i do know there is no snow, i am meaning like on a desert map you guys have the desert BDU camo, then on any other ones its the woodland BDU, they would look exactly the same except for the base color would be the tan and green with black and brown splotches over it.

it can be done by make a new map, although i'm not sure if the offical maps can still keep their skirmishAI.

Edited by ravage, 12 December 2011 - 03:24 PM.

#22 ravage

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Posted 12 December 2011 - 03:21 PM

what types of infantry do you plan to use for special troops? like are u putting navy seals for the US and Spetsnaz for the USSR? or just Spec ops. also for for recon i would recommend perhaps rangers for the US. its their sort of field.

yes rangers will be the recon infantry. maybe Delta or Green Berets for SOP, hey maybe rambo lol

#23 Omega Word

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 11:47 PM

Kick A! i love rangers. Also i love the IFV it seems really well balanced to what its specifications say

#24 Guest_Mada_lin2002_*

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 07:53 PM

a part of this message is on moddb page/alternate warfare, but i forgot to add something:

HY GUYS! GOOD WORK UNTIL NOW! i have some sugestions for you:
you are on the path of succes with this mode, but...you can make something original here, not just a copy ... listen a little bit:
First, y've played y're mod and is good but you can make it better much better: all the war tehnology is like from 80's, to be perfect must be from these days, for that you can look at cod modern warfare1,2,3 and battlefield 3 games wich i,ve played. infantery: tier 1: canon meat,tier 2:rangers tier 3: specops, tier 4: navy seals,comandos(look at act of war game.
vehicoles: here are to much to describe but i give you a link, please check it out:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_currently_active_United_States_military_land_vehicles,,,aircraft the same.
Please don't take it wrong my advice. if you do at least half of the research in 2 that I guarantee that you guys wil ROCK !
by the way: i used 2 work on some games as an advisor for military equipment, i'm not a modder, but defenitly a player.
If you want to know more live me a message.I got tons of ideeas for you how can you make a masterpice of game-mod.
I see at least 4 factions for this game when is finished: 1 usa, 2 china; 3north korea and 4 rusia wich in my opinion are now in real life the most powerful+ uk they have the SAS teams wich are probably the best in the world right now.
I see a game in my vision of alternate warfare that EA C&C generals ore other games didn't have the resusrces, the ideas, the feel , the game engine at that time to do it right.
firs of all, why modern warfare 1 2 3 and batlefiel 2,3 ware succes??? besides, the comercial aspect they all had something that all the gamers want :A FEEL OF STRONG REALISM- now imagine you guys(you the team that is making this mod) imagine that you want all the good stuff from that games inside y're mod:) you think is hard,NO i say it can be done with a lot of reaserch. we dont want a story............maybe later, we want skirmish matches,lan games, internt games---milions of matches played and replayed all over the world .All that from y're mod.
Firs you need a schetch of the mod, then you neeed the guys who can mod, then you need reaserch : if one of these is missing the the mod is not good.The engine of C&C3, is very good, you have start here something awesome, but you need a little more inspiration to get this right.
I told you guys about what could contain the infantery in y're mode: guns(pistols-engenier,machine guns , assult rifles(ex us-m4 or something rusia-ak47....whith there specific sounds);rangers,marines,specops,sas,navy-seals,whatever...(c4,mines,supressed guns,stelth,hand to hand,capturing buildings or clearing them out ---YOU NAME IT...it all can be done by you EXEMPLE:lets teke us army rangers:ordanary 5 men squad allmoust canon meat:))with assault rifle/able to buil bunker>>>now leveling up to trugh ranks>>>level 1>>>body armor>>level 2 clearing buildings and ocupying them,>>>>>level 3 havy weapons whach thisteam of 5 men:2 of them gets bazooka,2 gets hevy weaponsaka:machine guns,one is commander and gets desert eagle>>2 shoots one kill with that...
then vehicoles: you can chose from a lot of variety of models but a few of the are a must have for the factions. EX USA: [b]without High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle olso known as HUMVEE, or the main batlle tank wich is:M1 ABRAMS and a lot of other very good vehicoles,
air: must-have : us:eh60blackhowk;chinook for transport,ah64-apache,or for rusia the proud hind check this to chose:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_United_States_military_aircraft
and upgrades and special powers: ac130-,parachutes-with special forces not ordinary squads see EA used drop pod with zone troopers;electronic bomb-emp that can temporarly shut down all base,nuke,chemical bomb- kill al living personel on base wich is not inside vehicol ore building,predator drone, you nae it- a lot to chose from...
If you guys read this trugh---you understand my vision. by the way , after my opinion, the game who was most close of what i tell you here was ACT OF WAR WITH THA ADONS.
Mada out ! IF you want 2 know more my messenger id is Mada_lin2002 or find me on moddb.

