I added the following to my map.ini and keep getting crashes stating "Unknown field "X" in block 'object'".
The X = whatever variable is the first in line in the module.
Object GoodSpellBook AddModule = PlayerHealSpecialPower ModuleTag_Heal SpecialPowerTemplate = SpellBookHeal HealAffects = INFANTRY CAVALRY SHIP DOZER;; MONSTER MACHINE HealAmount = 1 HealRadius = SPELL_HEAL_RADIUS_UNIT_SCAN HealFX = FX_SpellHealUnitHealBuff;FX_DefaultUnitHealBuff ; To replenish hordes a bit HealOCL = OCL_HealSpellHordeReplenishPing AvailableAtStart = No RequirementsFilterMPSkirmish = SPELL_BOOK_REQUIREMENTS_FILTER RequirementsFilterStrategic = SPELL_BOOK_REQUIREMENTS_FILTER_STRATEGIC End End
If I use ReplaceModule, its says it can not find module "PlayerHealSpecialPower"
Edited by Ap0C552, 12 December 2009 - 02:41 AM.