#25 Guest_Mada_lin2002_*

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 08:04 PM

I forgot to say that some of the examples are a must have in those factions: ARE representatives for those countrys like us-humvees or m1 abrams, ore the hind for rusia ,or ak47 for their troops. Very important not to mix them up! for example us can have humvees , china can have jeeps, rusia can have The Oshkosh M-ATV from the americans smugled in to rusia ore korea...ond so on....
I regret now, that when Iwas A little younger i diddn't want to learn how to modd games, to change them the way I like. Now is to late for that.
That's about it for now.

#26 shekdog

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Posted 15 December 2011 - 02:11 AM

Wow wow, slow down there. Like we mentioned many times in the banner summary and FAQ, AW is about obscure REAL LIFE arsenals, and is aiming to stick to this. Yes, all the units we've released so far are 70s-80s weapons, but higher tier units will be a bit more advanced, and we will add customisation where we can, like the thing with spec ops and commandos you suggested. Lastly, I'll let you in a little secret: as you tech up in future versions, you'll get units hitherto unseen and unexpected, like in the original C&C. :p

#27 Omega Word

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Posted 17 December 2011 - 11:45 PM

i forgot to ask in my last post, will the IFVs training system be the same, with u buying them with units inside to change their weapons, or will u make it so u can buy them with a the weapon functioning the same regardless of the soldiers inside? personally i hope for the second, as it would mean one could transport and then deploy the units without making the IFV useless, as their current basic weapon is quite weak.

#28 shekdog

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:49 AM

i forgot to ask in my last post, will the IFVs training system be the same, with u buying them with units inside to change their weapons, or will u make it so u can buy them with a the weapon functioning the same regardless of the soldiers inside? personally i hope for the second, as it would mean one could transport and then deploy the units without making the IFV useless, as their current basic weapon is quite weak.

It's like in vanilla CC3, transported infantry will use fireports to fire out at enemies. As for the IFV's weapon, I think it's already strong enough for an autocannon, given its mobility and health.

#29 Omega Word

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 01:51 AM

o well. then do u plan to make a dedicated transport, which might carry 2 or 3 squads.

#30 Omega Word

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 02:04 AM

because since its only worth anything with troops in it, it cant be used as a true transport, plus its low troop capacity

#31 Omega Word

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 02:04 AM

By IT i mean the IFV's

#32 shekdog

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 01:44 AM

We can't make it carry more than a single squad, because this module is bugged, so you won't be able to evacuate infantry when there's 2 or more crew space.

#33 Omega Word

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 03:24 AM

wow that sucks. kinda makes it hard to have a transport when u cant transport them in bulk.

#34 Guest_jibesiss_*

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 10:06 PM

Hello... I am french and I don't know a lot about informatic.But I can help to give idea or make research about new races or army to this mod. Why not add new faction like ONU or europe or other?

#35 Guest_Ra30R3_*

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Posted 20 June 2012 - 06:34 PM

Just add USSR, and you get WW3 RTS.
PS. Thx for mod!
pss. and hello from russia :D

#36 DIGI_Byte



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Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:25 AM

Hey guys, I have an odd request.
I don't have CnC3 or know what tools you use to import/edit models
but I was wondering if someone can hook me up with some soldier meshes to modify and use in my game.

what I need is a reasonable quality RTS mesh of a soldier that i can modify and edit, I've been over turbo squid for a low poly soldier but nothing and BFME isn't in the right tech era.
and maybe a GDI tank to get a reference but nothing to flash as I'd like to use it as more of a scale.



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